Chapter 906 - 907 The Breeze

Name:How the Zergs were Made Author:
Chapter 906: Chapter 907 The Breeze

In the vast virtual space of the universe, a large amount of light was suddenly released, and a large number of amoeba organisms emerged from the light.

Some of them are as large as stars and some as small as stones. After successfully invading the star system, they begin to give priority to their pre-marked targets.

Sublight-speed shells destroy the large transmission array arranged on the universe and the surface of the planet. The divine army stationed in this stellar system is the next clear target after the transmission array.

However, the garrison in this star system is different from other territories of the gods, and the number is much more, so the successors have not been cleaned up in a short time.

The palace near the orbit of the star, a pile of octopus heads surrounds the Golden Throne.

On the Golden Throne, King Joa is appointing subordinates to investigate the causes of the bizarre deaths of many world lords, and is shocked by the movement of the diplomatic war in the palace.


The king of Joa shouted angrily, the void was torn, and a large number of deformed creatures rushed out and joined the confrontation between his successor and the divine army.

Basically, the one-sided slaughtered divine army was given a chance to breathe, because other deformed monsters were eliminated for them.

However, King Joia's call also defeated this wave of raids by his successors.

The raid is sudden, and then a fatal blow. If there is no fatal blow, the target of the raid will slow down and have the ability to regroup, and the advantage of the first-hand raid will begin to disappear.

After sensing that the raid advantage is fading, the cluster leaders send information to the nearby mass collection colony for assistance, allowing them to send more clusters to the current star system.

Everything is easy and familiar, and the successors have not been arrogant enough to think that their offensive will not be blocked, so there are a large number of standby strategies left, and asking for help is one of the many preparatory strategies.

One side has been prepared for a long time, and the other side hastily responded to the battle, especially after losing its first hand and being raided before being forced to fight.

King Joa knew that the enemy was prepared, and it was impossible to stop against these unknown enemies by relying on the power of the divine army and other Joya in the current star system.


A brief reply, a messenger creature set out for the three-star system 12 light years away from the battlefield and went straight to the battlefield at superluminal speed.

The star map accurately locates, arrives at its destination in one day, and then delivers radio information to the other end of the wormhole it is towed.

Then, the wormhole began to expand and enlarge its volume.

The reason is that there are many negative masses in the wormhole, and their space-time field expands the wormhole.

At the other end of the wormhole is a huge blue-white star with a mass equivalent to 30 times that of the sun and 130,000 times brighter than the sun.

In addition to this blue and white star, there is also a huge focused array. A large number of star rays are deflected and focused on the wormhole, passing through the wormhole, crossing the Kuiper belt, and washing the entire star battlefield like a tide.

The fog created by the immortal king was washed away by light pressure, and a large number of great individuals of the divine army and Yoya had cell-level genetic damage and skin diseases due to huge radiation.

Those spiritual creatures that have been summoned from the spiritual realm and driven by King Joia are constantly wailing in pain, and the high-energy beams have always been the weakness of the spiritual realm creatures.

The successors once again regained their dominance of the battlefield.

By proofreading the intelligence of the enemy in other battlefields, the cluster leaders began to deeply analyze the enemies in the current battlefield.

"According to the strength assessment, it is confirmed that there are immortal indigenous individuals in the target of the war."

"Don't rush to destroy them. The ethnic group needs this immortal king as a test object. learned about the parameters of individuals who have reached the immortal level of life."

There is too little information about the immortal king, and there is no detailed record in the memory of many prisoners of the gods and practitioners.

Although the successors know that the immortal-level living individuals are excessively similar to the spiritual realm creatures, the spiritual realm thinks that they are spiritual creatures and recalls them to the spiritual realm. According to the description in the memory of many captives, it is generally determined to be equivalent to the spiritual dignity and also has the nature of immortality.

However, these are ultimately life forms born in the original universe, not native life forms in the spiritual realm.

As a result, the successors raised questions - are these immortal river natives really exactly the same as the spiritual masters in the spiritual realm? Will there be different places for them to study?

With this idea in mind, the successors are willing to make some sacrifices to thoroughly understand the changes in the body of indigenous creatures that have reached the immortal level.