Chapter 32: Although you are dead, don’t like the man, I lose.

Seeing that Hehe Qing did not hide his confession, he was amazed, surprised, and hilarious.

"Ah?" Xiao Yuan was surprised. "Your room is so small, where is the sword?"

Luhe Qing replied: "In the hospital."

Xiao Yu'an said: "The yard is also small. If you don't wave two, you will cut the tree."

These two problems are really weird. A group of people can't figure out their minds. After Luhe Qing also squatted for a long while, he nodded.

"Red sleeves." Xiao Yuan waved at the red sleeves.

"The slave is here." The red sleeves are busy.

"Too too much! Can't bear it, can't bear it!" Xiao Yuan was bitter and gnashing his teeth.

"The emperor is angry, the slave knows." Red sleeves quickly calmed Xiao Yu'an.

Xiao Yu'an took a deep breath and calmed down. He continued: "How can you cut a sword when practicing a sword? Earth is my home, greening depends on everyone! Green Mountain is Jinshan Yinshan! You give him a bigger yard! No more. Cut the tree!"

Red sleeves are awesome: "Ah?"

A group of people are so arrogant: "Ah?"

Xiao Yuan, who cooperates with everyone, pretends to be forced: "Ah?"

With the likes of the tiger, as a five-year-old maid of the servant, the red sleeve she understood the meaning of Xiao Yu'an in time: "The emperor, you mean, give him a yard to practice the sword?"

"Yes." Xiao Yuan nodded comfortably.

Although this purpose is contrary to the past, but the emperor's life is as big as the sky, the red sleeves are converging, and the ceremony responds: "According to the purpose."

Ignoring a group of stunned people in the inauguration, Xiao Yuan thought that since the matter was solved, he would continue to go back to the meal. After all, he just ran in a panic and didn't fill his stomach!

Xiao Yuan lifted his foot to go, took a few steps, thought of something, turned around, walked back to Luohe Qing and asked strangely: "What sword do you take?"

Luhe Qing replied: "Long wooden stick."

Xiao Yuan looked down and thought about it, and he was whispering with the slogan: "I will come to you tomorrow morning, there are important things."

Luohe nodded and said that he heard it.

Xiao Yuan exchanged his eyes with the red sleeves and left with peace of mind.

Seeing the emperor's departure, the red sleeves sighed and looked up at the audience: "Okay, they are all scattered."

The imprisonment of the mouth was reluctant, and it seemed that he still wanted to argue. He was dragged back by Qin Yu, and Qin Yu was extremely angry. He whispered: "I didn’t hear the emperor? What else? The head doesn't want it?"

That imprisonment is dissatisfied: "Yes..."

Qin Yu gave him a cool look: "I am kind enough to save you, and I will measure it."

After talking, Qin Yu went cold and cold.

"Cut, I thought I was the darling of the emperor? I was killed by someone who hated you sooner or later." The imprisoned whispered.

This is a deep palace, the wind and the wind are not swaying, but half a day, one pass ten, ten pass hundred, the South Yanguo king's unique favors have spread all over the corner.

After hearing about this, Feng Guanxin quickly informed Zhao Gonggong.

Zhao Gonggong said with a deep meaning, no more to say.

Feng Guanwu wondered: "Is the father-in-law not worried?"

"Don't worry, since he is willing to imprison, he has a dog with a broken spine. There is nothing to be afraid of. I said that the girl with red sleeves has one hand." Zhao Gonggong answered leisurely.

At this time, the red sleeve is worried: "Emperor, although I know that you are a strategy of attacking the heart, but I am worried that the indulgence of the sword will injure the sword, and in the future will hurt the emperor, in case he has the assassination of the heart, how is it good? ”

Xiao Yu'an, who was almost killed by the Weihe River, said: "Don't worry, I have a lot of thoughts. I went to Jingjing Palace this morning, and I don't want to send a guard."

Do not ask the red sleeves to know who Xiao Yuan is going to find: "Is Yang Weiwei not to follow?"

Xiao Yuan: "No, I am alone."

Red sleeves discouraged: "But the emperor! In case..."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Yuan softly appease the red sleeves.

Xiao Yu'an persisted in making the red sleeves dumb. After using the breakfast, Xiao Yuan went to Jingyang Palace alone. The red-sleeved work has always been vigorous and vigorous. The thing that came out yesterday was that the river had already changed the room.

In the early winter morning, the warm sun melts snow, about because the time is too early, Jingyang Palace is quiet, and Xiao Yuan is worried that the time will be too early, and the door of the river is clear, and the door opens.

The cockroaches fell white, the warm light smashed, the river was clear like a sword, the eyes were like water, the black belts, the handsome and handsome.

Xiao Yuan smiled at him: "You are wrapped in a robe, I will take you to a place."