Chapter 79: 目目山南无燕飞

The man should wait for a long time, the body of the clothes is wet and wet, and there is a layer of frost on his shoulders. The man is licking his back and coughing his mouth, as if he is a broken branch that will be broken at any time. .

Xiao Yu'an walked a few steps forward, and the voice was interrupted by surprise: "Zhao Gonggong, why are you... why... I haven't left yet."

"The emperor." Zhao Gonggong’s voice was hoarse and hoarse: "The emperor has not gone, how can the old slaves go?"

Xiao Yu'an moved for a moment and quickly let Zhao Gonggong enter the palace.

Zhao Gonggong saw that Xiao Yu'an's clothes were dressed in chaos, and he quickly made clothes for him. The clothes of the emperor were dressed in full swing. Zhao Gonggong lowered his head and tried his best as usual. It seems that today is just normal.

"Zhao Gonggong... Can you blame me? Blame me didn't listen to you at the beginning?" Xiao Yuan took a deep breath and asked.

"The emperor, the old slave is old, too old, can't remember what he once said that makes the emperor so worried." Zhao Gonggong said.

Xiao Yu’an was in his throat, and he couldn’t speak for a long time.

"The emperor, wait for you, really want to..." Zhao Gonggong did not finish, suddenly coughed up, the sound seemed to be dull from the chest.

Xiao Yuan quickly reached for his back, Zhao Gonggong was afraid, and quickly stopped.

Xiao Yu'an reluctantly took back his hand and whispered: "Yes, I only hope that the enemy of Nanyan State will hurt the people in my city, Zhao Gonggong, you still have to go, it really can't be left here."

Zhao Gonggong’s back suddenly became more awkward. He was like a fire that was burned in the drizzle. There were only some unrecyclable ash left. He shuddered and said: "The emperor, let the old slave give the emperor another shot. Let's be like the emperor."

Xiao Yu'an nodded and sat down with a wooden chair. The messy palace, Zhao Gonggong finally found a gray hair band. He carefully put Xiao Yu'an's hair in a good shape, as if he had done something big. In one breath, Zhao Gonggong leaned over and bowed down, then turned and walked out of the palace.

He dragged his body and walked away from the wind and snow. Between the heavens and the earth, his body looked so thin and thin. He went all the way to the palace and went to worship the Temple of Heaven. He coughed from the ninety-nine. The steps slammed up and almost killed the old man.

Zhao Gonggong stood on the Temple of Heaven, and then piously voted for the land, and bowed his head to the ground with respect and respect. He said: "I am Zhao, who has been in the palace for more than 40 years, serving the three generations of kings, and accepting the emperor, this life is grateful, may Huang Quan Underneath, can serve the emperor first emperor, today, knowing the heavenly sacrifice requires a living sacrifice, but asks the heavens to listen to the old slave, not asking the little emperor to be rich and prosperous in this life, only to ask him to be healthy for a lifetime, no big, no Serious illness, the old slave is willing to sacrifice."

After that, Zhao Gonggong slowly stood up, his knee bones trembled because of the cold, he stood on the temple of heaven, facing the snow, and then he did not hesitate to jump from the altar.

The moment the red blood sprinkled on the weeds, the hair band on Xiao Yu’an’s head suddenly broke.

Xiao Yu'an was all scattered in the blue silk. He squatted for a moment, leaned over and picked up the gray hair band, placed it with Zhu Hong's hairpin and white jade hairpin, and carefully put it into his close-fitting clothes. Then he held the national and northern maps in both hands. Step outside the imperial city.

The snow in the Northland screamed with sorrow and sorrow, and there were thousands of people in the Imperial City. They didn’t see a single figure. The white door was standing in front of the household, like a dead city in a silent millennium.

Xiao Yuan walked slowly toward the gate with snow. He was only a thin white coat, the wind was biting, and the temperature of his body was ruthlessly taken away. Xiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, his throat was dry and painful, and his limbs gradually became numb.

But he can't stop.

I don’t know where it’s faintly crying and crying, and the crying cry of sorrow sent Xiao Yu’an to the gate of the city.

Xiao Yu'an stood under the dark gray city gate and looked far and wide.

In the distance, it is the army of the South Yan State that can already see the approximate appearance. The mighty army is hidden in the snow. The looming outline is nothing but a nightmare in the North. Xiao Yu’an quits the white fog and bows his head. Slowly wipe away the snow on the country's hand, and then slowly move toward the army of the South Yan State.

Forty years in the country, three thousand miles of mountains and rivers. Every time Xiao Yu’an took a step, the snow that was stepping on his feet made a slight squeaking sound. It was the crying and mourning of the soldiers who had killed the enemy in the North and killed the battlefield, and told them that they were unwilling and shed tears. sorrow.

Xiao Yuan walked to the army of the South Yan State and held his hand and the map with his hands.

On the moment when his knees landed, Xiao Yu'an heard the sound of the collapse of the North behind him, silent like snow.

Xiao Yu'an bowed to the ground and took a deep breath. He tried his best to shout: "Today, the sinners of the country will be exempted from the crown, and they will be sent to the map of the country. Don't hurt the people in my city."

"Report! General Xue, the prince of the prince, the king of the North Kingdom is coming alone!"

In the military account, Luhe Qing and Xue Yan are negotiating the final siege, and suddenly heard the deputy future newspaper.

The Weihe River smashed into the hole, and even the clothes were not put on the cloak. They got up and went to the military account and hurriedly walked away. Suddenly, one hand held his shoulder heavily.

"Heqing." Xue Yan's voice is calm and majestic.

Luohe Qing stopped, but did not turn.

Xue Yanxin was shocked, his brows were tightly picked up, and he faintly captured the hidden emotions of the Weihe River. He said to the vice-president: "You must step back."

The deputy will leave the boxing, and only the two people in the military account are Luohe Qing and Xue Yan.

"He Qing, I ask you, the jade flute you love very much, but the North King sent it?" Xue Yanfei did not loosen the shoulders of the river, but more force.

Luohe was silent for a long while and replied: "Yes."

Xue Yan bite his teeth and his eyes are extremely dark. Hehe Qing is his big child. Needless to say, he has already understood it.

Silence is like an invisible net, tightly wrapped around the two people. For a long time, Xue Yan retracted his hand and said, "You don't want to stay here. Let me first check if there is any fraud in the North."

"Uncle, I am with you..." Luhe Qing turned back, his eyes were firm and his tone was calm.

"Heqing." Xue Yan suddenly interrupted Luhe Qing, he picked up the curtain of the military account, the snow was blown in by the wind, and the whistling away from the warmth of the military account, Xue Yan side turned to look at the river, "You are The emperor of Nanyan State is not a ban on the North."

The shackles of Luhe Qing were darkened. He lowered his head and his eyebrows were hidden in the depths of the darkness. He could not see a trace of brightness.

Xue Yan did not boo because of the change of Luhe Qing's attitude. He refined his words into sharp blades and ruthlessly cut the wounds of Luhe Qing. He wanted to remember Luhe Qing and remember the children before hatred in the country. The sentiment is not worth mentioning at all: "He Qing, you represent the soldiers of the South Yan State, representing the people who have been ruined by the North. You buried the corpse of your father and mother, and you are on your head. The soul of the soul. Didn’t the South Yan State’s ruin of the country have been left behind by you?”

After that, Xue Yan went to the curtain, the hurricane mourned, cruel and ruthless.