Chapter 149: Forever? Forever, Ever?

Chapter 149: Forever? Forever, Ever?

Are you okay? Jenny called down. No one rushed to check when I yelpedwhy would they? It might be dangerousthey just offered their vague concern.

Im fine. I lit up a ball of light and looked around. I hadnt done this before descending because I didnt want to reveal what I could do in front of Terry; they were freaked out enough as it was. I could handle a few steps into the dark, it wasnt like there was nothing dangerous down here. Nothing except for tarantulorus rex.

There was no sign of any spider, which meant it had either scuttled back into its hidey-hole or it was currently residing somewhere on me. After randomly brushing and flicking various parts of myself, and shuddering at the thought of what might be crawling around inside my shirt, I continued to the bottom of the stairs.

Loran was lying on one of the tables, grey, pasty and corpse-like. Black gunk had congealed across his throat and pooled on the tabletop. It was a strange way to celebrate your birthday although it made people very easy to shop for.

My plan was to heal him. Normally, healing a dead person wouldnt achieve much, but in this world things were far from normal. Since his body would heal itself in order to come back to life, it seemed a reasonable assumption that my healing powers would speed things up.

I placed my palms on his chest and moved my fingers to start the process. My hands warmed up and I directed the flow into the cadaver. Healing didnt come free and there was a chance bringing someone back to life might age me by years, but the other thing about looping back in time was that it returned me to my old body, which meant any ageing would also be reversed. If I succeeded, it would be worth it to save time, and if I failed, no charge.

It only took a couple of seconds before I felt something move under my hands. A heartbeat.

Loran opened his eyes and sucked in his first noisy breath. I jumped back, a little startled by the sudden reanimation.

Everything okay? shouted down Jenny. Still no one coming to my aid.

Yes, I shouted over my shoulder. Its alive!

Loran sat up and shook his head clear. It took him a few seconds to get his bearings, then he squinted to get me into focus. Youre the sorcerer the masters are looking for?

Yes, I said. What did they say about me?

Last time, theyd sent out a message through the dead warning people about me. I wanted to know if things were any different this time. According to Yuqi, they were able to detect people messing with the timeline, but it took them some time to catch her. I hoped it would be the same in my case.

That youre dangerous and intend to destroy the world. Is that your aim?

No. I intend to destroy them, the world will carry on regardless.

Loran frowned. He eased himself off the table and wobbled unsteadily. Damn dead leg. He leaned on the table and shook his legs out. How can one man defeat the masters? They are all-powerful.

If they were that powerful, why would they tell everyone to look for me? Theres no need to fear something that cant hurt you, is there? Which means they must, ah, wah, get it off

I leapt around flapping at the hairy legs I could feel creeping down my neck.

Loran grabbed me by the arm and raked his hand through my hair. Its just a spider. He held up the little monster. It waved its legs at me threateningly.

Yes, I know. I, er, it just tickled. I dont like being tickled. We should go upstairs. I turned around and headed back up, cringing. Hard to convince people youre going to win a war against demons when you lose your shit over Incy Wincy.

I reemerged into the kitchen to find Jenny holding the older boys arm twisted behind his back and his face pressed against the tabletop.

Are you going to stop? she demanded.

Yesh, he mumbled.

Hes thinking about going for a knife, said Claire. There were a number of knives on the table. She pushed them down the other end, closer to where Terry sat with the younger kid on her lap. Brilliant idea.

Maurice was seated with his notebook out and was scribbling something down. When Claire moved the knives, they ended up interrupting his flow. He absentmindedly shoved them even closer to Terry, so she wouldnt have to reach too far when trying to kill them all.

Flossie and Dudley were working a skillet over the stove, feeding each other little tidbits and complimenting each other on the taste.

Yes, these were the people chosen to defeat the evil in the world. This is why evil people always have that ridiculous laugh. Evil people arent happy, so why are they always laughing? Now you know.

When Loran appeared, Terry jumped to her feet. Who are these people? You said thered be no more of this nonsense.

Calm yourself, said Loran. Theyre nothing to do with me.

You know nothing of what it means to be a man, she continued. Your sorcery and silly tricks will never replace a good heart and a strong back. She turned to Loran. Tell them what they want to know and get them out of here. She turned around and went over to where Flossie and Dudley were cooking. Out of my way, youre going to overcook Uncle Stan.

They hurried out of the way as Terry took over.

Loran sat down at the table. Tell me what you wish to know.

Oh, er, we need a map. Not just of Dalada, the whole of Nekromel. The major cities. The Palace. All of it.

Loran nodded. I will do as you ask and then you will leave. I nodded back.

Maurice turned over his notebook and pencil and watched closely as Loran set to work.

Jenny came over and stood next to me with a smirk on her face. Nicely done, she whispered out of the side of her mouth. Unite the people by giving them a common enemy to hate.

I kept quiet. No point in shattering her illusions.

If youd done it on purpose, it would have been quite impressive.


Loran drew us four pages worth of Nekromel. Dalada and Meet were a tiny part. Mountains, seas, a dozen cities and numerous towns. We ate Uncle Stan and peppered Loran with questions about the various places and what we could expect there. Maurice wrote it all down.

Lorans knowledge was limited to names and basic political standings. Which regions were rich and powerful, which were unstable and dangerous. Dalada appeared to be the only place the masters treated like their personal pantry, although all cities paid tribute and feared reprisals if they didnt worship their demonic overlords and offer up the appropriate sacrifices.

It was all very complicated, as you would expect from a world full of people who couldnt die by normal means. The relationships between regions, the position of various leaders, the influence of the mastersI fully intended to have nothing to do with any of it. The mountains that contained the Palace of Laughter were my only goal, and the method of transportation to get us there would be arriving soon.

The Royal Wagons do not come to Dalada, said Terry when I told her how we would be leaving (and why we hadnt left already, which was more her concern).

They will this time. Bibler is bringing one for us.

That oaf? She really didnt have a nice word to say about anyone.

How do you know he will come? asked Loran.

I know a lot of things, I said somewhat pompously. If you have the power to travel back in time, you should at least be allowed to show off a little. Sometimes before they even happen.

Only The Jester can see the future, said Terry.

She isnt the only one, I said, perhaps a little smugly.

Terry stared at me. The Jester isnt a woman. She cant be.

Why not? I asked. You know, you have a very warped opinion of women. There isnt anything a man can do that a woman cant match.

I had the strangest feeling, like lasers were burning into my face. I turned to see Jenny, Claire and Flossie all with their mouths hanging open in disbelief. As were Dudleys and Maurices.

Its not easy trying to live a righteous life while being so misunderstood.

What? Thats always been my position. Men are unreliable, vicious and selfish, and women are exactly the same. No one has a more firm belief in equality of the sexes than me.

As predicted, the flappy box arrived first thing the next morning. Everyone waited outside to watch it approach. I could see Terry and Loran looking at me with awe. The power to predict the future was not to be taken lightly. Unfortunately, my power to predict the future wasnt entirely reliable.

The door to the box fell open to reveal its occupant.

I thought you said Bibler was fat, said Maurice.

He is, I said. That isnt Bibler.