Chapter 140 - 140 Technical Explosion

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 140: Chapter 140 Technical Explosion

"I can't feel it..."

After knowing the existence of 'Si' from the eternal, Huo Gu began to search through the life field in the alien colony.

However, Huo Gu did not find the collector in the colony's life field channel. The only explanation is that there are only two. At this time, the 'Si' has been imprisoned in some very well-insulating building, and has even reached the level of non-interacting with the outside world, or the individual has died and died. Naturally, individuals will no longer have a life field.

The first one is not good. As long as he is still alive, Huo Gu can make it come back to life. The second one is undoubtedly worth looking for.

The key is that Huo Gu doesn't want to expose too much information on his side to aliens. Nothing is invincible, but he doesn't know his weaknesses, so the saying is circulating on the earth that the person who knows you best will always be your enemy.

Huo Gu is hesitating. The excessive move is likely to be noticed by the aliens. If he notices too much information, it is hard to say whether he can bring a 'surprise' to the arriving alien fleet as expected.

The rhizome on the surface adjusts the perspective and looks up at the dark universe covered by the blue sky. Even with the interference of sunlight, after adjusting the visual distance, Huo Gu can barely see the high-speed objects that keep hovering in the orbit of the planet, that is, those autonomous ships that have destroyed the magnetic rail guns.

At this time, the 'sky eye' arranged in orbit has also stepped into the footsteps of the magnetic orbital gun and was destroyed by the autonomous ship. With atmospheric interference, Huo Gu can no longer observe the approaching alien fleet in the universe.

Fortunately, Hogu's observation information about the alien fleet is very sufficient, from which it infers the estimated arrival time of the alien fleet. Of course, there is also the possibility of arriving early.

However, Huo Gu is not very inclined to this possibility, because if you want to speed up, you should have accelerated it long ago when it uses sub-light speed strikes, instead of speeding up after waiting for all its layouts in space to be destroyed. This is like dismantling bunkers on the battlefield. Generally speaking, it is to launch a charge to destroy the firepower of the bunker as soon as possible. How can there be no such as a bunker? After everything has been torn down, the reason is to charge.

After thinking about the plan in his heart again, Huo Gu ordered a group of collectors such as sustainability.

"Just like those physical laws, define the established facts and describe the development speed system of a civilized science and technology."

"First, the speed of technology development depends on the wisdom and development stage of the civilized race itself."

"Second, civilizations in two or more stages of development, or due to its intellectual breakthroughs or pressure from the outside world, the development speed will take an explosive form in a short period of time, and catch up with or surpass the civilization higher than its own technology in a short time. can also leave the civilization of the same level of technology far behind.

"This is the 'technology explosion'."

"When the war time is elongated, the enemies we fight against will be different, and every time it will become more and more difficult. If our technology has been stagnant or much slower than them, the final outcome will be our demise."

When Huo Gu finished telling the story, he was stunned for a long time before he realized it, but it was not stupid. It quickly understood the real intention of Huo Gu's request to continue their learning during this period.

[You let them learn forever in order to create conditions for the 'technological explosion'?]

"Yes, if we don't even have a knowledge reserve, let alone talk about technology explosions. Physics and mathematics are what we lack. Once we master them, it's only a matter of time before our technology explosion comes. Only a technology explosion can fight against technology explosion."

At the end of the conversation between Huo Gu and Mi, in the whole vast ocean, wisps of rhythmic sub-sound waves were spread to the colonial headquarters that monitored the outside world, which sounded like a roar of a giant.

This is Huo Gu's intention to follow the ideas of those aliens and create a more terrible 'Hongchao' than before. While distorting their ideas, it creates enough chaos so that Huo Gu can enter the colony to find the 'thinking' to sneak in.

The script has been arranged - the colony exhausted all resistance to the largest flood tide in history. In the end, although it suffered heavy losses, it still stubbornly resisted.

What if those aliens don't resist?

It's okay. At that time, Huo Gu will deliberately let 'Hong Chao' ignore the existence of the shelter and only destroy the colonies and the aliens who still exist in the colony.