Chapter 58: A Wild Princess Appears

Chapter 58: A Wild Princess Appears

Thank you, Daddy, said the Princess. Youve brought him to me to be punished.

Now, now, Weve spoken to you about this before, said the King. You cant go around putting a price on the head of everyone who annoys you. We wouldnt have anyone left in the kingdom to rule over.

She came stomping across the room. This isnt like the other times. Injuring a member of the royal family is a capital offence. Isnt that right, Semion?

Semion nodded. Yes, Your Highness, it is. Have you been injured by this young man?

Yes! proclaimed the Princess. He hurt my feelings.

Ah, said Semion, Im afraid that doesnt

And, he threatened me.

Oh, said Semion, looking at me. I tried to claim my innocence by rapidly shaking my head at him. That is quite a serious charge. What did he threaten you with?

He said he would ask Daddy for my hand in marriage.

The King spread his arms wide. Laney, please, thats hardly a crime. Most girls would be flattered.

Well, Im not. Once he makes me his wife, he plans to do unspeakable things to me.

Unspeakable things? said the King. What do you mean?

I cant tell you, otherwise they wouldnt be unspeakable, would they?

I breathed a sigh of relief. I really didnt want her reeling off a list of sordid acts shed pulled from her deranged fantasies.

Thats why Ive written them all down. She pulled out a scroll and unfurled it. The parchment reached down to her knees and was covered in scratchy writing. How long had she taken to come up with all that? She handed it to Semion.

He took it from her and read the first few lines, and then recoiled in horror. Your Highness, where did you even learn these words? This is disgusting.

I know, right? She seemed pleased he agreed with her. Thats why he has to be locked up.

However, continued Semion, if he were to perform these acts with you after you were married, they wouldnt be illegal.

What? Are you saying married people actually do those things?

Well, only if theyre very flexible, but the point is we cant arrest a man based on what he might do in the future, especially if it isnt actually a crime.

Could I say something? I felt it was time to put an end to this discussion. I didnt actually say I was going to ask for the Princesss hand in marriage. I asked Commander Ducane if it was possible to ask the King for such a reward, but I said to marry a princess, I didnt mention anyone by name.

Yes, but we all know you meant me. I am the best-looking princess in the kingdom. She pointed at herself. Obviously you would want to get your depraved hands on some of this. You pervert! Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

We dont think that is the case, said the King. Colin here has just asked for Our favour, and he did not ask for your hand.

This caught the Princess by surprise. He didnt? What did he ask for?

Some land, said the King, so he could build a cabin and do an extraordinary amount of fishing.

The Princess turned her face towards me and glared. Why? Why wouldnt you ask for my hand if you could? Whats wrong with me? Her voice was much quieter than before, and much more unnerving in its intensity.

Nothing, I said. Youre just not my type. I thought this would be a fairly acceptable answer. Its not like people expect you to explain your tastes. Not sane people, anyway.

Do you think Im stupid? screamed the Princess. Tell me exactly what you find unattractive about me. Now!

The sound of her wailing echoed around the vast room. I didnt really know how to handle a teenager having a tantrum. I looked at Semion for assistance, but hed suddenly become interested in something on the far wall. The King wasnt much help ether, he just gave me an embarrassed smile and put his hands behind his back as if to say, you first. Even the demon-masked soldier closest to us seemed to give me a shrug.

You know, I said, I dont really want your horse.

She stopped pounding and looked up at me, her face streaked with tears.

The truth is, I dont even know how to ride. So, Ill let you have the horse back in exchange for three requests.

What kind of requests? she asked suspiciously. Her eyes drifted over to the scroll she had given Semion, which he still held in his hand.

I followed her gaze and when I realised where it had landed, I threw up my hands. No...Dont even It wont be anything on your list, I can promise you that. In fact, Semion, please destroy that piece of paper.

Gladly, said Semion.

The first thing I want you to do is have all the posters of me taken down, immediately.

She nodded. She seemed somewhat placated, but I still felt like she was thinking of ways to have me dealt with. All right. Whats the second thing?

I havent decided yet. But as an insurance measure, if I do happen to meet an untimely death, the horse is to be killed.

Her mouth fell open. How is that fair? You could die any time with me having nothing to do with it.

True, but those are my conditions. Lose the horse or tie its fate to mine. Your choice.

Fine," she said bitterly. Anything else?

No, thats it for now. Although I was wondering I turned to the King. Do you have a library here?

Certainly, said the King. One of the finest.

Do you think I could have a look?

Yes, We think that would be no problem. Laney, why dont you show your friend the library.

He isnt my friend, she said, practically spitting the words. She looked at me. Is this one of your requests?

No, said the King, this is a request from your king. Its the least you can do after what you put this young man through. Now, Semion, are we done for the day.

Actually, there is one more group waiting to see you, said Semion.

Really? We were starting to get a little peckish. Have they been waiting long?

Since this morning, my liege.

Well, Im sure they wont mind waiting till after lunch. He set off towards a side door, which one of the giant guards suddenly ran toodd seeing such a big hulk skipping along like thatand opened. Laney, do your duty, he called out over his shoulder before exiting.

Yes Daddy, said the sullen Princess. She stood up and sneered at me. Follow me. She marched out of the door at the back of the room with me trotting to catch up

This library, does it have any books about magic?

She stopped and looked at me like I was the biggest idiot in the world. Well, obviously. What else would books be about?

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