Lavigne swallowed and looked at me.

“Leticia, you memorized almost all of your lines while reviewing the script, right?”

“Yes, but-”

“Angel, can you say all the other lines?”

“Yes, I think it is possible. Just looking at the knife scene makes me scared.”

“Then let’s change everything. Leticia will help you. You’re going to play a knife scene that Angel can’t play.”

I looked at Angel. Angel was trembling like a cedar tree. I approached Angel confidently.c


“Uh, yes?”

“Four scenes from the climax, I’ll take it. Okay?”

“I’ll manage somehow. I think it would be nice if Leticia helped with the important scenes. Other than that, there is no scene that attracts a lot of attention.”

Angel looked at me as a savior.

“Good. Don’t worry.”

I nodded my head. Angel looked at me for a while before speaking very softly.

“Thank you, Leticia. Truth.”

We quickly checked our lines and adjusted the final stage directions.

“Leticia, you and I need to rehearse separately.”

Lavigne signaled to me. I was taken to the stage.

‘How great it is here.’

This was my first thought. This wasn’t at the level of a typical school festival.

The set was arranged like a room in a palace, with fancy curtains and luxurious furniture and dishes.

“Can’t you smell anything?”

“Well, it’s where the royals come in. That incense burner over there is burning incense in circles.”


The smell was strong. I guess even the royals are sensitive to smells.

“Do you see this bed? If I lay down on this bed, you’ll come and stab me with a knife. Do you know what scene it is?”

“Oh, I know. It’s when the second princess, who has fallen into a trance after receiving the kiss of the white magician, stabs the first princess with a knife.”


Lavigne nodded. It was the most important scene in the play.

After being stabbed with and sustaining a serious injury, the first princess goes to war and dies.

So it’s kind of a martyrdom.

‘Is this considered patriotic content or something?’

That’s why Lavigne, who plays the role of the first princess, is practically the protagonist of this play.

“Is this bed real?”

“No, it’s a fake bed. Most of the furniture is just props.”

Lavigne raised the dagger next to the bed.

“See? This dagger is a props. Even if you stab me like this, it’s safe.”

Then, Lavigne showed me how to use props. The dagger next to the bed had a red jewel on it.

“You know, if you stab with this knife, the blade will just go inside the handle.”

Lavigne demonstrated it. When she stabbed her arm, the blade slid inside.

“So don’t be scared on stage and stab my left heart deeply. You have to stab really hard. There’s a cushion in my clothes just in case of accidents, so don’t be afraid.”

“Got it. I’ll try.”

“You have to cry in shock after stabbing your elder sister. Can you do that?”

“Yeah, I’ll have to…?”

I’ll try to make a successful performance. I practiced using the knife a few times. I gradually became nervous. No matter how much it was a children’s event, it was still a royal event.

At that time, some of the maids including Claire, the head maid, and Mira from the makeup team came out from behind the stage.

“This is the final check of the stage. Please check the props that will come into contact with the young ladies’ bodies so that they don’t get hurt.”

Claire and Mira found us and came over.

“Oh, you two. We haven’t even checked if the props are safe yet…”

“These props are safe. I just used them. I was trying to teach Leticia how to use the prop knife because the content of the play has changed.”

“I see. However, since you young ladies are going on stage, we need to double check everything. Mira, please take the knife and check it.”

“It’s just a formality.”

Mira smiled cheerfully. I nodded my head and handed her the knife.

“This play is being hosted by the princess, so the queen is also looking forward to it. You may be nervous, but you’ll do well.”

“I hope so.”

Lavigne nodded with a tense face.

“Oh my, what are you doing there?”

Claire shouted sharply.

At the end of Claire’s gaze, a man who had just entered alone was moving around in a frenzy.

‘His clothes are unusual.’

He was wearing a long robe. He also carry a lot of junk in his hands.

‘It’s like a wizard’s outfit from a story.’