Chapter 510 - 511 Luo Ren Civilization

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 510: Chapter 511 Luo Ren Civilization

It is difficult for aliens to learn the language of the collectors, because it is not easy to learn a language, and the collectors do not have the technology to help the aliens speed up their learning.

However, the reverse is much simpler. Collectors have supercomputing to decipher the language. The larger the amount of text, the lower the difficulty of deciphering. With a living text like aliens, it is almost impossible to decipher.

The two sides will soon be able to communicate normally.

"What's your name? What is the race? Where does it come from?"

After being able to communicate smoothly, the collectors gave priority to these three questions, and the aliens were also cooperative and answered the collectors' questions truthfully without hesitation.

"Connor, who belongs to the race 'Luo people', comes from the six planets of the Radiant System."

"How long have you been on that planet?"

"Eleven fee rings."

The alien who claimed to be Connor still answered the collector's questions very cooperatively, without any sense of avoidance.

"Why did you go to the black hole companion?"

"I was assigned a colonial mission by the government to colonize that planet."

After the question was answered, the collectors continued to ask.

"How did you survive such a harsh surface environment? We want to know the details.

After being questioned by the collector, Connor fell into his memories on the black hole companion star and slowly described his survival process.

"When my spacecraft just landed on the companion star, it was unlucky and soon suffered the destruction of the roar of the planet Shanghai. Fortunately, although the government bastards had no conscience, they at least did enough to make a good look. The spacecraft was strong enough to withstand the first wave of tsunami."

"But this is also the limit. The spacecraft absolutely can't resist the second wave. After quickly analyzing the situation, I used the construction machinery in the spacecraft to dig the ground. Before the next tsunami comes, let the spacecraft lower than the ground, and then cover it with a simple smelting metal plate to cover the top to survive the subsequent tsunami. Later, I continued to deepen the excavation of the strata and established a simple underground survival station.

It is not difficult to avoid the Mach tsunami. Collectors who land on the planet also do it in a similar way. As long as they are below the ground, the power of the Mach tsunami will be much weakened.

However, this method also leads to another question, which the collectors asked.

"High above the ground will be eroded by the tsunami. Why do you build large metal buildings higher than the ground?"

Connor was slightly stunned and answered the questions of the collectors. "That's the radar antenna. I need to send a distress signal to my civilization and let them save me."

The antenna cannot be below the ground, which will affect the transmission and reception of the signal. The distance is far away. After such a round of signal weakening, it is even more impossible to send the distress signal to the home star, so Connor must make the antenna higher than the ground, but there is a Mach tsunami on the ground, and the tsunami will inevitably be destroyed. Antenna.

So what should I do?

Connor came up with a good way to enlarge the antenna and build a large and sturdy metal structure. Among various geometric designs, he chose the geometric model of the four-edged platform as the template of the antenna.

The answer that the four-edged platform is the antenna surprised the collectors. This is what they did not expect. The main reason is the error of empiricism. Their subjective subconsciously determined that the antenna is a very thin and long metal body, so they did not connect the four-edged platform with the antenna from the beginning.

"Since you have developed under the planet, why not increase the population? That should be able to build a colony."