Chapter 568 - 569 Desperate Misfiasco

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 568: Chapter 569 Desperate Misfiasco

At the same moment when communication with the Grand Fleet was disconnected, Dopps sat down on the ground, and his shock and panic appeared on his face for a long time.

Dopps's frightened roar scared everyone present. With the disconnection from the Grand Fleet, everyone knew that something big had happened, but they did not know what happened and what happened to the Carter Civilian Civilian Fleet on the twelfth track.

Someone asked, "Mr. Dopps, what happened?"

"It's all destroyed... Our fleet is completely destroyed..."

Dopps spoke with incomparable difficulty. He looked at the young man who asked him, and tears fell from his old cheeks.

In the whole room, because Dopps' words fell into a dead silence, a string in everyone's brain seemed to be broken, and the collective brain fell into a state of downtime - the total destruction of the fleet also meant the failure of the war, and it would eventually be the result of the Carter people being slaughtered by alien invaders. Everyone knows this matter or not. None of Carter people who know this can escape!

"This, this is impossible, that's 200,000 main battleships!"

"Even if the enemy has a terrible weapon, it won't be such a result! That's 200,000!"

Some people can't accept the reality, and they choose to question Dopps.

It is understandable that they will think so. After all, in the universe, large-scale lethal weapons such as nuclear weapons on the surface will be reduced to individual weapons, with limited killing, and the huge span between warships and warships also makes the power of range lethal weapons degrade.

The large-scale distance in the universe is a natural power weakening layer. How can 200,000 warships be completely destroyed in the blink of an eye?

Dopps is talking nonsense!

Dopps shed tears with sadness while explaining what he knew.

The collectors looked around like children on a spring outing. They entered a forest and built up of the bodies of space warships. Occasionally, warships collide and become fragmented. However, this is a minority, and more of them are still well preserved, that is, the death of the whole crew of the ship, but the physical speed is still there, and many sterns The disappeared warship still drifted away from the window.

Seeing the tragic situation of these warships, the collectors remembered the impact they had suffered more than ten days ago, and a gamma ray beyond imagination came from the direction of the destination star.

"It's so powerful that it's so far away that it has proton crystal defense and faces the most defensive head. As a result, one-third of my cells are still dead."

The collector was completely shocked by the gamma ray. Although it was a momentary thing, it was so murderous that it could not be described in words. At that moment, the light of the star was covered up, and next to a gas giant star, it seemed to have appeared another small star.

The proton crystal can't stop it at all. This material can't resist 100% gamma rays, but only most of it. is only a very small part, and the power also causes internal injuries to the collectors.

"It's okay. The necrotic cells are just regenerated. Anyway, the mass of that star is not big."

The leader of the cluster as the originator is still not conscious. If it were a human, it is estimated that he would be beaten by a group, but the collectors are different. Such a mess will be over. After all, the result is good. The singularity of a small black hole broke out the whole battlefield.

"According to the plan that has been decided, everyone will act separately and go to the stars to completely destroy the space industry capacity of this alien civilization, and then dismantle the planet."

The cluster leader gave orders and asked individuals.

"What kind of giant structure should we build first?"

"Anti-material, we lack such strategic resources now." The cluster leader replied.

After the cluster leader assigns all the tasks, there is an individual reminder.

"Don't forget to contact that alien civilization, which is the main purpose of our trip. I hope that civilization will not be extinct in your chaotic battle plan, otherwise we will have a trip."

"No, the back of the planet has the ability to resist the singularity explosion of small stars, killing half of the population at most. We should believe in their ability to survive." The leader of the cluster said.

The creation of small black holes is calculated by cluster leaders. Although the Carter's total military destruction is not unexpected, the effective killing range is still within the calculation of cluster leaders. For example, it is clear that the remaining places will not be affected by the singularity outbreak.

That's why the cluster leaders are so relieved to use black hole bombs to shrink a satellite into a small black hole - I've released water like this, and there's no reason why I'll be extinct, right?