Chapter 21: Confirmed that the eyes are deep hatred

"Red sleeves, red sleeves?"

A few calls to call the red sleeve back to God, she suddenly fixed her eyes and found that the cup in front of her eyes was full, but she was still dumping.

"Ah!" The red sleeve shouted and hurriedly took the cloth to wipe it. "The emperor forgives!"

"What's wrong with you? Feeling awkward, is it sick?" Xiao Yuan asked worriedly.

"No illness, thank the emperor for concern." Red sleeves lowered his head.

Xiao Yu'an carefully looked at her carefully and saw that there was no morbidity. This was not pursued: "I will go to Jingyang Palace."

The red-sleeved hand wiped the water: "Imperial, is it going to see the river?"

Xiao Yuan said: "Well, I will go on my own, don't make a move."

Red sleeves advised: "The emperor still has a guard."

Xiao Yuan thought for a moment and walked to the entrance of the palace, and Yang Yang was stunned in. "Comrade Yang, and the leader to inspect the trip, go?"

Yang Liu An slammed: "Why the micro-committee is stupid, did not understand what the emperor is."

Xiao Yuan smiled: "Don't understand, go, bathe the male glory."

The two went to Jingyang Palace and found the room where Luohe Qing lived. Yang Liuan was preparing to push the door and was stopped by Xiao Yu'an.

Yang Liuan was puzzled. Seeing Xiao Yu’an coming forward, he slammed the door three times.

Yang Liuan was shocked to say nothing.

What is this person in the river? Why is the emperor so sincere and fearful!

Seeing Yang Liuan’s face was shocked, Xiao Yu’an wondered: “What’s wrong?”

"The emperor." Yang Liuan was so eager to swallow the words. "This, what is the man in the end? Why do you want to call this person a man?"

Xiao Yuan thought for a moment: "Men, Lord! Concentration of world contradictions! The embodiment of the central idea! Everything revolves around him and closes his eyes!"

Yang Liuan was shocked!

The door was opened by 吱嘎吱嘎, and the river was clear and white, and the hero appeared in front of the two.

Yang Liuan shocked his face and turned to look at the river!

Luhe Qing: "...?"

Xiao Yu'an saw the pastry in the house of the river, and went in and took a plate to come out and stuffed Yang Liuhuai: "Liu'an, you go to eat some pastry."

Yang Liuan was caught off guard by the Sedg: "The emperor, can..."

"It's okay, go."

Seeing that Xiao Yu’an’s attitude was tough, Yang Liu’an had to follow the instructions. He looked at Luohe’s eyes in a complicated way and turned away with the pastry.

Unlike the previous wolverines, Luhe Qing was clean and slick at this time, and the blue silk was bundled up and cleaned out. It was really a rare appearance in the world.

Seeing the river clearing the door and looking at himself at the door, Xiao Yuan smiled and asked: "Don't ask me to sit in?"

Luhe Qing gaze at him for a long while, sideways.

Xiao Yuan walked into the house from his side and sat down by the round yellow wooden table in the center of the wing.

When Luhe Qing reached out and closed the door, Xiao Yuan shouted: "Don't close the door!"

Luhe Qing acted and looked at Xiao Yu'an, his voice was cold: "Why?"

Xiao Yuan said: "I am afraid that you will cut me, and there will be no place to escape when you close the door."

The river was silent for a second, and the door was closed ‘砰’.

Xiao Yu'an was three feet high, and he was going to run to the window. Heheqing turned back and glanced at him: "Since I am afraid of me, why should I just persuade the guards?"

"For your innocence! There is a guard at the door. Doesn't everyone in Jingyang Palace know that I am coming to you? And although the imprisonment is a man, it must be jealous, you don't worry about becoming a target, I still Worried for you!" Xiao Yuan slammed the window sill and was ready to turn the window at any time.

The river was clear and said: "I don't have a knife."

Xiao Yuan asked: "What about daggers?"


"What about the sword?"


"What about Shantou?"

Luohe Qing: "...What is Shantou?"

Xiao Yu'an: "Then I came over, and the lie is a puppy."

Speaking, Xiao Yuan kept his vigilance and sat back to the table again. He coughed two times to cover up his disappointment, and then pretended to be deep: "Comrade Xiao Xiao."

Luohe Qing: "..."

Xiao Yu'an said: "Is it still used to living here? Is it cold at night? Is it usually not like to go out for a walk? The Princess of Yongning is in the east of your room. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xiao Yu'an's smile is very amiable! Very meaningful! Very thought-provoking!

The river calmly replied: "Well, understand."

Hey! It is a man! Oh, this awareness!瞧瞧 This ability to distinguish between primary and secondary contradictions!瞧瞧 This captures the conscious of the main contradiction! I admire you!

Luohe Qing continued: "I will not go to the east."

Xiao Yuan almost fell from the stool

Go! ! ! You are going to me! ! ! Please! ! ! If you don't go, you will miss your big wife, you know it! !

Xiao Yuan swallowed: "I don't mean this..."

Luohe Qing said: "I understand."

Do not! You do not understand!

If you forget it, it is better to ask Princess Yongning if you need a guard.

Xiao Yu'an screamed a few more words, and then got up and left, and Luhe Qing did not say a word, silently sent, waiting for Xiao Yu'an to leave, the pair of seemingly indifferent eyes were cold and frosty.