Chapter 803 - 804 Construction of Superluminal Giant Structure

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 803: Chapter 804 Construction of Superluminal Giant Structure

The dazzling light is released, and a large structure separated from the speed of light and appears in a star system, which is a collector cluster that shares the same gravitational ring.

The collectors who entered the star system immediately diffused radar waves and scanned the internal environment of the destination star system.

Circles of radar waves diffuse at the speed of light, scanning the environment of the star system in a few hours, and feedback the information of the celestial bodies back to the collector cluster.

"Four-body star system, with eight planets and two gaseous planets..."

"The abundance of material is much higher than expected. It seems that this star system is likely to be formed by the merger of two double stars, or a single star and three stars."

"The latter is more likely. The stars of the double star system are too massive to form too many planets."

"Priority search for satellites, this kind of low-gravity star, is less difficult to exploit and access resources quickly. We don't have so much time to waste."

"The target has been selected, and it is about four light minutes away from our current distance."

"Let's go!"

The leader of the cluster issued instructions, and the whole cluster traveled towards the destination four light meters away from them at the speed of light.

Unlike sublight navigation, this speed of light navigation using space-time distortion does not cause a ruler effect. How much time has passed normally, and how much time has the collectors also passed? Through the formula of time (t) X speed (V) = distance (s), they plan the distance they want to sail in advance.

Four minutes later, the collectors arrived near the orbit of a gas giant satellite.

The meat expands and builds into a large space biological platform. A straw falls from the gaseous giant below the platform and pumps the internal gas of the gas giant star by supplying energy to the biological pump through the internal fusion reactor.

The pumped gas will be purified through cell sorting and then transported to the pressure giant structure in different categories.

The pressure giant structure of hydrogen will transfer hydrogen to a pipeline formed by its front gravitational ring, and compress hydrogen into liquid metal hydrogen with the help of the strong gravity of the gravitational ring.

Similarly, if it is helium, it will be sent to the gravitational ring to compress into solid helium.

It took about a week for production to get on track. The gaseous collection giant structure that can extract gas from gas giant stars is also equipped with a gravitational ring. has the ability to superlight speed.

The cluster began to build a new giant structure.

There are many materials produced, and the production capacity of the giant structure has always been very efficient, but carrying these materials is a problem, so the collectors have built a huge structure for storing material resources.

The construction of this biological giant is not as troublesome as the pressure giant and gaseous collection giant. Its internal structure is not complex and only needs to be equipped with a set of superluminal organs.

The most significant feature of the storage giant structure compared with other giant structures is that its keel is long and a single gravitational ring.

The diameter of the gravitational ring is very large, and the keel extends backwards. It is a circle of skeleton used to support a huge volume. Attached to the biological metal skeleton is the negative material pipeline. Through these pipes, the negative material extracted from the gravitational ring energy layer is transferred to the rear to distort space-time and move at super-light speed.

The storage giant is equipped with a single large fission reactor and a small amount of biological pulses for steering. The collector's main performance pursuit of it is to store materials. Therefore, the internal life maintenance cycle is compressed and simplified to the extreme. The space inside the organism is maximized, and the movement basically depends on distorting time and space. It relies on biological pulses to complete.

Although the structure is simple, due to the huge amount of resources required, the cluster concentrated all its efforts on completing the huge storage structure, and it took about 20 days to complete it.

After completion, the collector cluster selected a satellite and began to exploit a large number of material resources of the satellite and loaded it into the storage giant structure.

Maintaining the state of resource production and material collection lasted for 12 days, and the brightness of the star began to change again.

The collectors who knew the attack were coming, did not hesitate to terminate all their current missions, collectively entered the speed of light, and went to the new destination star that had already been prepared.