So, the day of the theater festival was approaching.

‘Zion looked gloomy this morning.’

As I thought of Zion’s gentle face as I left home, I felt sad. I feel so sorry for him.

“I won’t be able to see the young lady’s first play.”

The performance was a small event with only the royal family and high-ranking nobles participating, so it was impossible to bring a servant there.

“Well, I’m dying of anticipation. Don’t worry, I’ll watch our young lady’s play for you.”

Plus, Collen, who was teasing the kind servant, was really something.

‘My dad likes to tease our butler.’

It didn’t take long to get ready. This is because all the clothing and decorations were in the royal palace.

Because of this, Collen and Jade had to leave early with me.

“Welcome. We have been waiting for you.”

When we arrived, the servants greeted us politely. They guided us.

‘There are many paintings in the corridor.’

As we walked down corridors adorned with incredibly large portraits, we stopped at a door, led by a royal servant.

“The theater is here. The young lady can enter through the back door here.”

The theater venue was a small hall deep in the palace.

“I will go. See you on stage.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

I waved to both of them.

“Come in, rehearsal will start soon.”

The servants guided me.

When I went in, the theater stage was already set up, and in the waiting room behind it, the palace maids and makeup artists were moving around busily.

“Hello Leticia.”


The girls who were receiving makeup greeted me. I greeted them back, still feeling dazed.

‘I can’t believe I’m in the palace.’

As I sat down, my assigned makeup maid came over and started touching my face.

“My name is Mira, the maid in charge of young lady’s makeup today. I’ll make you pretty.”

“Yes. This is my first time putting on makeup.”

“Yes, in young lady’s age, you don’t need makeup. But just for today, think of it as a secret magic to become the sixth princess of the royal family. The stage has magic lighting, so if you don’t put on makeup, your face won’t be visible.”

“Yes,” I nodded my head.

“Do you have the dress you brought?”

“Yes. I fitted it at home.”

First, Mira helped me put on the dress.

Then, she wrapped a white cloth around my neck, patted some powder on my face, and started applying makeup with a brush. I felt like I had become a canvas.

“Originally, the 6th princess was said to have a simple appearance, but the lady looks like a walking doll,” Mira said kindly

She had brown hair and seemed like a good person.

“Is this your first time attending a royal event?”


I nodded. By the way…

‘All members of the royal family will be arriving.’

They said the royal family often holds events like this, concerts or theater performances. This event was said to be attended only by royal relatives, high-ranking officials, and some nobles.

Especially today’s theater festival is centered around young royals. Royals under the age of 15, their relatives, and friends gather to show off their skills in a game of chess and receive compliments from adults

‘Is it like a talent show?’

A school festival. Exactly that.

At that moment, someone clapped. A middle-aged woman in a simple navy blue dress appeared in the middle of the dressing room.

“Are you all ready? Rehearsal will be held directly on stage, so please prepare. Makeup staff, finish the basic makeup and wait.”


All the maids stood up, bowed and greeted her.

“I’m Claire, the lady-in-waiting of the Queen, who is in charge of the stage decoration today.”

A middle-aged woman named Claire was an elegant person.

“Most of the props we use today are royal items, so please be extra careful with them during the performance.”

“Oh, this is a dish used by royals.”

When I saw the silver platter, Angel whispered behind me.

“And now, I introduce Mira, the leader of the maids’ dress-up team today.”

“My name is Mira. Nice to meet you. Our maids will take care of fixing your stage costume and makeup during the performance. We will all do our best together.”

Mira, who had been doing my makeup, stood up and greeted me. Ah, so Mira was the team leader.

‘It’ll be fine, right?’

I thought, pressing my excited heart.