Chapter 6: It’s impossible to get a man or a man.

Have no courage.

Xiao Yu'an commented on the North Emperor in the book.

In the original book, the skill points of the Northern Kingdoms emperor were probably added to luck. At that time, the Northland had a good harvest and the people were rich, so the Northern Kingdoms emperor had the ambition to attack the South Yan State.

In the midst of the famine in the South Yan State, the king died, and it was simply impossible.

So the emperor of the North Kingdom sneaked in, and in one fell swoop attacked the South Yan State, smashing its prince, taking its possessions and cutting the land.


This first emperor, brave and brave, but neglected to manage, after the fight, the treasures of a roll of people tied to pat the **** home!

return! Family! Now!

Big Brother, Armstrong ran to the moon of 380,000 kilometers away and knew that he would insert a flag. You have tried your best to fight down the land, even a flag is too lazy to insert it? ?

The essence of the eagle owl is only revealed by you.

Later, the South Wu State, which was robbed by the raging fire, was partly divided. The rest of the country was barely maintained by the uncle of the man.

After the Northern Emperor won the victory, he began to sing songs day and night, absurd fornication, and squandered the national treasury. In the end, it was estimated that he had drunk himself and died.

The prince quickly succeeded to the throne, and the young monarch who had heard of the emperor’s set of ruling ruling ruling the country was also an aunt who could not afford it.

It can be seen that the North State was broken by the male actor in a short period of time. It was not a sudden incident. The root cause has been buried deeply between the two generations.

Xiao Yuan hurried to the jail of the palace, and there was a pungent smell of scent and rotten in the iron gate of the forest.

The jailer in jail apparently did not expect the emperor to come to such a place, scared two battles, fell to the ground, and his heart was in utter disappointment.

"The emperor, you are the noble body of Jinlong, how can you enter this filthy land, what is the matter or tell the minister to do it!" Xiao Yu'an's guards shouted.

"The meat pieces that are divided by the cells containing 23 pairs of chromosomes, don't divide what is three or six." Xiao Yuan said with a heavy heart and the bodyguard.

Bodyguard: "Ah?"

"Knowledge is a good thing."


"So we have to oppose superstition and advocating science."


"Nothing, I am teasing you to play." Xiao Yuan smiled at the sturdy guard and then stepped into the iron gate.

Three seconds later, Xiao Yuan jumped out of his nose and jumped out.

Too... It’s too bad to hear, slow down.

Under the scent of the nose, the nose followed the theory of the survival of the fittest and gradually adapted to the stench smell. Xiao Yuan re-entered.

There were not many prisoners in jail, and the cells on both sides were empty. Xiao Yu’an followed the guards through a dark jail and was taken all the way to the deepest place, then stood in front of an ordinary cell.

The guards touched the key and opened the door. They quickly laid a layer of clean straw on the ground, fearing that they would stain Xiao Yu'an's boots.

Good practice is good, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but see the guards.

The thick **** smell rushed to the surface, and the flickering candle in the cell trembled because of the wind that Xiao Yuan walked in.

The corner of the cell sits against a person.

His white coat has long been stained with blood and sputum, and the thick iron chain is almost embedded in the wounds of his hands and feet, shackling his every move, faint, can see him broken. In the middle of the blouse, he turned out the red flesh and blood, his hair was covered and he could not see the five senses.

Hearing the sound, the man in the corner did not move.

But one eye came out from behind the hair.

Xiao Yu'an looked at the eye, and all of them were cold, indifferent and determined.

Some people are in the land of wealth and glory, but their eyes are no different from death. Some people are in jail, but the filth can't cover up the two eyes like the stars and the swords.

Xiao Yuan only took a glance and realized that today, if he did not kill him, he would kill himself in Japan.

Xiao Yu'an said nothing, pulled out the sword on the waist of the guards, and the sharp-selling sizzling, the people in the prison were shocked, and the man in prison finally moved, but only slightly moved. The body, the pain made his brow look stunned.

