Chapter 636 - 637 8 Classes (1)

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 636: Chapter 637 8 Classes (1)

A lizard-like head was taken to the interrogation room specially prepared by the collectors. The strong light directly shone on him and could not open his eyes, only to see two creatures opposite him.

This is the process of interrogation. The lizard man who has experienced it before is much calmer than the last time, at least this time he has suppressed his inner panic.

"I remember... you are the president of the Norton Commercial Ship... Name... Name... Norman..."

"That's right?"

The collector tried to recall that there were too many things to deal with, especially in this wartime, engineering construction, operational details, new race information, etc. The huge information flooded the results of the last interrogation, and it took more effort for the collectors to recall it.

Hearing this, Norman was stunned at first, but he quickly realized that as a smooth merchant's good character, he then echoed with a smile.

"Yes, yes, so you still remember me. You have a good memory, hehe."

Talking to people, talking to hell is Norman's way to survive as a trader for so many years. As long as he can talk to the other party, he has a way to quickly get closer to the goodwill of the other party. He can talk to the enemy as a business partner, and he can persuade the villain to become an escort.

Norman is a firm egoist and a person who firmly believes that all people are egoists. With this cognitive style, he travels from north and south without disadvantage.

However, he kicked the iron plate this time, because the collectors didn't eat him.

"You businessmen have been to many places and seen a lot of things, right?" The collectors asked. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Yes, the Norton commercial ship under my command has carried out military trade in the war zone, and has also carried out huge ultra-long-distance trade, and..."

Because of the fear of death, Norman's brain became flexible. As soon as the collector asked, the question was simply answered in his mind.

"Supreme? What is that? Are you hiding it from us? The collector questioned.

Norman immediately panicked. This was a matter of life and death. He hurriedly expressed the meaning of 'no' with various physical movements and kept shouting in panic.

"No! Absolutely not! I always know everything! Absolutely don't want to tell any lies! You didn't ask, I thought you knew this!"

"Then you can explain to me what the supreme is now."

The tips in the interrogation were unconsciously used by the collectors, and combined with the collector's emotionless reading, Norman, who was used to observing words and colors, felt at a loss. This discomfort aroused his deep sense of insecurity, and the fear of death would prompt him to say anything he knew. .

"Supreme...that's a class title..." Norman said a little, but his inner uneasiness made his fear widen, and he didn't need the collector to ask. Norman then took the initiative to give them a suggestion to the collectors, "Look, how about I start from the beginning and explain it to you in detail?"

"Oi, we just want to know the details."

Naturally, the collectors have no reason to refuse, and they also see that this is the effect of the interrogation method.

Norman organized the language and told the collector as he recalled it.

"You also know that there are millions of countries and forces in the world, and these countries and forces are strong and weak. Since there are differences, should distinguish them. At first, we star merchants are spontaneous in order to reduce trade risks. As time goes by, due to the promotion of trade, such a standard for measuring the strength and power of various countries is gradually accepted by all countries and forces in the world.

"There are a total of eight levels in the door world. The original class is the primitive indigenous people. Most of these are uncivilized barbaric species that are unable to climb out of their home planet."

When traders come into contact with these planets, commercial behavior will generally take extremely high risks. Even if that civilization has entered the industrial era, that does not mean how high the civilization will be. The most common situation is to grab the spacecraft, catch aliens and go to the dissection stage, which is in the eyes of merchants. It is barbaric and unopened.

Usually, the attitude of interstellar traders looking for primitive indigenous people is very positive, but they generally do not like to trade with primitive indigenous people. Instead of risking their lives to trade with those barbaric poor people who have no oil and water, why not sell the coordinates of primitive indigenous information to the Star pirates? Star pirates will pay a lot of intelligence fees.