Chapter 90: Assault On Pickled Gherkin

Chapter 90: Assault On Pickled Gherkin

Lanterns gave The Pickled Gherkin a warm cosy feel, but the soft orange light only reached about halfway up the stairs, after which I was quickly enveloped in pitch black. I slowed as I reached the top, took one step onto the landing, and bumped into the back of Jenny. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

She threw her arms behind her and grabbed hold of me like shed been waiting for me. Shh.

I get it. I know, I was being manipulated. She had me doing exactly what she wanted and she did it without even having to ask. Masterful. But being aware of it made little difference. I was still just a guy with all the regular guy bits and pieces. Its hard to resist a pretty girl who gives you the eye, even if shes just stringing you along. The chance that one day, maybe, perhaps, sometime in the future she might let you into her pants is enough to get most of us to act like fucking retards.

We stood there pressed tightly together, listening to the sounds of movement on the roof overhead. Ahead of us, there was an open door faintly visible from the light coming through a small skylight.

Jenny leaned into me, tipping her head back so it rested on my shoulder. If we close that door and lock it, we might have enough time to get some nails and hammer it shut like they did to the back door downstairs.

It was actually not a bad idea. No fighting, no trying to stab people in the dark, no Oldman-style wading through a sea of thugs in a narrow corridor. Take ten steps forward, shut the door. Done. My kind of plan.

She let go of me and edged forward. I followed. There was a tapping sound coming from up ahead. As we got closer, the small window in the sloping roof flickered as shadows passed in front of it. Someone was definitely up there.

From the doorway, there was enough light to see the skylight quite clearly. It wasnt very big, but big enough to allow a person to come through if they kept their arms close to their body or over their head. A soft metallic glimmer revealed the latch that was firmly closed. The wooden frame trembled as it was worked on from the other side.

Why dont they smash it in? whispered Jenny.

Probably want to sneak in, I said.

Jenny reached for the doorknob and gently pulled it towards her. Theres a latch on the door.

Good, I said.

Its on the other side.

Not so useful, unless one of us wanted to wait inside with the a bunch of psychos. The barman probably has a key we can

Theres no keyhole. If you hold it shut, Ill run down and get some hammer and nails.

Why dont you hold it shut, and Ill go get the hammer and nails? I suggested.

Because youre stronger than me.

Well, you have nicer hair.

How is that relevant?

Its about as relevant as my strength versus a bunch of professional goons.

Then what do you suggest we do?

Before I could answer, the crack of splintering wood interrupted our little discussion. The skylight shook and then the entire frame was lifted out, leaving a hole. A pair of boots appeared.

I pushed past Jenny and hurriedly took up position on the other side of the dangling feet. I didnt want to get into a fight, and I really didnt want to kill anyone. In my hand I had the one weapon that would enable me to avoid both, hopefully.

After a couple of seconds of lining himself up, the carpenter fell through the hole and lightly landed on his feet. As he stood up, I waited until he was at the right height and then hit him as hard as I could on the back of his head with my sap.

I got a good solid thwack in, the kind where bat meets ball with a sweet pop and you know youve hit it right. He went down without making a sound.

Jenny, who was peering into the room from behind the doorjamb, lifted a hand at me. I think it was thumbs up, but it was too dark to see.

Another pair of feet appeared above me. I had just enough time to rollover the body on the floor so it wasnt directly beneath the hole before my next victim arrived. He remained crouched, possibly trying to make out what was lying on the floor in front of him. I didnt wait for him to get up this time and hit him like a golf ball. Assuming no cross-wind, Im pretty sure I would have hit the fairway.

Carpenter number two fell forward on top of his buddy. I waited. There was no sound and for a moment I thought that was it, but then a head appeared.

Brothers? Brothers? The voice was quite young and high-pitched. Just a kid, probably. The head leaned down further into the room like Spider-man looking for Mary Jane. It was too tempting a target to ignore. I caught him beautifully with a smack on the kisser he wouldnt soon forget, and he dropped through the hole head-first.

The rain turned heavy as more blows fell. And then they stopped.

G-get away from me, said Little Chicken in a shaky voice.

Put the knife down, said Jenny.

Im sorry, I didnt mean it. His voice was smothered in tears. He said hed pay me. It was so much money.

Okay, said Jenny. I understand. Just put the knife down before you hurt yourself.

I could hear them moving about. I still couldnt see so I assumed he couldnt either. He was probably striking out wildly.

I said, put the knife doooooown. Jennys voice moved across the room. Was she lunging at him?

There were sounds of a scuffle, and then Jenny screamed. Something flew past my face and bounced off a wall. More thwacks and yelps from Little Chicken which gradually turned into whimpers.

The thwacks stopped and something fell against me. Jenny.

He stabbed me. Her voice sounded weak and like she was continuously inhaling.

What? Where?

There was no response. I could feel her holding onto me tighter. I fell backwards, landing on my backside. She fell with me, cradled in my arms.

Jenny, I cant see. You have to tell me where.

He stabbed me


In the... crotch.

It was my turn to pause. What?

In the pussy He stabbed me right in the pussy.

Why would he do that?

He wasnt aiming for it. She was starting to sound a bit annoyed, but it wasnt exactly a standard Im hurt, help me situation.

Does it hurt?

Of course it hurts! Ugh. Raising her voice made her grunt with pain.

Alright, alright. It could have slipped in and out without hitting anything.

I dont know what kind of women youre used to, but no it couldnt. It hurts. She grabbed my shirt in two tight fists and moaned. And its bleeding. You you you have to heal me. Please.

Yeah, yeah. Of course. Itll be fine. Dont worry. Only I have to use my hand. I have to put my hand over the wound.

I know that. Obviously. Ow. Ah. Colin, stop being such a dork and put your hand down my knickers.

It was possibly the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to me.

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