Chapter 74: Bringing Yulong to death

The war was anxious from November to January.

In January, the snow was closed and the weather was cold.

Xiao Yu'an originally thought that the soldiers of the South Yan State would not be able to cope because of the cold weather. Who knows that they are more and more brave. In contrast, the Northland side can be described as a bleak, granary that was not filled because of the war, and let Xiao Yu'an The crash is still behind.

The squad carrying the rations suffered an avalanche and the whole team was destroyed.

Xiao Yu'an, who was far away from the Imperial City, heard the news and was anxious to punch a fist in the chair.

The minister of the newspaper screamed and shouted: "The emperor is not in a hurry! Has sent Xie Yigui to the army to transport the second batch of military food to the front line!!!"

Xiao Yu'an didn't respond. His hands were tightly twisted together, and he bit his fingertips against his lips. When he felt the pain, he found that his fingers had been bleeding.

In the original book, because the traitor broke the frontline ration, and forced Li Buding to treason, so in the munitions, Xiao Yu’an was involved in everything and always supervised.

How do you know that in the end, you still lost to God.

Xiao Yuan once again bite the fingertips, **** smell filled his mouth: "The second batch of military food must be delivered, must catch up."

At this time, Li Wuding wore a robes, sitting alone in the account and watching the military figure frowning, several deputies came to the curtain, the cool snow accompanied by the wind blowing, the military account was full of chill, Nie Er Sexually anxious, a few steps forward, a table of eagerly asked: "General, the military food is tight, but the news of the support is delayed, how can this hungry stomach fight?"

Li Wuding put away the picture and looked up at a group of people. The brow was screwed into the word: "How long can the food now last?"

Nie Er answered: "It is also a matter of a day or two."

Li Wuding pinched his eyebrows: "Is the road behind?"

"The snow is too big, I can't cross the team..."

Li Wuding no longer speaks, staring at the map in his hand, as if he wants to poke it through his eyes.

"General, I saw that Nanyan State has recently reorganized its troops and horses in a big way. It seems that it is ready to attack the city in one fell swoop." One of the deputies said.

"This snow his mother's early is not late, but his mother is carrying the grain, and only blocked our way, his grandmother." Nie two suddenly broke the case, stunned.

Li Wuding exhaled a long breath, seemingly helpless and seemingly determined, like lamenting and firm, he coveted, like a silent, solemn sculpture, the words are so cold and hard: "I want to fight together."

“How to fight?” a deputy will ask.

Li Wuding looked up and scanned the deputy: "The food was robbed."

"The grain of the army of the Yanyan army in the south?" Some people were shocked. "But the granaries are heavily guarded, and if they are not careful, they will be completely annihilated."

"We first sent a small team to sneak past the rear of their large units, pretending to sneak attacks, causing turmoil, attracting their attention, and then sending three thousand soldiers to the granary, even if they could not rob the rations, they could burn." Li Wuding said that he looked up. "How do you feel?"

"I feel feasible!" Nie Er agreed. "It is better to sit still and wait for the city gates. If you can burn their granaries, you can also fight for our support!"

No one has questioned it. After Li Wuding formulated a detailed operational plan, he began to hesitate.

Whether this is a sneak attack or a looting of grain is very dangerous. They are small in number and only suitable for quick fixes. If they are hesitant and procrastinating, they will be found by Nan Yanguo.

Li Wuding thought for a long time, but still decided to rob the grain by him personally.

"Then I went to pretend to attack." Nie Er volunteered.

Li Wuding was late in doubt.

Although Nie II has rich experience in the battlefield, he is impulsive and arrogant, and he has a shadow of a slap in the face. This time, the sneak attack can not be entangled with the enemy, otherwise it is difficult to protect himself.

"General Li, I know what you are hesitating, rest assured, I will not confront them, and then I will let the soldiers tie a bundle of straw behind the horse, the sound and dust of the straw dragging on the ground. Caused a lot of people, will be able to disturb them!" Nie 2 urgently proposed, for fear that Li Wuding will look down on himself.

"That's good!" Li Wuding nodded. "You must be careful! The rest stay in the city!"