Chapter 601 - 602 Strange enemy wreckage

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 601: Chapter 602 Strange enemy wreckage

The Leap creatures stretched out many tentacles from their sides to salvage the enemy's remains. They were not in a hurry to confirm the situation of the seeds of the empire, because they already knew that the seeds of the empire had taken root and sprouted in this star system.

What they need to confirm now is what the teleportation ability shown by the enemies fighting with them can be regarded as a superluminal means, which is of great significance to the ethnic group.

More importantly, the other party shows such a strong hostility to them. If they fight with the ethnic group, the ethnic group is likely to be at a disadvantage, because the speed of light is limited. For civilizations below the speed of light, civilizations below the speed of light are like iron men compared with clay people.

Collectors really feel the threat, so they must find out the principle and mechanism of teleportation and use it for the community.

"Look, these space combat units have pilots in them. They are manually operated."

Opening these strange combat units, the internal structure is not easy to see. The strength of these combat units is not high. The metal materials are made of ordinary carbon steel, which is not as strong as titanium alloy.

The alien in the cockpit is 3.5 meters tall, hairless, covered with scales, red and orange skin, regular horns on both sides of the head, dark gray pupils, and closed left and right rather than up and down.

There are four tentacle-like arms, but unlike octopus, these tentacles are supported by bones inside, with a structure more similar to the tail, and a pair of legs that people can bend forward.

Seeing that it was not the Selin in the cockpit, some collectors were relieved.

"I'm not from Selin. I feel a little relieved. Diplomacy can save a lot of trouble."

Strangely, the collectors can't understand the brain circuits of the designers of these combat bodies, because the appearance of these combat bodies is similar to that of the driver, and they also have four tentacle arms and a pair of legs.

But do you need these things in space operations? As far as the collectors are concerned, they feel a lot.

The collectors who couldn't figure it out were not too entangled on this issue. After pulling out the body of the irrelevant driver, they began to dismantle the wreckage of the combat body.

This disassembly makes them even more confused.

"These combat units are quite strange. There are not many mechanical structures inside, and there are a lot of organic fillers. The mechanical shell outside feels more like armor used to strengthen defense."

Like dolls, but the cloth has been replaced with carbon steel shells, and the cotton inside has become organic fillers, which has subverted the perception of the collectors. According to their initial idea, these combat bodies should be all kinds of complex mechanical pistons, main control computers, cables, etc.

"How did they operate? There is not even an operating table."

"Maybe it's the same as us? I heard that the Empire is developing a neural bridge technology, which feels very similar to this.

Some collectors raised questions after hearing new nouns.

"What is neural bridge technology?"

"It's something similar to a neural network. The driver's nerves are connected to the machine, and the machine becomes part of the driver's body and can be operated at will. The empire intends to apply this technology to warships, and a person can operate a warship, which is more flexible than the original operation mode."

"...Actually, it's just imitating us, right?"

"In terms of time, the empire should have been developed. After all, hundreds of years have passed, and they are so smart that there is no reason not to develop it."

After simply popularizing some new knowledge, the topic returns to what they are currently concerned about.

"Strangers, who are you?"

"We are Amoeba, entrusted by the empire to find the seeds of the empire." The leader of the cluster gave an answer.

At this time, on Ansera, the queen in an underground facility was slightly stunned.

Accept the commission of the empire? But Amoeba is the enemy of the empire? If the empire wants to find seeds, won't it send its own fleet to look for it?

There is a problem! It's a big problem! The other party can't be trusted!

Subsequently, the queen began to combine her own cognition and the answers given by the leaders of the cluster to depict a fact that she thought was that Amoeba destroyed the empire and learned from unknown sources about the seeds of the empire. In order to ensure that they were foolproof, they must kill the empire.

Thinking of this, the queen's heart is inevitably heavy. The interstellar voyage alone has shown how powerful the Amoeba is today, not to mention that this new empire is only hundreds of years old, far from reaching the level of the peak of the empire, not even a mother ship class.

This is a big crisis! A very serious crisis! Those monsters will kill all the Selin people! - The queen's face is gloomy, and she can already imagine the bloody picture of Amoeba slaughtering the Selin people after landing on the planet.

"Who the hell are you? Enemy? Or a friend?" The queen asked.

"We are collectors from Amoeba, We accept the commission of the empire to find the seeds of the empire."

The cluster leader who thought that the other party's signal reception ability was poor repeated the answer and strengthened the signal.

But in the opinion of the queen, this answer is not a good message.

"Please be honest and don't try to deceive us with the lies that can't deceive people in your civilization." The queen replied solemnly.

Cluster leader:???

"Do you have any misunderstanding of the information we gave back?"

The leader of the cluster asked, it was completely confused. He carefully recalled his reply just now and felt that he had not said anything wrong. Why did the other party answer like this?

"The empire has been defeated, hasn't it?"

The queen is making the last confirmation.

The leader of the cluster thought about it, and the empire chose to surrender. Although there was no real fight on both sides in the end, it should be a kind of defeat, so they admitted this fact.

The collectors did not intend to lie. After all, the lies they told were very lame. The Serin people must be able to hear such a smart thing. If there is any misunderstanding, it is just meaninglessly increasing the diplomatic workload.

"It can be said that we accept the commission of the empire..."

"Don't say any more, Amoeba."

The queen interrupted the reply of the leader of the cluster.

"Let's end this riddle. See you on the battlefield."

Immediately, the Selin unilaterally hung up the transplanet communication, leaving the cluster leader in the communication channel confused.

"So what on earth did you misunderstand?"