Chapter 16: First Picture

Name:How To Ruin A Love Comedy Author:
Chapter 16: First Picture


The next morning.

Ah fuck

When I tried moving my toes, the area between my big toe and index toe stung.

I grimaced as I looked down at my phone.

[Matsuda-kun, what are you up to?]

Miyuki had sent a message.

Was this the first time that she asked if I was free first?

I did receive an injury from wearing that gates for too long, but it was a meaningful day, and since I even received the first text, lets think of it as a wound of glory.

I rubbed my eyes as I moved my fingers.

[I just woke up.]

[Its eleven-o-clock. When did you sleep last night?]

The reply came insanely quick.

Could I assume that you were waiting for my message?

I feel like todays gonna be a good day.

[I slept as soon as I came back, but when I woke up, it was this late. What are you doing?]

[I just came back from the barbershop with Tetsuya.]

Oh fuck. You guys went by yourselves?

Forget having a good day, its just depressing.

[Did you get a cut?]

[I didnt, but Tetsuya-kun did. Super short.]

[Then is the mop hair finally gone?]

[Yeah. It looks very refreshing. However, I liked Tetsuyas hair from before better. Do you want to see a picture?]

[Send it.]

Not long after, I received the picture Miyuki sent.

The picture had the two of them sticking real close and making a V pose.

The fact that Miyuki, who was smiling innocently, had her head touching with that beggar-like Tetsuyas forehead made me feel like a little shitty, but there was something funny about the whole thing.

Tetsuyas new hairstyle was very similar to mine.

It doesnt suit him at all.

Every person has a hairstyle that suits them, but Tetsuya didnt think about that and just cut the sides short just like me.

The side of Tetsuyas head is high, and you can see the curves.

The hair on the side of his head puffed up like that of a mushroom.

Did he feel jealous of me because of yesterdays event?

If thats true, Tetsuya just did himself a disservice.

He got rid of one of his good points on his own.

Laughing like a mad man to myself, I sent a message.

[Im not a fan. Maybe if he pressed the sides of his hair down and lifted the top it might be ok. Does Miura have gel at his house?]

[Im not sure myself, but probably not? Tetsuya was not someone that cared about hairstyles in the first place Is it reallyl that bad? I thought it was alright]

[If it was really alright, you wouldnt say that Tetsuyas hair was better before.]

[I guess theres some truth in your words. How about when we study next week, you teach Tetsuya-kun how to style his hair Matsuda-kun?]

I have no reason to do such a thing.

Anyways, thinking about Miyukis reactions from yesterday, I think we can easily go out and eat together at this point.

I think the odds are very favourable, so its worth trying at least once.

[Ill think about it. What are you doing right now?]

[Im at home.]

[Are you busy later?]


[Did you shower already?]

[Why are you asking me about that? Just what are you imagining?]

Now you immediately think that Im thinking of something lewd.

Sad. Even if its true.

[Did you or did you not. Just tell me.]

[I did.]

[Why did you already shower?]

[Because I came back from going out?]

I ran my hand all over my hair.

Why do I keep pussyfooting around? Is Tetsuya rubbing off on me?

Lets just ask directly.

[Did you eat with Miura?]

[No, we separated without eating. I was gonna eat at home right now.]

[Dont eat and just come out. Eat with me instead.]


[Yeah. Meet at the station near the weird bookstore.]

Even if Tetsuya is stupid, he probably wouldnt have said a lie that would have exposed that easily.

On top of that, I told Tetsuya to go to the barber together.

But the fact that he still chose to go with Miyuki alone means that he is seeing me as a threat.

It looks like Tetsuya is slowly feeling the pressure, but Im not worried in the slightest.

To figure out why, you just have to see Dokiacas ending.

I was pissed back then But now, Im glad that it was that way, and not pissed at all now that Im actually here.

What are you thinking about? Are you mad?

I retorted to Miyuki.

Do I look like that kinda guy?

Yes. Matsuda-kun has a childish side to him.

It feels like youre going to say Im immature.

One of Matsuda-kuns issues is that hes pessimistic about everything.

Miyuki smiled brightly and started making fun of me.

After getting past the fireworks incident, the briefly weird atmosphere turned normal again.


We ate the delicious ramen, and didnt part at the station. Instead, we walked to Miyukis neighborhood together, just talking.

My foot hurts a little, but for spending time with Miyuki, I can always handle something of this level.

Before meeting us, what did you do on weekends Matsuda-kun?

Matsuda Ken goes to a high ranked prostitution ring by Gabukicho on weekends.

He was a regular, and if he was too lazy to go, he called over a masseuse Deriharu.

No matter how loose my lips are, I can never speak of this.

Lets just spin a lie.

Drink with the boys Play some pool Stuff like that. How come youre asking all of a sudden?

Tetsuya-kun and I lived in a different world from you. So I was just curious.

Well, just as you said, I did come from a different world.

Its an embarrassing past, so you dont need to know much about it.

Just by realizing that, you should know that you have matured.

If you keep giving me carrots like this, Im gonna become prideful.

You have to whip me here and there.

I coughed, pretending to get flustered by the compliment, and changed the topic.

The weathers nice today isnt it?

Yeah. The wind is nice, and the sky is pretty.

Do you wanna take a picture together?

Picture? Alright.

Miyuki accepted the offer easily, and pulled out her phone from her bag.

I did not like the keyring of the cute character that popped out.

It should be my initials, or perhaps an SD picture and it would be perfect.

Miyuki looked around and found a place that would have a nice background.

Then signaled me to hurry up.

I approached Miyuki, and made a face as soon as the camera app came on.

Different from the prankster or angry faces, a light smile with a slight pressure on my eyes. A serious face.

I tried my best to mimick the angle Tetsuya and Miyuki had in their picture using my memory.

Then I saw Miyukis pupils move towards me on the phone screen.

It must be the first time seeing me like this right? It must be fresh to her.

Should I get closer? The side of my face is being cut off.

At my question, Miyuki, who was thinking about something else, stumbled around a reply.

Hm? Ah Yeah Can you get a little closer?

I got close enough to touch Miyuki with the side of my head.

This was about the same as the one in Tetsuyas picture.

When Miyuki gets home, I hope she compares the two pictures.

Now that Im so close to her, I can smell her shampoo.

Later on, well share shampoos and body wash.

Even though we found a good spot, the only thing that came out of the picture was our faces.

But Miyuki didnt say anything about that.

She just fixed up her clothes and her expressions.

She slightly looked over to me and spoke.

Im gonna take the picture ok?

Go quickkk

Maybe me being unable to speak properly due to holding a smile was funny, but she let out a small laugh.

Then, upon seeing that my expression was slowly breaking, she quickly fixed her expression and took a picture.


Thats how after we got ramen, we took our first monumental selfie.

