Chapter 657 - 658 Combat Units of the Coordination Committee

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 657: Chapter 658 Combat Units of the Coordination Committee

When fighting with 50,000 leap creatures...

"Captain, those troublesome things are going to run away!"

Information exchange between the combat bodies of the coordination committee. In the stalemate, the combat units of the coordination committee delivered battlefield information to their leaders.

"They can't escape. You organize a group, jump to the other side of the door first, rob these fleeing enemies, and kill all of them!"


The leader gave instructions after receiving the information. Their task is to kill all these enemies. If the enemy escapes, it means that the mission has failed. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

The strategic idea of the coordination meeting, by revealing absolute force and carrying out a comprehensive attack from the physical to spiritual level, forcing this race called Amoeba to submit and become a species that can be enslaved by them.

The purpose of killing the enemy is to show a message to Amoeba with practical actions - it is as easy as cutting vegetables and dogs to kill you. If you are unwilling to submit, the time you struggle is just a countdown to extermination.

He thought that he had taken others to another star system to concentrate on the battle, but unexpectedly, he received information from his subordinates.


"Why are you still here? Didn't I ask you to take a batch to the other side of the door to rob? Hurry up!"

The fighter plane is fleeting. At this time, some hesitation is bound to release some survivors, which is inconsistent with their mission. The leader is furious because his subordinates do not carry out orders.

"Captain, we can't jump to the other side of the door." Report from subordinates.

"Can't jump? How dare you find such an excuse to tell me that it's a lie? Do you believe that I will directly correct you?"

After the leader learned about it, his first reaction was not to believe it. What's the joke? Can't the spiritual world jump be used? This is simply unheard of. No such thing has happened since the existence of the coordination meeting, so it is no wonder that the leader will have such a reaction.

The reporter who was threatened by his boss was very helpless, because what he said was the truth, and he also wanted to know why. In other cases, it was probably like being kidnapped by aliens when he went to work and was reprimanded by his boss.

Do you believe that aliens hijacked anyone? Only when you believe it can you be a ghost!

"It's useless for you to correct me many times. It's true." The subordinate insisted on his answer helplessly, "We have tried many times and can't do it. I don't know why. It's okay to jump to other worlds, but we can't jump to the other side of the door."

"Waste! This can't be done well... huh? What happened? Why can't you jump?!"

"Captain, what should we do next?"

"There are still so many enemies surviving. Our encirclement can be said to be a failure, so we can't afford to talk to the Presbyterian Council."

The subordinates were quite unwilling to watch the last jumping creature enter the wormhole in the center of the door and asked the leader for new orders.

"We went to the other side of the door and continued to hunt them down."

The leader answered as a matter of course, which made other combat units unreact.

"But we can't jump to the other side of the door now. How can we chase it?"

Hearing such inquiries from subordinates, the leader suddenly became unhappy.

"What's the hurry? Isn't there a door? They can pass through the door, and we can also pass through the door. On the other side of the door, can they run through us if they can't use the spiritual realm?

After a brief discussion, thousands of coordinating combat units began to pass through the door.

Passing through the door is not a momentary thing, but from the perspective of coordinating combat units, it is no different from the spiritual realm jump. They are all transplanetary acts completed in an instant.

After the door, the operational units of the coordination committee immediately locked the leap forward biological cluster sailing in the star system.

"Captain, they haven't run far yet!"

"Cue up! Don't let them pass through the door and continue to waste our time!"

The combat units of the coordination committee completed the spiritual domain jump in the blink of an eye, reaching a distance not far from the leaping biological cluster. At this distance, they can easily kill the leaping creatures with a lightsaber, and can maximize their defense against the attack of sublight-speed shells. At the same time, there is also the blessing of distance and the hit of near-light speed live ammunition. The rate will drop a lot.

This set of tactics was explored by the coordination meeting to frequently fight with the collectors.

The Leap Forward biological cluster and the combat units of the Coordination Committee fought again. The lightsaber cut through the void and killed a Leap Forward creature at every time.

Seeing that there was no sign of escape from the Leap Forward Biological Cluster again, although the combat units of the coordination committee were puzzled, they were also happy to see its success and did not raise any suspicion.

Just as they thought their mission was about to be completed, an accident happened.

The bursting light sword was shortened and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was not shortened out of their own will!

Then they found that the spiritual realm jump was useless!

"What's going on?! This is impossible!"

"The spiritual realm can't be used!"