“Do you want to become rich?”

Siebel looked at the person sitting across from him. Seeing Siebel smile made the other person uncomfortable, and they furrowed their brow.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You’re the first person to come to me with such an easy request. Most people come to me with much more complicated and persistent stories. For example, asking me to kill their hated family members, asking me how to get rid of someone without getting caught… or how to make the enemy sick. Stuff like that.”


“As you know, our ‘friend of crime’ helps with complete crimes. What you want to do is pretty easy. Yes, just one thing.”

Siebel touched his chin. His ice-blue pupils twisted.

“Just go to a designated place, a place I specify, and just stand there. That’s it. Yes, that alone will make you a lot of money. Of course, it’s a crime. Well, what do you think?”

Siebel leaned towards the other person.

“Crime isn’t really a crime if you don’t get caught, right?”

Thud. The door to Dr. Siebel’s private consultation room closed.

* * *

Time passed quickly.

It’s already been over a year since I arrived at the mansion. When I first arrived, I was a nine-year-old beggar with snotty nose.

Since then, I’ve gone through two winters and two newly added birthdays. Now, I’m eleven years old.

“These are all greetings addressed to the lady.”

Zion brought the letter on a silver tray.

“We ask about each other’s well-being during the spring festival.”

“Yes… Wow, there are a lot of letters.”

Last winter, my life changed a bit after solving the incident at the palace theater festival.

First of all, I became very popular with my schoolmates. They all became friendly with me, sending letters to say hello or inviting me to their parties. 

‘I didn’t have any friends in my past life, and I couldn’t go to school often.’

Because I was sick and lived in a hospital room.

But this life is different. I’m enjoying great popularity and doing well in school!

…Or so I wish, but unfortunately, it’s not the case.

‘That means I took a leave of absence.’

Collen, how could you do that to me?

Strictly speaking, it wasn’t a leave of absence. I was still receiving lessons from the school teachers at home.

Surprisingly, Madame Pauline’s school had the teachers come to our house when called. It was all because of the incident at last year’s theater festival.

The elusive Red Flower criminal who hasn’t shown his face since last year. Collen told  menot to attend school because of the anxiety caused by the criminal.

‘Thanks to that, I studied without any motivation.’

Etiquette education to become a lady, and even school lessons.

Plus, I had read so many books in Collen’s library that I now knew about poisons, martial arts, and tactics.

“Still, our school friends are so nice. Even though I only go to school once every two or three months, they all remember me and send me letters.”

“You were a hot topic in high society all last year.”

Hot topic?

“You saved Princess Lavigne’s life and caught the kidnapper at the palace. After that, rumors spread that the Duke was raising a genius by hiding you away.”

“…It’s not a wrong statement since I only studied last year and this year… but I don’t think my Dad had any intention.”

“Why wouldn’t he have any intention? He’s trying to protect you.”

That’s true. I nodded my head.

“But did Dad  go to Mage Tower again? He seems to be going there often these days. It would be nice if he took me with him when he goes to visit Jade… “

“Oh, it’s not for Jade. He went for another reason. But it was for a very, very important matter.”

I nodded. If it’s an important matter, it must be related to him being a wizard.

‘I want to go to school secretly.’

I have a bit of an obsession with school events like festivals and picnics, maybe because of my past life. Angel’s letter had bragged about the school’s New Year’s schedule.

‘Visiting the Kingdom fair?’

I had heard of the fair even when I was a beggar. It was said to be a big fair with a lot of things to see. Going there?

‘Wow, and we’re going on a picnic and boat ride too… This year’s school schedule is going to be fun.’

It was something that I was excited about.

Hmm. But I think I shouldn’t tell Collen about it.

I found an envelope that was tucked under the bottom of the letter. This also came from school?

“Oh! The midterm grade report came out.”

“Did it?”

I’m registered at the school, so even though I take classes at home, I still go to school to take tests.

“Will you be the top scorer on this test too?”

“I’m trying to open it now.”

I carefully opened the envelope with a letter opener.

[Joint for 1st place.

-Cedric de Vistion

-Leticia Lewellin]


I put the grade report down.

Cedric. He’s a prince I have seen a few times.

The boys’ school he attends and our school are sister schools. Although we take classes separately, grades are combined.

All the girls in our school are from noble families, so there are many who are focused on the bride class and look at me with hope or pride, but…

‘I want to be a perfect 1st place if I can.’