Chapter 117: Sorenson's Mad Dog (3)

Chapter 117: Sorenson's Mad Dog (3)

“I’m going to help you and your younger sibling get out of here.”

Aron had a half-doubting expression, as if wondering if this was a dream.

In fact, from Aron’s perspective, this situation was hard to comprehend.

“I know where your sibling is, so don’t worry.”

“...Is Mary alright?”


I continued without pause.

“In return, you’ll have to work under me. You do as I say.”

Aron’s brow furrowed. Just from those words, it sounded no different from what Bedes’ gang would do.

“However, I won’t threaten you through your sibling or make you do anything unethical.”

“Then what kind of work would I be doing?”

“Eliminating devil worshippers.”

“Devil worshippers?”

Aron asked with a dumbfounded expression.

“You must have heard of them.”

“Well, yes, but why them...?”

In truth, the threat of the devil worshippers couldn’t immediately impact the people of this continent.

The empress’s death was shocking, but they were an unknown force whose scale was unclear.

They were probably just viewed as crazy cultists.

Moreover, for someone like Aron who struggled just to survive each day, it was a rather pointless matter.

“Let’s just say I have a grudge, like you.”

I imbued my words with bitterness. Aron slightly frowned but nodded.

He likely felt we were in similar circumstances.

“Why me?”

“Because I saw you fight. You have talent.”

My earlier show of force would lend quite some persuasive power to those words.

He was likely feeling similar to how I felt when facing Rudehrn.

While not common, occasionally talented children were scouted and taken.

Meeting good people was a dream for orphans.

There was no need to give him time. I deliberately frowned slightly and averted my gaze.

“Time isn’t on our side. Decide. Either leave with me after rescuing your sibling, or remain a fighter here with your sibling held hostage.”

In truth, I already knew the answer, having learned Aron’s past from the game.

Aron and his sister were orphans.

One of Bedes’ thugs had tried to assault his younger sister, but Aron intervened, beating the man to death.

That’s why Bedes captured Aron and his sister.

Originally, they likely intended to use Aron as a disposable fighter in the pits, while handing his sister to a brothel.

But Aron’s talent exceeded their expectations, leading to this situation.

If Bedes had recognized Aron’s ability sooner, they might have tried to recruit him amicably from the start...Diiscover new stories at

But what’s done is done.

That’s why Aron harbored hatred for this organization. I waited for the expected answer.

“You won’t threaten me through my sister or make me do unethical things?”

“Exactly. More precisely, I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want.”

“That’s enough about the latter. Not being threatened through my sister is enough. But I’d like it if Mary could do what she wants.”

“I’ll support that as much as I can. So you accept?”

Aron nodded firmly.


I handed him his sword.

“Then let’s begin.”

“Do you have a specific plan, sir?”

“Rescue your sister and kill Bedes.”


Aron seemed surprised.

Did he have a smaller stomach for it than I expected? Or did he not know what someone like me was capable of?

“You were just thinking of a rescue?”


“A rescue is a given, but you also need personal vengeance.”

“Ah, vengeance.”

“Destroying Bedes should be fine. You can’t just leave your nemesis and the organization he built, can you?”

It didn’t matter to me, but granting him vengeance would help win Aron’s loyalty a bit more.

I didn’t particularly care for such scum either.

“Is it just the two of us?”


Aron looked slightly taken aback. I chuckled. He had felt my force, but still lacked discernment.

I would have to show him what I could do.

“Follow me.”

I had confirmed Bedes’ location when I came to the fighting pits earlier to watch Aron’s fight. He was frowning as the man they called Colossus died.

As we exited, Aron flinched at the sight of thugs lying unconscious in the corridor.

“I didn’t kill them.”

It just saved me some effort. I was going to kill him anyway. Before long, I stood before Bedes.

“Who are you?”

“Someone here to kill you.”

At Bedes’ side were what appeared to be his personal guards, hastily summoned.

Still, better than the random thugs outside.

“You insolent brat.”

Bedes scoffed, shifting his gaze to Aron.

“I spared your life, and this is how you repay me? I’ll tear you limb from limb. As for your sister, she’ll sell her body at a brothel.”

Aron glared at Bedes with fury in his eyes.

“Can you leave him to me, sir?”

I had intended that from the start. If Bedes proved stronger than expected, I would of course assist, using Winds.


“These insolent fools...”

Before Bedes could finish, I stomped the ground, unleashing full speed. Moonlight traced moonlit arcs.

In an instant, three collapsed. I swept the remaining one aside with a kick. The hapless wretch flew through the air.

Stepping onto the Winds’ platform, I leaped to the other side. Again, I swung my sword in a straight line.

Two sword paths more and four more fell. Situation resolved.

Clang! The one I had kicked finally crashed through a window and was flung outside the building.

In the ensuing silence, a thud signaled his fall.

In under three seconds, I had dispatched eight. The stillness was heavy.

Only now did Bedes seem to realize things had gone awry.

“Wh-, wh-, who are you?”

“I told you. Someone here to kill you.”

I shrugged.

“Ah, I misspoke. Aron will be the one to kill you.”

At my words, Aron stepped forward, sword in hand. His gaze lingered briefly on his sister.

Was he worried about her eyes?

Since I had already killed some with my sword, perhaps he didn’t want to show her that side of himself.

I stood before Mary, blocking her view. Aron nodded slightly.

“Thank you.”

Aron stomped the ground. And without my aid, he was able to sever Bedes’ head.

Bedes had kept his attention fixed on me, unable to accept the situation.

Afterward, we reunited with Osten and leaped over Sorenson’s walls to escape the city.

It was only then that Mary noticed my Winds and showed surprise.

Once we were outside the walls, some time passed, and they all seemed to relax a bit.

They must have been quite anxious about causing a commotion and leaving the city.

Regardless of my force, if the city guards had intervened, it would have certainly been troublesome.

Osten looked a bit puzzled as he observed the children.

“Boss, but how will these kids help our group?”

He whispered with a hint of dissatisfaction.

I nodded.

“Didn’t you seem like a mere apprentice mage to others at first?”


“They’re talented children.”

The truth. While not to Aron’s extent, Mary was a decent talent herself, having been Aron’s brains.

But even if not, gaining Aron was worth taking on one extra person.

“If you say so, Boss.”

Osten nodded. A while later, Aron, walking behind us, asked.

“Um, how should I address you?”

“Whatever feels comfortable.”

“...Can I call you brother?”

I nodded. Unlike Osten, Aron was sixteen, younger than me, so it wasn’t strange.

Honorifics weren’t that important anyway.

At that time, the princess was strolling through the palace gardens, the very place where the empress had been slain.

Her attendant Emmet followed behind with concern.

“Your Highness, it’s quite late. Let’s head back inside.”

“It’s fine.”

“...You’ve barely been sleeping these days. You’ll compromise your health.”

“Didn’t I say I’m fine?”

Her stubborn tone made Emmet fall back with a worried expression.

Erendil hadn’t changed much since her mother’s assassination.

She treated her supporting nobles the same, and her daily routine was similar.

Only her appetite had decreased, she barely slept, and she wandered these gardens every night where her mother was killed.

At first, she couldn’t believe it. She struggled to accept that situation, unable to make sense of it no matter how much she thought about it.

But once she had calmed down somewhat, one peculiar point lingered in her mind, troubling her.

‘Why was Mother holding a dagger...?’

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