Chapter 36 How To Discipline Your Son

Don't talk about my mother!! Dracula wanted to shout this but he forced himself to shut the fuck up! His father would only get angrier if he said it. His father never told him who his mother was before and Dracula never tried to ask about her even though he wanted to know about her. She was a vampire and she was dead, that was all Dacula knew about her!

Alucard saw the pained expression on his son's face and he sighed as he kissed the cross and then dropped it on the altar. He then started to come down the steps.

"Be that as it may. I have come here by the order of my master..."

Dracula's eyes widened! Master? There is only one person that his father would call master! Is the demon lord alive again!?

"... Yes, the demon lord lives again, and if you weren't just a rat hiding in your cave you would have also realized it. He was the one that wanted to come here today. He wanted to look you in your eyes and ask you why you allowed his vampire army to be reduced to nightwalkers who only look for scraps to eat. But I begged him not to come and he allowed me to come instead. In my opinion, it is a father's place to teach his children manners. So let me do my fatherly duties for the first time in seven hundred years,"

The punch was completely unexpected! Dracula could barely put up a defense before he received a right hook!




Once Alucard finished talking, his hand lashed out and slammed into Dracula's chest! Dracula didn't even expect it! Alucard didn't hold back at all as he punched his son so Dracula flew back and broke out of the church wall! The entire part of the church where Dracula slammed into was broken and a huge hole was the only thing there!

Dracula's back slammed into the floor and he rolled for hundreds of meters before his entire body turned into a swarm of hundreds of bats and he forced himself to stop! He transformed back into a human and touched his chin. He was bleeding from his mouth!

Dracula snarled and suddenly blasted off the ground straight from his father! Who the hell does he think he is to try and teach me now!? After seven hundred years!? Fuck you!


Dracula punched straight at Alucard, but Alucard brought his hands up and caught it! He pulled Dracula back before sending a massive punch straight into his belly!


Dracula felt all the air in his body leave him at once and his eyes widened! Alucard took Dracula's head in his hands and slammed it into his rising knee before using Dracula's head as a handle to throw Dracula's entire body into the forest!!

Dracula slammed against hundreds of trees and broke through a giant rock before stopping with a groan! He quickly got to his feet and put his hand out as he knew that his father would immediately send a kick at him!


Dracula grit his teeth and held onto the leg before throwing his father backward with a yell! Fuck you!!

Alucard was sent flying by Dracula but he managed to stop himself by turning into a swarm of a thousand bats before flying back to the ground and reforming into his normal appearance! Dracula was panting angrily and hunched over as he glared at his father, but Alucard was just looking at his son calmly. He started to walk forward and then the both of them disappeared in a burst of speed!

Dracula and Alucard tore the entire forest apart as they fought! Dracula tried everything to stop Alucard but it was obvious that Alucard was stronger! Dracula wasn't as fast! He wasn't as quick with his transformation! He couldn't even see the punches that his father was sending at him? In every sense of the word, this was a father beating sense into his child!! But Dracula refused to back down! He hated that his father was trying to teach him now after he abandoned him for so long! Who the fuck did he think he was!?

Dracula's attendant was standing outside the forest and he could see the large explosions echoing from inside! Huge dust clouds were rising from the top of the forest every time someone throws a punch and the man only kept waiting. He would never dare to interfere in a fight between his lord and his lord's father! And besides, he could tell that none of the blows were life-threatening. They would sting and burn and maybe even break bones. But they wouldn't kill!


Okay, 'maybe' they won't kill.

Alucard used a hand to grab Dracula's face before he slammed Dracula's head into the ground! He dragged Dracula across the floor and Dracula's head formed a very deep trench that stretched for more than a meter before he finally managed to drag his father's hand off his face! Dracula's eyes turned red as he activated his [Mesmerize] skill. For a moment, Alucard's eyes turned a darker shadow of red and Dracula thought that he got it! But then Alucard's eyes changed back to their normal color before he also activated his own [Mesmerize]!

Alucard immediately felt his mind go blank! He was a slave! A prisoner! He was waiting on his master to give him orders! Whatever his master tells him to do he will surely do it!

Dracula bit his tongue hard! The [Mesmerize] skill was a skill that trapped the victim and made them slaves to whoever put the skill on them. It was a variation of the [Ragan] skill that all Lamia's had, but it was much weaker than the [Ragan]. It was impossible to break out from the [Ragan] once you fall into it, but you can break out of the [Mesmerize] of a vampire if you inflict enough pain on yourself! But the thing is that you have to do it by yourself! If someone else inflicts pain on you, then it will not allow you to break out. So you must have enough mental strength to know that you are inside a [Mesmerize] before you can break out!

Alucard was able to completely break out of Dracula's [Mesmerize] without even inflicting pain on himself because he is far stronger than his son. But Dracula had to inflict pain on himself before he could break out!

Once Dracula broke out, he wrapped his hand around his father's arm and turned the tables so that he was the one pinning his father to the ground! He snarled in anger! His father has always been like this. He always tried to use force to make Dracula listen! He thinks that just because he is stronger than me then I should just shut up and obey him!

"You were gone for seven hundred years! What right do you have to tell me what to do anymore!?"

Dracula shouted these things out to Alucard and he gritted his teeth even harder when Alucard didn't show any expression! Alucard suddenly transformed into a swarm of bats before a great force slammed into Dracula's chest. Dracula shot back and slammed into a tree behind him. Dracula was about to put his hand into his spatial space to bring out a weapon, but Alucard didn't even give him time to do that!


Dracula's face shot to the side as Alucard suddenly punched him! Alucard grabbed Dracula by the neck and drew back his fist as he continued!

Slam! Slam! Slam! Slam! Slam! Slam! Slam!

Dracula's head was constantly slamming against the tree behind him as Alucard went crazy on him! Alucard had a small frown on his face as he did this. He would teach this boy manners! In Alucard's mind, Dracula was only a brat that he was teaching a lesson!