Chapter 4: This suicide is really indifferent

Xiao Yu'an's body began to be worse than one day. He did not intend to rely on expensive treatment to continue his life. Xiao Yuan anonymously donated a hospital and then put all the remaining assets into one account.

After doing this, Xiao Yuan quietly left the hospital and went to a sanatorium in the suburbs.

This is a fairly high-end sanatorium, even the middle-class family can not afford, people can not help but feel: capitalism is really dark! I am contaminated with the blood of the working people!

Xiao Yu'an was familiar with the road to find a fairly luxurious room in the sanatorium.

A young nurse in the room came out. After seeing Xiao Yuan, she was a little surprised: "Mr. Xiao?"

"Is he in a good mood today?" Xiao Yuan asked.

"You can also swear."

"Yes? That's good."

"Mr. Xiao, are you going to go see him?"

"Well, trouble you to leave others, let them not come up for the time being, don't care if you hear the sound."

"Okay." Miss nurse nodded and walked lightly.

Xiao Yuan took a deep breath and took a look at the phone.

Well, the company's aftermath has been dealt with well, and there is no problem in writing.

Just as Xiao Yu'an was preparing to take back his mobile phone, the novel website suddenly jumped out of a message.

Xiao Yu'an thinks that it should be because of the comments he sent to find himself to tear, and in normal times, Xiao Yu'an will not look at it at all.

But today is not the same, Xiao Yuan obeyed curiosity and opened the news.

It is not a tear.

Not only is it not torn, but the people and content of the news have made Xiao Yuan very surprised.

The message was sent by the author and the content was a short sentence.

Only you know him.

I understand him?

Xiao Yuan is confused, who knows? Man?

After doubts, Xiao Yuan put away the phone, pushed the door open and walked into the room.

The room was bright and spacious, and the floor-to-ceiling curtains swayed in front of the clear windows. In the middle of the room, a young man in a wheelchair was holding a cat's neck and pressing it into the goldfish bowl.

He looked at the cat with a blank expression and struggled with drowning. He didn't even look up when he heard the sound.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yuan went to ask him.

"The care worker said that it likes fish, but the fish is in the water, so I am helping it." The tone of the man did not have any ups and downs.

"Is it..." Xiao Yuan whispered softly. "Right, I am leaving."

The man suddenly trembled. He looked at Xiao Yu’s hand and the cat quickly fled, making the floor full of water.

"How long do you have to go?" the man asked.

"I will not come back in this life." Xiao Yuan replied.

The man nodded and rolled his wheelchair to the side of the coffee table. He reached for a cup on the coffee table and slammed it to Xiao Yu'an.

The cup slammed on Xiao Yu'an's forehead accurately, and the pain accompanied the cracking of the cup.

Xiao Yu'an was stunned and then instinctively stretched his hand to his forehead. The blood penetrated his fingers and dyed his eyes in front of him.

"Do you remember what you said at the mother's grave?" the young man asked.

"Well, I remember." Xiao Yuan took a breath and wanted to relieve pain and dizziness.

"What are you talking about!!" The man suddenly snarled.

"I said that I will take care of you for her forever."

"anything else!!!!"

"If I didn't do it, I will die..."

"Then you are going to die."

"I... I transferred the assets to your account, you..."

"Go to death! Go to hell!"

"You have to take care of yourself, sorry."

"Shut up! Give me to die!"

"Good." Xiao Yuan walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, opened the window, and then jumped from the fifth floor.