Chapter 28: Spirit awakening. (4)

Name:How to Raise a Villainess Author:
Chapter 28: Spirit awakening. (4)

Gabriel could feel it the moment the carriage arrived in the capital. It was the air, something about it was different. He could almost feel it on his tongue, like the small petals of snow that fell on the day he decided to take the plunge.

When he pressed his face up against the small window, he could see them in the distance, the three landmarks of the Earhart Capital. To the north, the five twisting golden spires that marked the Imperial Palace. To the west, the towering marble pillar that served as the Magic Tower. And to the south, the nine sky-blue steeples that connected mankind to the gods through the Gransax Cathedral. The Imperial family held full control over the empire, but there was no one who could completely disregard the words and opinions of the tower and the cathedral, they could be seen as the right and left arms of the Imperial Family.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

The roads were wide, the buildings along it a mixture of golden, blue, and pure white. Looking at the city as it stretched into the horizon made Gabriel feel as if he was looking at the beach through a kaleidoscope. Scattered about those melding colours was a sea of people. They lined the streets like scarecrows, gawking at the carriages as they rolled past. The stain of the Vritara and the jewel of the Earhart, they were going to have their spirit awakening ceremony at the same time. How could they not gather to look?

The carriages followed the road, turning towards the first steeple, the one closest to the Imperial Palace. But as they got closer, the two carriages naturally split up. The luxurious one continued towards the first steeple, but the one Gabriel was on turned towards the fifth steeple that was a bit further away. The duke promised that Gabriel would get to undergo his own spirit awakening ceremony, but there was no way he would get to do it in the same place as the Crown Princess. No, he would have to use the Spirit Pond that was reserved for the lowest-ranked nobles.


"Why is Gabriel going somewhere else?"

Alice looked through the window, her gaze following the departing carriage. She couldn’t see Gabriel from here, the window on his carriage, the one she always used, was just too small for her to see anything properly. Meanwhile, this carriage had windows so large that you could see things clearly even if you were sprawled out on the floor, it was something she had never experienced before.

"The Crown Princess is currently within the First Steeple, we cannot allow an unknown commoner to wander around her, the Emperor will never allow it."

Marion answered patiently, her hands flipping the pages of the newspaper that was delivered to her when they arrived here. She was checking for news, but luckily it seemed as if word of Leonardo’s deeds hadn’t quite gotten out to the public yet. Good, that meant that there was still time to drag him in front of the emperor once this farce was over.

"You will get to see him again after the ceremony. Worry not, we of the Vritara family never go back on our words."

A slightly heavy voice, a slightly tired voice. This time, it wasn’t Marion that spoke. No, the voice belonged to the third person occupying this carriage. Duke Vritara, the Dragon Duke. He was just sitting there, but the sheer pressure his body exuded made it so that Alice couldn’t even look at him. As such, she hadn’t seen his face once despite sitting in the same carriage as him. All she could look at was the pair of muscular and toned legs covered by the black pants that likely belonged to a suit.

She wanted to scowl at him, but seeing as she couldn’t raise her gaze past his knees it was a plan she had no choice but to abandon. Her gaze slid back to the window, taking in the city around them since the other carriage had already disappeared from sight. She didn’t get to look at the city for long, the carriage stopping in front of the first steeple.

"We humbly greet the Duke of Vritara and Young Lady Marion. This lowly one is Garand Alsain, I welcome you to our cathedral."

A group of priests clad in light-blue robes awaited them as the carriage doors opened. The robes were simple and baggy, each one so identical that you could think that each of the priests held the same position. But one priest stood a bit ahead of the others, a somewhat young man with bright golden hair and eyes that shone like sapphires. He wore a kind smile, his head seemingly constantly tilted ever so slightly.

While the two leaders embraced each other, Alice’s gaze landed on the person standing next to the emperor. He had brought his daughter, a young girl that was supposedly about as old as Alice. Well, she was a bit taller because she got to eat better, but other than that it would be easy to believe that they were the same age.

The same crimson hair, hers hanging down freely while slightly curled, and the same transparent amber eyes that seemed to reflect the entire world around them. She wore a simple white dress that almost looked like the robes that Garand and the priests wore. The Spirit Awakening Ceremony was generally a rather grand and somewhat holy ordeal so Alice stood out a bit because she came in a normal blue dress.

The Crown Princess had a few freckles and a small mole right above the outer corner of her right eye. Her nose turned upwards slightly and she had rather deep dimples on her cheeks so she looked to be a rather happy person. In fact, she was smiling widely right now, looking directly at Alice. In fact, she even looked a bit... excited?

"Heyo, hello! I’m Abigail De Earhart, but you can just call me Abby! You’re Alice, right, right?"

Contrary to normal etiquette, the Crown Princess bounced forward and took the initiative to introduce herself, vigorously shaking Alice’s hand. She was so energetic that Alice barely had time to react before Abigail tugged on her arm.

"Papa, I’ll be going ahead with Alice! Don’t worry, I’ll summon a super duper cool spirit for you!"

She dragged Alice along with one hand while waving the other, skipping past the emperor as she pushed open the large doors and stepped through them with Alice. The emperor ended up looking somewhat exasperated as the doors closed, but the curve of his lips told the duke that he didn’t mind it too much.

The room beyond the door was where the Spirit Pond was. A large dome-shaped room that was completely empty except for the pond of milky-white water at the centre. Those that touched this water would find it a lot easier to have their voice reach the spirits of the world, and in turn the spirits would have an easier time gauging the one seeking a contract.

Alice couldn’t help but gawk slightly, the room felt a lot more solemn and holier than she expected. It was as if there was a slight hum in the air. But Abigail was still looking at her, a wide grin on her face.

"You have no idea how nice it is to finally meet you, Alice! We haven’t met before, but you just look so cute that I can’t help myself. Just you wait, I’m going to teach you how to grow up well and end up happy!"

Alice’s mind was dragged back to the person in front of her as Abigail spoke up, her voice bubbling excitedly as she almost seemed unable to stand still. It was a really familiar statement, one she hadn’t expected to hear from someone else ever again. But Abigail just kept talking.

"There are two really reaaallly important things you need to keep in mind to grow up well. The first, you can’t trust your family! Leonardo and Francis are up to no good, not at all! Don’t think of them as brothers, because they don’t see you as their sister! Marion and the Duke aren’t much better honestly, but you can win them over by growing up well, I know you can!"

Abigail raised a slender finger in front of Alice’s face, her cheeks slightly puffed out as she huffed at Alice’s family. She almost sounded personally insulted, Alice almost felt that Abigail would wring their necks if they were here right now. But then her expression became a bit darker, a shade of severity falling over her eyes as she raised another finger.

"And then there’s the second thing. If you ever, and I mean ever, encounter someone with white-ish hair and violet eyes, you must avoid them at all cost. Don’t stop to give them a moment, don’t listen to their words, don’t trust them. That thing will lie to you, that thing will deceive you with sweet words, that thing will use you. It’ll say something one moment and then contradict itself in the next without even noticing it. Never trust it, and never listen to it, okay?"