Chapter 566 - 567 200,000 Handheld (Middle)

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 566: Chapter 567 200,000 Handheld (Middle)

The military spirit determines the performance of the fleet. If a whole fleet has no confidence in victory and believes that it is defeated after seeing the enemy, how can they win even if the number is large?

The impact of the Amoeba crisis on Carter civilization is too serious, both body and heart. The Carter people in space are better. The Carter people on the surface of Soli think that Amoeba is an invincible god from the bottom of their hearts.

If the facts are inferred by the staff, there is no doubt that it will be a victory. Relying on this initial victory will inspire the army and has great strategic value.

After some exchanges, the staff officers shook their heads. Although they did not think that the fleet needed to deal with the Amoeba's leading fleet needed to use the whole ship, which consumed a lot of military resources, considering that Carter civilization needed an inevitable victory, in order to be foolproof and cautious, they also agreed with the commander-in-chief's This decision.

"No, this first victory is too important. Even if it is only a battle with the leading fleet, we can have a certain understanding of the technical level and strength of the Amoeba fleet. On the side, we can even deduce the specific level of technology that the Amoeba has reached, which is too important for the final victory of our civilization. "

"Then it's decided."

The commander-in-chief nodded and issued the order. The warships throughout the entire star system turned their course one after another. The routes were all pointing directly to the position where the 12th Orbit 8 Space City was lost. The streams converged into rivers and seas. Some ships slowed down, some ships advanced at full speed, and formed the 200,000 in the process of going to the destination. A huge fleet of vastly went to the scene of the incident.

Due to the assembly fleet, there is still the time required to accelerate. Although the maximum speed of the Carter warship can reach one-tenth of the speed of light, the thrust of ion propulsion is small, which takes a considerable acceleration time and distance to reach the high speed of one-tenth of the speed of light. For these reasons, the Carter fleet consumes almost fast. Two months is enough to get close to the site of the accident of Space City 8, the twelfth orbit of the star system.

The main planet in orbit is a gaseous giant star, which is called a card window by the Carter people, which means 'window to the outside world'. It has a satellite called Carmen, which means 'the gateway to the outside world'. A long time ago, the Carter people fantasized about the universe outside the mother star system, and they can get rich from the window. Whenever the observation platform sees the card window, it always unconsciously thinks of the future of traveling in the Xinghai, so it is called the card window.


The subordinates then passed on the commander-in-chief's order to each warship.

Under reasonable deployment, 200,000 warships were divided into two huge fleets of 100,000 ships, one left and one right, and reconverged into the original fleet at the other end of the gas giant star.

However, even if this is done, the result is still...

"No suspicious targets were found."

The subordinate truthfully reported the situation to the commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief was in a lot of doubts at this moment. If the Amoeba fleet did not arrive, where did Space City go? If the Amoeba fleet has arrived, where did they go more? It is possible to hide in the dense atmosphere of the card window.

The commander-in-chief immediately dispelled his unreliable idea. The harsh environment in the window is not comparable to a stable environment as a vacuum. The terrible wind speed, air pressure, high-speed particles... These are extremely deadly, not to mention overcoming the gravity of the planet. What about a space warship with such a heavy mass? Is it so that it can float in the atmospheric environment of the window? If it sinks into the liquid hydrogen ocean below, it will be even worse. The high-pressure environment there is enough to abruptly squeeze out the electrons in the hydrogen atom. No material in the Carterian civilization can withstand this strong pressure.

Fortunately, the problem is not just that the commander-in-chief is thinking about it, but also a staff team.

"Maybe Amoeba shielded our radar." A staff officer put forward this idea, and the reason why he put forward this statement is that most Carter people did not notice at first. "Have you noticed that Carmen, the companion star of the window, has disappeared."

The disappearance of the companion Carmen was something that no one noticed at the beginning. The Carters, including the commander-in-chief, were attracted by the destruction of Space City VIII and the search for the Amoeba fleet, which was slowly noticed after a period of time.

"It seems that the enemy is playing hide-and-seek with us."

The commander-in-chief looked at the radar information and gave an order to approach the search. Relying on the 200,000 Pang warships, he had nothing to be afraid of.