Chapter 9: False sleep is impossible to sleep

The next morning, the red sleeves came to Xiao Yu'an to wash and change clothes. As a result, he found that he sat on the bed like wood, his eyes straight and his dark circles were extremely heavy.

"The emperor?" The red sleeves scared the basin filled with water and fell.

Xiao Yuan returned to God: "Ah?"

"What happened to you in the emperor? Did you sleep well?" asked the red sleeve worriedly.

Xiao Yu’an didn’t sleep well, he didn’t sleep at all this night!

No way, there is no breathing sound beside me, Xiao Yuan can't sleep.

Staying up late, hurting and hurting, Xiao Yu’s temples, and getting up and letting the red sleeves change themselves.

Xiao Yu'an is a person who can adjust his mood. Staying up late makes him feel confused, so he decides to find something to distract.

For example, look at the man, then go to see the woman, feel what kind of experience is bathing under the protagonist's aura.

The male lord, Qi Heqing, was treating the wound in the Tai Medical Hall. He used the early breakfast and Xiao Yuan rushed to the Tai Medical Hall.

The day is just dawning, the time is still early, the early morning of the early winter is cold and pressing, the medicine hall is full of medicine, the center of the hall, under the medicine cabinet, an old woman doctor is wrapped in a thick robe. .

Hearing the sound, the old lady looked up and saw Xiao Yu'an, and quickly screamed and shouted at the emperor.

When the old doctor gave a glimpse, the old arm and the old leg began to scream, scared Xiao Yu'an to help him quickly: "What did the people sent from prison yesterday?"

"Return to the emperor, in the inner room, just under the sputum, should be sleeping." The old doctor answered.

"Take me to see."

The old doctor looked at a group of guards and nieces of Xiao Yu'an, and it was difficult to say: "The emperor, the inner chamber is small, I am afraid that there are not so many people."

Xiao Yuan put the red sleeves and Yang Liu out: "I will bring both."

The old doctor did not dare to sneer again, and quickly led the three to the inner room.

The interior is really small, a couch almost occupies the entire room, and there is a person lying on the couch, Xiao Yuan presses his inner excitement and slowly walks over.

It’s a man, it’s a river, and it’s a night, and it’s not a girl, it’s a girl who walks on the road of a sister, and who is a girl in the world! the Lord! what!

However, when seeing the face, Xiao Yuan was stunned.

The people in front of me didn’t have the wolverines in prison. The clothes also changed into a clean coat. The hands and feet were wrapped around the cloth to stop bleeding. The whole person looked clear and refreshed, but somehow, his face was covered with a layer of black charcoal. It is impossible to see the original appearance at all.

The old lady saw Xiao Yu'an doubts and was busy explaining: "This is what this person would rather die."

Xiao Yuan thought about the original story and suddenly realized it.

In the original book, the young king and Xiao Yu'an like, release Luhe Qing from the prison, Luhe Qing knows the intention of the young king, so insist on using black charcoal to cover up the appearance, one day, the young king thinks of Qihe Qing, curious to come, can be After the young king saw the black and sneaky face of the river, he was disgusted, so he no longer asked about the matter of Qihe Qing.

Luhe Qing also escaped the number of robberies that may become imprisoned.

What is the red sleeve, see Xiao Yu'an face regret, look at the hole: "Imperial, I go to the basin to wash his face?"

"No, nothing." Xiao Yuan waved his hand.

Anyway, I am not in a hurry. I can always see what the Weihe River looks like.

The person on the couch, although frowning slightly, but breathing long, calm and calm.

Xiao Yu'an thought that perhaps after a year and a half, the person who was sleeping in front of him could live to death, and he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. After the feeling, he suddenly felt a dissatisfaction.

Why sleep so sweet! I didn't fall asleep yesterday!

Xiao Yu'an is not suffering from inequality, but Xiao Yu'an is not unequal, but Xiao Yuan sighs and thinks that there will be no breathing when he is around...

Wait, breathe?

Xiao Yuan glanced at the sleepy Luhe Qing, and made a different stroke of the size of the bed. After nodding his head, he pushed the river to the bed and then Xiao Yuan lay down.

He is lying down! ! !

The other three stayed for a second, and the old doctor was scared to pounce on Xiao Yu’an: "Imperial?"

"Don't be so surprised, haven't you seen sleep too sleepy?" Xiao Yuan kindly appeased the old doctor.

The old doctor’s heart is roaring and shouting: I have never seen it! I have never seen it!

"The emperor, this, this, this?" Yang Liuan is also helpless.

Fortunately, there is a red sleeve that is clear-cut. She raised the old lady to Yang Liu Andao: "Yang Shiwei, the emperor didn't sleep well yesterday. At this time, I want to take a nap. You should go to the inner door to keep it."

Xiao Yu'an can't help but feel the emotion: It is a close-knit maid of the young king! It’s too good to understand!

Yang Liuan looked at Xiao Yu'an, nodded and saw the man rushing out of the room.

With the red sleeves, the old doctor was removed, and Xiao Yuan was dismissed and shackled. On the other hand, he persuaded: "The emperor, this place is hard to be wet. You want this person, why not let people bring him back to the palace?"

Xiao Yu'an: "..."

……girl! ! I was wrong, I took back the words that I just understood! I really just want to sleep, just ask for no more imprisonment! This is the man, I am afraid that the meat is not enough, it will be cut by adult sticks!

Xiao Yu'an was a little tired, and when he was tired, he was sleepy. He was too lazy to explain, and he fell asleep on the bed.

The red sleeve probably didn't expect Xiao Yu'an to really want to sleep. After a little dumbfounding, he was busy wrapping the quilt for someone and quietly quit the inner room.