Chapter 82

Name:How To Ruin A Love Comedy Author:
Chapter 82Chapter 82


Having completed my remaining volunteer hours, I stepped out of the cafeteria. As I was shaking the collar of my buttoned shirt to fan some air into my sweat-soaked body,


Renka’s voice called from behind. I turned around to see her approaching with her arms crossed, a smile spreading across my face.

“Inoo sunbae? What brings you here?”

“I was on my way to the snack bar. Did you finish your volunteer hours?”

“Yes. I’ve sweated quite a bit, could you lend me a handkerchief?”

It seemed Renka didn’t like the way I asked; her eyebrows twitched slightly. However, she didn’t say anything and instead pulled out a portable mini tissue from her pocket.

‘He indeed looks to have sweated a lot,’ she seemed to think, letting it go.

“I don’t have a handkerchief.”

After wiping the sweat off my forehead with several tissues, I said,

“This will do. Thank you.”

“I heard from Chinami, you prevented her from getting scammed?”

“Yes, it just turned out that way.”

“Why were you following Chinami? Even going so far as to say you like Momo chan.”

She knew everything.

Of course, there were no secrets between those two. Although a few might start to appear from now on.

“Because I’m worried. Nanase sunbae-’nim’ is so pure, and Momo chan is adorable too.”

“... Doesn’t seem to like cute things.”

“Who? Me?”

“I didn’t say who. Feeling guilty?”

I scoffed and threw the tissue into the trash can with a flick of my wrist. It sailed beautifully and landed precisely in the bin. Watching it with a satisfied expression, I changed the topic.

“It’s risky to send Nanase sunbae-nim alone on such a deal, don’t you agree?”

“I agree. If I had known, I would have gone instead of you.”

Her sharp tone made me want to challenge her more. There’s a play I really want to try, and I think I’ll save it just for you.

“Still, I should say thank you.”

At Renka’s continuing words, I nodded and handed her the half-used pack of tissues.

“Where were you yesterday, sunbae? Must have been busy for you to be not with Nanase sunbae-’nim’.”

“Why should I tell you that?”

“You don’t like me, do you?”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“No, just the tone of your voice seemed sharp. Anyway, see you during club activities. I’m heading off.”

After my simple kendo-style bow, Renka gave me a brief glare but then nodded in acknowledgment. Smirking at her, I turned and walked away.




Chinami, unresponsive to my call, continued to spray deodorizer into the training gear.

“Sensei, you know it’s deodorizer, right?”

“.... Ah...!”

Realizing her mistake, Chinami startled and put down the deodorizer. Her face fell as she inspected the now thoroughly soaked gear.

“Oh no, it’s wet...! It’s like I dunked it in water and pulled it out!”


That sounds a bit risqué.

“Yes, it’s definitely wet.”

“I was lost in thought and made such a silly mistake...”

“You’ve been out of it... You don’t look well today, are you feeling okay?”

Saying this, I placed the back of my hand on Chinami’s forehead.


Chinami exclaimed, her eyes widening. Her body shivered noticeably.

“You don’t seem to have a fever... but why is your face so red?”

After my cliché concern, I withdrew my hand just as she seemed about to flinch.

“It’s the change of seasons; you should be careful not to catch a cold. When you get home, wash with warm water, make sure to dry your hair well, and cover yourself with a thick blanket.”

“.... Yes...”

“Did you keep the promise yesterday?”

“Yes... I didn’t visit any used goods websites...”

“And the image of Momo chan that was haunting you, has it faded?”

“A little...”

“That’s good to hear.”

I patted Chinami on the back as if soothing a child. As soon as my hand touched her, she twitched her shoulders. Yet, seeming to like the gentle strokes up and down her back, she soon relaxed and made a drowsy expression.

Pretending to be confused, I pointed at her.

“That’s right! You are Inoo sunbae, aren’t you?”


She couldn’t hide the confusion in her eyes.

With some agitation, I moved closer to her.

“What are you doing here?”

“Ah... um...”

“What’s that? Did you buy a figurine?”

As my gaze shifted to the shopping bag emblazoned with a giant anime character, she flinched before responding.

“Yes, what does it matter to you...? And how did you know it’s a figurine?”

“Isn’t that a limited edition figurine? I came here to buy one too.”

“What...? Why you?”

“Because I want to. Where can I buy it?”

“No... You came to buy a figurine and you don’t know where they’re sold? It’s on the opposite side.”

“I tried to find it but it was confusing. But why did you buy it? Do you like anime?”

“I bought it... for my nephew who lives in the countryside.”

Renka regained her composure and skillfully offered her excuse.

I smirked inwardly and asked.

“Your nephew likes that anime?”

“Yes... like it...”

“Really? Are they still selling them?”

“If you go now, it’ll be too late... They have limited quantities, you might not get one...”


My expression clouded with irritation.

Did she think it odd that I appeared concerned?

Adjusting her hat, Renka remarked.

“I thought you weren’t interested in this sort of thing.”

If I weren’t interested, I wouldn’t have made it to this world.

“I’m trying to take an interest now. The anime is pretty fun.”

“Really? But you didn’t manage to get a figurine?”

“Are you teasing me?”

“No, I mean... that’s not it... uh...”

She coughed awkwardly, as if the situation was incredibly uncomfortable. I sighed deeply, feigned turning away, then looked back at Renka.



“Are you heading home now?”

“Guess I have to...”

“Need a ride?”

“There’s really no need for that...”

“We’ve met, so it’s fate, isn’t it?”

I deliberately glanced at the figurine while speaking, as if I was eyeing it covetously. Renka, completely taken in by my act, shifted her shopping bag behind her back.

“That’s absolutely not happening... wake up. If you really want one, go somewhere else. It’s a popular anime, they sell regular figurines too...”

“How do you know that?”

“The display is all about this anime’s characters, how could I not know...?”

“No, I mean, how did you know they sell regular figurines?”

“I saw it while walking... What? Are you picking a fight?”

“I’m not picking a fight; it’s just the way I talk. You know me.”

As I self-deprecatingly criticized myself, Renka’s mask visibly puffed out. She was stifling a laugh. Seizing the moment, I asked with a beaming smile.

“Could you maybe show me where you saw that figurine?”

“I saw it over there.”

Renka pointed towards the other side. I narrowed my brows slightly and said,

“You’re being vague, how am I supposed to know? Please show me.”

“I don’t want to. Just look it up on your phone.”

“You really know how to make things difficult. Remember last time we sparred and things got a bit rough? You apologized for that, right? Consider this a way to make up for it.”

Renka’s eyes wavered. She seemed to be seriously contemplating what to do. Glancing back and forth between my face and the shopping bag she was holding, she finally sighed deeply and stepped towards me.

“Follow me.”

(‿(‿୨ * ୧‿(‿(

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