Looked so bad.

Xiao Yuan thought that the description in the book is the text after all. Now I have seen the horror of the man, and he just wants to say.

Work! By! Big! Big! you! One! Mixed! egg! Rear! mom!

This is your son! It’s too bad!

Xiao Yu'an clenched his hilt, and his heart was inexplicably filled with a feeling of tingling the heart.

This kind of emotion is called distressed.

A killing word is very simple. Xiao Yu'an doesn't even have to do it himself. Now the people in front of him are as humble as ants, and the corpses are destroyed, but there is no more.

However, Xiao Yuan can't go.

Forget it, anyway, I know the plot, and I don’t want to take the path of the young king to die, maybe I won’t be broken.

Really not, look at the wind direction, take advantage of the male master and still be captured in the North, so that he is good at him, and he will be spoiled for heaven, maybe he can brush up the feelings of the Raiders, and finally can mix a whole body?

Xiao Yu, who only asked for the whole body, sighed silently and returned the sword to the guard.

However, Xiao Yuan did not intend to leave so easily.

The book describes the man's appearance as a man of heaven, handsome and terrible, Xiao Yuan is very curious, a few steps forward in front of the man, reaching out to open his loose hair.

At the moment when Xiao Yu'an reached out, Luhe Qing suddenly turned his head and bit the hand of Xiao Yu'an.

Inexplicably bitten, Xiao Yuan also stunned.

The people in front of him have no strength at all. Although they bite Xiao Yu’s pain, they don’t see blood.

Due to the location problem, the jailer and the guard behind him could only see Xiao Yu'an's back and did not see him being bitten.

Xiao Yu'an waited for a while and found that Luohe had not yet said that he had no loose mouth. He said helplessly: "Isn't it still?"

Xiao Yu'an estimates that he was just stimulated by his own sword, so it will be like this.

"It hurts." Xiao Yuan whispered, "Let's loose it. After a long time, the bodyguard will be suspicious."

Luhe Qing was stunned by Xiao Yu'an's good and good attitude.

Xiao Yu’an’s tooth print on his back, hidden in his sleeve, stood up and said to the jailer and the guard: “Put him out of the prison, then send it to the doctor, and heal the wound.”

After that, Xiao Yuan turned and walked out of the prison.

Some toss, even has been staring at the night, Xiao Yuan returned to the palace.

Seeing Xiao Yu'an provoked a **** sigh from the prison, and the red-haired sleeve of the waitress was busy leading him to the bath.

Xiao Yu'an took the bath as a hot spring bubble, soaked in dizziness and swelled up. After a while, Xiao Yuan was confused and heard what the red sleeve asked.

Xiao Yu'an didn't care, and he snorted and sipped for nearly half an hour.

Waiting for Xiao Yu'an to finish, the red sleeves carefully waited for him to dress.

Xiao Yu'an remembers the original book, the red sleeves are awkward, and he knows how to look at the face of the young king, so he won the joy of the young king.

At the same time, she is also a sultry woman, she is responsible for disciplined the young king's imprisonment, for these male pets red sleeves are never merciless, if someone does not serve the king, she is beaten and fleshy.

Xiao Yu'an looked at the quiet woman who was seriously dressed for herself, and could not put the description of the original book on her.

What is the ending of the red sleeve in the book?

Xiao Yuan bowed his head and meditated. He still didn't remember. The red sleeves were calling in his ear: "The emperor, it's time to go to bed."

"Well, okay." Xiao Yuan returned to God and left this question behind.

After walking back to the palace, the red sleeves did not follow, but gently closed the door.

There was no candle in the palace, and Xiao Yu’an waited for the darkness to sneak into the bed by the moonlight from the hollow wooden window.

Silently quiet, the smoke from the incense is lifted out, quiet and quiet.

What Xiao Yuan never imagined was that there was still one person on this bed.