Chapter 239: Enemy Lines

Chapter 239: Enemy Lines

We were ready to get back on the dragon, only I wasnt entirely sure where to go next. I had a spike and a target for it, but both had been provided by people I didnt trust. Everyone had their own agenda and the only thing they had in common was a desire to make me do their dirty work for them.

What I could use was some time to think things through, but there was no pause button so you could nip to the loo.

Can you see any positive outcomes? I asked Gabor.

I see one bad outcome very clearly, he said, looking over my shoulder.

Gullen Santan, Lord Administrator of Road Planning and Maintenance had sat down.

He and his men had escorted us very cordially to Queen Zarigold and back without saying very much. Now, Gullen was seated on a chair in front of a foldaway table that had appeared from nowhere.

His men stood behind him in perfect formation and his dogs sat on their haunches on either side of him, their eyes faintly glowing. But none of that was particularly surprising. The team of waiters bringing an assortment of food on platters that they placed on the table, lighting candles and serving drinks was what felt a bit odd. Strange time for a picnic.

Please, said Gullen, take a seat. He snapped his fingers, which I would have thought impossible in leather gloves but somehow he managed a crisp, loud crack. One of the waiting staff brought out a single chair and placed it opposite Gullen.

I looked at the others and they all slowly shuffled away from me. Not one to turn down a free meal, I sat down. I havent been on many dates in my life, but I was pretty sure this one wasnt going to end with a coffee back at his place. At least, I hoped not.

Before you go on your next fantastic adventurepossibly your last, ha ha, I jestI thought perhaps we might have a little talk. Please, help yourself. He indicated the food on the table with a sweeping hand.

It had been a while since Id eaten and it all looked and smelled delicious. I picked up a large drumstick that must have to come from either a large chicken or a small ostrich. I twisted in my seat to look at my group salivating quietly in the candlelight.

I faced front and then tossed the drumstick over my head. Then I picked up more food and tossed them one after the other, spinning into the air. Bread rolls and cheese and fruit and various meats I couldnt identify.

Behind me, I heard the food being caught, dropped, bounced around and juggled. Then the sound of eating and faces being stuffed.

Gullen smiled grimly. It is not the way I lead, but I see the merits of your approach.

What approach? I asked.

I believe the leader must be kept strong and healthy before all others, if he is to lead well. You put the welfare of others before yourself, and win their loyalty that way. I use other methods to ensure the same loyalty.

I just bet he did.

You mean the food? I just thought you might have poisoned it so best to let them check first.

The sounds of munching and chewing stopped all at once. I turned to find them all glaring at me.

Anyone feeling any cramps or dizziness or anything? No? I turned back to Gullen. Seems okay. I began eating.

Gullen picked up what looked like an apple, if apples were black as coal. I wish you to consider me your friend. If you manage to return from this mission, you might be in need of an ally in what follows.

He was being quite cryptic and I had no doubt it was deliberate.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

And what would you expect in return? I asked him, proceeding to employ my favourite tactic of eating quickly before I heard something that made me lose my appetite.

Nothing. Im sure we can help each other, as friends do, but I require no pledges.

And the Queen? I asked him.

I will always be loyal to the Queen, he said, as long as she lives.

I couldnt tell how sincere an offer it was, but it was better than him threatening me. Then again, maybe he was threatening me and I couldnt tell. Like I said, I hadnt been on many dates.

I dont know if Id consider you a friend, Gullen, but Id rather have you as an ally than an enemy.

Good enough, said Gullen and he stood up. His dogs did likewise. The food was cleared away in an instant and the table and chairs were whisked away. I wish you luck, although I suspect something else is behind your phenomenal success.

He stood there, waiting while we got on the dragon.

Where we going? asked Flossie.

I mean it. Im giving an order.

You dont mean it and we are stronger together, said Jenny.

Im not sure you know what stronger means. I couldnt be bothered to argue with them and Flossie had already sent Vikchutni off with his son still asleep on his back. Alright for some.

Once the flap closed behind us, I made some light. The tunnel was large enough to accommodate people on horseback, which was how Laney said theyd escaped. It was slower on foot but uneventful. After an hour of walking, we reached a ramp leading up to another trap door. This one opened up into the castle stables. We were inside Fengarad with very little fuss. Unfortunately, the stable was full of lizardmen.

We lifted up the door enough to peek out and could see them sleeping all over the place.

Within my parameters, said Gabor. Wait here.

He and Roland slipped out and gently closed the door after them. There were some muffled groans, the snap of what I assumed were bones, and lots of thumps. The door lifted again.

We got out, a bunch of lizardmen in very awkward poses were dropped in.

Dawn was creeping over the horizon but it was still gloomy and dark enough for us to slip around the side of the courtyard and into the castle proper. No one seemed to be about. It was eerily quiet.

My father will be with his chancellor. They always spend this time together making plans.

She led us to the top of the castle via various narrow staircases. We didnt see a single other soul.

Two men stood on the battlements, watching the sun rise.

Father! cried out Laney. She ran to the King and threw her arms around him as he turned.

Laney, my child. He pulled her off him to get a better look. Why are you here? He turned his attention to Gabor. You were meant to take her to safety.

We did, Your Majesty. And now we bring her back.

I hope you have a good reason for disobeying my orders.

I hope so, too, said Gabor.

The other man stepped out from behind the King. Ah, finally you guys are here, said Uncle Peter, smiling broadly.

Shouldnt you be in the spire? I asked meekly. I wasnt really prepared for this confrontation right now.

Why? Its so cramped in there. Much nicer here. He took a deep breath. Look at that gorgeous view. You should all take a look.

We hung back. Wont the lizardmen be a problem if they see us?

No way. Theyre on our side.

This was news. They are?

Yes, yes, we all have the same goal, dont we?

Which is?

Survival, of course. Did Queen Zarigold send the venting pipe? Please tell me she did.

He seemed very well informed. She never mentioned it was meant for you.

Of course not. Too many spies and dirty rats, no offence, he said to Nyx. Cant risk the enemy finding out what were up to.

Which enemy? I was too confused to be scared of this new development.

So you and the Queen are in this together?

Sure are, kid. Always have been. Were the good guys. He stuck out his hand to take the spike.