Chapter 76: Still a spring dreamer

The black cloud is crushing the city, the world is cold, and Li Wuding leads the three thousand soldiers in the snow near the Nanyan country. The cold will freeze these hands and feet, and the slight movement will only make the exposed skin itchy and painful.

Suddenly there was a riot in the Nanyan State Camp. The soldiers ran to the west with the torches. Li Wuding seized the opportunity and quickly sneaked into the camp with the team.

The sneaking was too smooth, but Li Wuding was uneasy and saw that Nanyan’s glutinous rice was close at hand, and it was silent all around.

"General?" The officers are waiting for Li’s order.

Li Wuding breathed more and more hurriedly. He looked around and saw that it was dark, the needle was audible, and suddenly the fire flashed. Li Wuding’s eyes narrowed and shouted: “Retract!!!”

However, it is too late, and the team led by Li Wuding is surrounded by the Nanyan State soldiers who have already ambushed here!

For a moment, the screams of screaming resounded through the sky, as if to smash the darkness of the sky!

Li Wuding did not panic, and raised his knife to defend the enemy. He bit his lower teeth and almost crushed his teeth. He was encouraged by him. The North American soldiers who had been in a state of chaos were gradually sinking their hearts and tried to break through the siege!

However, after all, it was the base of the South Yan State. The enemy was so widowed. After several kills, the Northland soldiers fell down one by one, and the blush was fainting on them, earning glare.

Xue Yan said with a deep voice: "General Li, don't struggle, surrender can save you a life."

When the voice just fell, Li Wuding suddenly led the army to give up the breakthrough, and turned to kill the grain. When approaching the granary, the Northland soldiers had already left a hundred people. Li Wuding led several soldiers to hide in the granary and slammed into the granary door! Outside the granary, there are tens of thousands of Nanyan national enemy forces.

"General Xue, the remnant of the Northland fled into the granary, we must not break through quickly, in case they burn the granary." The subordinates came to sue Xue Yan.

Xue Yan shook his head: "No, they are already in the middle of the shackles. Now that the granary is lit, is it necessary to burn yourself alive?"

Said, Xue Yan did not rush to go past, and negotiated loudly outside the granary: "Xue Mou heard the general name of General Li, and did not want to meet with General Li, and the king of the North Kingdom was so stupid, the traitor was chaotic, and the North was made. The people are not happy, this country is not worthy of the generals you desperately defend, it is better to surrender to the South Yanguo, together to save the people of the people? Nan Yan Guoxian can be appointed, will not be ill-treated to the general."

"General Lee..."

In the granary, Li Wuding slowly wiped the blood on his face, and heard the voice of the deputy twitching himself. He looked up and looked around. More than a dozen North Korean soldiers with different degrees of injury were holding each other, all pale and full. The face knows the despair that the trend has gone.

"General, we have no way to retreat." The deputy said again.

The deputy of the deputy, like a cold dagger, every time a word is said to Li Wuding heart.

Li Wuding had no words. He stood up and looked like a broken flag in the gale. It was so desolate. Outside the granary door, Xue Yan persuaded the voice to pass into Li’s ear, like the poisonous wine brewed by honey. It was a desire for life and a curse of loyalty.

In the granary, all the soldiers’ eyes fell on Li’s body. He was heavy and he was deeply breathed, but he couldn’t breathe. He looked up and asked, “Do you want to live?”

The four droops were silent, no one answered, and everyone was silent with their heads down.

They think, who doesn't want to live? Who does not want to be born in a peaceful life, has a complete home? They are all young soldiers, both

It’s the age of Fenghua Zhengmao, who has never dreamed of a storm, who never thought about the future of joy and well-being?

As if it had been through a long period of 100 years, the former deputy who called Li Wuding finally got the action. He slowly stood up and stepped away from the door of the granary.

Li Wuding looked at him without saying a word, did not stop.

The deputy had a knife wound on his left leg. Every time he took a step, he licked it. The blush fell to his ground along his calf. The blood smashed to the door of the granary. He stood in front of the granary door and took a few deep breaths. Reach out.

Li Wuding’s original eyes without emotions are gradually widening.

The deputy did not open the door! He took a fire from his arms!

The deputy turned around and his fangs showed a smile. He looked like he was only 19 years old. He even had a hint of greenness in his smile. He lit a fire and sang a song.

It was the folk song of the North, singing the sacred world and Taiping. When the officers held the event, they often sang around the campfire.

Gradually, all the other soldiers in the granary sang along, and the song slowly overshadowed the sound of the outside Xue Xue to persuade them to surrender.

Accompanied by singing, Li Wuding saw General Sun and he said that the North King was trying to become a good lord. He saw Xiao Yu'an on the court punish the traitor for the victims. He also saw the string moon, Xie Tao returned. With a glass of wine, he laughed at him. The boy said: General Li, the years of the mountains and rivers, I am in harmony with the North!

Li Wuding laughed in the sky, sang loudly with the soldiers, sang and sang the eyes but burst into tears.

Rolling black smoke emerged from the granary, Xue Yan was shocked, and quickly called people to take water to fight the fire. The sound of the North National Songs gradually disappeared in the raging fire, the fire was shining, burning the body of the Northland soldiers, the bones of the Northland soldiers, the Northland soldiers without regrets and loyalty.

The snow and the snow mourn, as if to bury the country's rise and fall, heroic bones.

The folk songs of the North Kingdom gradually drifted from the military camps of the South Yan State to the sky, singing dark clouds, and the songs stopped snow. However, the support troops led by Xie Zhengui took the urgently transported military food to the border town, and the fire and the morning light together. Bright ahead, Xie Tao squinted and saw the outline of the border town not far away.

Some of the soldiers said to Xie Wei: "Xie Deputy! You see this snow stopped, and the grain has been delivered. After you meet with General Li, we will be able to keep the South Yan State out of the border!"

Xie Yigui has a bright future, and that is the expectation of being able to compete with Li Wuding for the battlefield.

About because the weather is getting better, the soldiers who sent the food are in high spirits. They suddenly sang the folk songs of the Northland, singing the Shengshi Taiping, and the Northland Ankang. The songs sent Xie Zhen all the way to the border town.

Xie Xiaogui smiled and shouted outside the city: "General Li, we brought the food! Open the city gate!"

With the singing, the heavy city gate slowly opened, and Xie Xiaogui’s smile gradually solidified on his face.

Life is impermanent, but there are only a few hours before and after, but several hours.

If Xie Yigui sent it a few hours earlier, maybe Li Wuding would not go to the grain.

But there is no such thing in the world. Some are just a sigh of sigh in the history books and no one knows who is crying.