Chapter 896 - 897 Chongdao Network

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 896: Chapter 897 Chongdao Network


The successors who are making usable wormholes have noticed the arrival of sustainability.

Perpetual answer, "I'm curious about the manufacture of wormhole communication, so I came here to have a look."

"By the way, I want you to popularize the manufacturing principle of wormhole communication."

"No problem."

In the void, a huge gravitational ring, several heavily armed superluminal creatures are stationed around.

This is a huge gravitational ring structure, which is a tool for successors to make available wormholes. The gravitational rings take a large amount of negative mass from the energy layer and then guide it to the center.

While making available wormholes, the successor explains it to sustainability.

"Purn holes do not need to be made. Time and space naturally generate wormholes all the time, but they are too small, many times smaller than quarks, and do not exist for a long time, but collapse at the moment they are formed, so it is difficult to have a macro impact."

"And a space-time field with a negative mass can prevent the collapse of wormholes, which provides the basis for making usable wormholes."

While the successor explained, a wormhole is formed in the center of the ring, which is very small, only equivalent to 1% of the size of the human nail cover, and cannot be seen by the naked eye.

...However, it's just that human eyes can't see it, and the successors are not.

The wormhole connecting the two places will inevitably scatter infrared microwave, not the radiation it releases, but the cosmic background microwave at the other end. The cosmic background microwaves in different regions will be different. Through the observation of infrared microwaves, the successors can easily find the wormholes.

Ten seconds after the wormhole was formed, the successors took the initiative to inject positive mass and destroyed the wormhole.

In this regard, Yongs was puzzled, so he asked, and the successor answered.

"Not all wormholes expanded and maintained by negative mass are available, because these wormholes are naturally generated and it is possible to connect to the end of the universe from here, and wormhole communication needs to capture both ends of the wormholes, so we will launch a wireless camouflage of disordered clutter after the wormhole is formed. Electrical signal, and then wait for ten seconds.

"Within ten seconds, if you can receive the radio signal disguised as a clutter, it means that the other end of the wormhole can be captured by following the signal source within ten light seconds."

"Why wait ten seconds? In terms of light, it is very close to us who have mastered the speed of light.

Perpetual still doesn't quite understand why the successor will stick to the ten-second limit, which is not the most efficient way. If the light minute is used as a limit, the scope can be expanded a lot, and the efficiency will be improved as a result.

Hearing the eternal answer, after exchanging their ideas with each other, the successors have to admit that the eternal is right. As long as the enemy is stronger than a cluster in the ethnic group, they can instantly attack a cluster, capture wormhole communication, and have sufficiently mature wormhole technology.

Even if the wormhole communication is limited to only information communication, it cannot stop the enemy from swaying.

Can't physically pass through the wormhole and only transmit information?

Why don't you just change it?

"I see."

The figured-through successors decided to try to work hard in this regard and try to physically connect the wormhole and make the concept of a sustainable 'worm road network' a reality.

Before the everlasting flower speaks, it continues to express its thoughts to its successors.

"Moreover, if physical connectivity is completed, a means of attack I conceived can be realized."

"Means of attack?"

The successors were slightly stunned, and they didn't expect that there was a means of attack.

"The correction mechanism has used the wormhole as the 'bullet' to carry out high-energy strikes against the target. Based on this basis, I was wondering if it can wrap a star as a shell, the closed-loop space-time structure as the bulbutter, and the wormhole as the turret of this space-time cannon, as small as the messenger creature. Volumetric individual traction.

"Therefore, there is no need to carry any antimatter and black hole bombs. The messenger creatures only need to pull small wormholes, lock the target, and then transmit the launch instructions through the wormhole to the closed-loop space-time, so that the individuals behind can expand the wormholes and trigger a supernova explosion."

"There is only one exit of the wormhole in closed-loop time and space. No matter how the light moves, it will eventually vent towards the wormhole..."

Guided by the idea of sustainability, the successors thoroughly understand what they want to explain. The application of wormhole technology is not only the communication they want, but also includes the military, internal resource circulation and other fields.

Especially in the military, According to the idea of sustainability, the power exerted by a messenger creature is enough to rival a cluster, and even above it.

The logistics of the cluster can be exhausted, towing messenger creatures in the wormhole, and can continuously obtain logistics supplies from the wormhole. In a sense, it is not an expaguable to say that the resources are endless.

There is also a sustainable strike method, and the successors don't know what to say for a while.

"Is this...excess power?"

After the supernova burst into a small area and is released, it may not be a problem for a shell across dozens of light years!

More importantly, this is not a physical shelling, but a beam-like means of attack.

"There have never been too many means of attack." Perpetual answer.