Chapter 659 - 660 Interrogation Information

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 659: Chapter 660 Interrogation Information

It is a rare decision for collectors to decide to completely defeat the coordination committee or even destroy it, because waste is worth using even if it is no longer useful, and these places that can be used and produce value are worth leaving by the community, such as those found during the transstellar colonization with complex ecosystems but without civilization. The planet has not been dismantled for this reason.

Therefore, in general, collectors will not make such a choice.

However, regarding the coordination meeting, the collectors collectively passed the proposal to destroy it, because of the contempt for Amoeba shown by the supreme class in the world.

The supreme contempt attitude shows that the combat effectiveness shown by the collectors in the battle against the Holy Wormite, Inarihuang and the Coordination Council is not enough to face up, so they need a fact that shows their strength to make the countries and forces in the world understand the power of Amoeba.

To put it simply, it is to kill the chicken to show the monkey, and the coordination meeting is the 'chicken' used for sacrifice, which is killed by many countries and forces in the world.

"How are you going to break through the blockade of the coordination committee?" First question.

The general strategic direction is initially controlled, and the strategic details are determined by the group. After all, individual thinking is limited, and group thinking can find problems in all aspects.

"They are blocked so much that they have no choice but to break through violently." Individual answers reported.

The Coordination Committee stationed a large number of coordination unit in the star system on the other side of the star gate in all bordering territories, and the collectors concluded that there was no secret breakthrough after a series of deductions.

There is only one way in front of the collectors, that is, to forcibly tear a cut in the front line of the coordination meeting by force to break through the face.

"So you can only spell the quantity?"

It was initially foreseen that this will be a bitter battle, a war of attrition, and the collectors will fight with a large number of combat units of the Coordination Committee without the cover of ripples.

"Almost." The individual way of reporting.

"Then build more gravitational rings and extract stellar materials to increase the number of individuals." The first instructions are given.

Since there is only the option of war of attrition, it is time to fight the war of attrition. Collectors are never afraid of sacrifice, but only care about whether their sacrifice is valuable to the ethnic group.

After thinking about it, I first asked about another thing that it was more concerned about.

"Have the prisoners of the coordination committee been interrogated?"

The collectors have also interrogated this aspect and reported it individually.

"There are some, but they are of little use, such as the internal composition of the coordination meeting."

"It's very simple. In just two parts, ordinary personnel and the Presbyterian Association, ordinary personnel become elders after growing up to a certain extent. The Presbyterian Association, as a ruling class, has full authority to direct ordinary personnel to act."

"At present, the operational units of the coordination committee fighting with us are general personnel in the coordination committee."

After listening to the reported information, I was not satisfied at first, because the information was too sparse and not detailed enough.

"What is the most valuable information of all the interrogation?" First question.

"It's about the coordination meeting and spiritual respect."

He was stunned for a moment, and then felt sincerely surprised, "Lingzun? This is really valuable. Tell me about it.

"Unlike those of the engineers of the Holy Wormite Kingdom, these prisoners of the coordination committee know the existence of Lingzun. The details of the prisoners have not been given, but according to the information obtained so far, it can be roughly judged that the coordination committee did sign a contract with a certain spiritual master."

When it comes to the spiritual realm, it is impossible to bypass the spiritual realm. It is very strange that the countries and forces in the world use the spiritual realm on such a large scale without knowing the spiritual realm.

Now that the coordination will know the existence of spiritual respect, it means that the collectors have found a vein that can clear the cause and effect.

"Those prisoners still have useful information. Don't let them die. Hmm... What do they eat?"

At the beginning of the instructions, it suddenly occurred to me that the physiological structure of the combat unit of the coordination committee was very strange, and it could even be said that it did not belong to the category of biology. So what do these 'things' eat?

Report to the individual to make an explanation.

"They are similar to those engineers in the Holy Worm. The bodies of those mother ship are actually equivalent to the mecha of the Holy Wormwe state fleet, but their performance has exceeded that of warships. Cross-star displacement can be completed by jumping in the spiritual realm alone, and the warships responsible for towing mecha have been eliminated."

"The engineers in the sphere have been forcibly pulled out and imprisoned by us. According to the analysis of their bodies, they have formulated food that meets their physical needs."

Although the ripples can block the use of the spiritual realm, it was ordered for the sake of safety.

"Don't imprison them on the same planet, no, the same star system can't be scattered."

"Okay, I'll do it now."