Chapter 103: This red fruit is really not ordinary

For Xiao Yu'an suddenly brought back a girl, Yang Liuan and Xiao Fengyue slowly accepted after the horror. After all, even if Xiao Yu'an led ten girls back to the harem, the two would not say a word.

The three trips have been stunned for a few days, but the relationship between the two houses has been eccentric, and many girls seem to have nothing to do.

Lin Shenxi’s acceptance of several people is also a total reward. Since she came, the house has not seen a dirty place, the courtyard is clean, and the room is bright and tidy. As long as there is the sun, the bedding will be turned out and the meal is delicious. Hot meals, but only a few days, a few people's preferences were made clear to her, so they often see their favorite fruit and fruit in the wing.

Xiao Yu'an knows that understanding is the biggest feature of Lin Geng, but it is too understanding! ! It is no wonder that in the original work, if the river is clear and frustrated, the first thing that comes to mind is Lin Shen.

Seeing Lin Shen's rescue of the river clear, the days are near, Xiao Yu'an makes Lin Shenyu go to the mountains and turn around while he is still worried.

When Lin Lin will save the river to the house, how can he face him? What would Luohe Qing think about him?

Xiao Yu’an pointed out that the current Luohe Qing has been blackened, and it is gone forever on the road to the Harem. Like his gender male, the role of the property cannon fodder, it is better to sway less in front of the male owner.

So Xiao Yuan went to Linshen and said that if you found someone on the mountain, don't bring it back to Fuzhong.

Although Lin Shenqi was puzzled, he nodded. He actually encountered an injured person on the mountain on the second day. Lin Shenxi remembered Xiao Yu'an and did not bring him back to the government. Instead, he was sent to the medical center.

On that day, Xiao Yuan was in the medical center to help him.

This small town has a comfortable life. The people who come here are mostly headaches and brain fever. Just grab two drugs and finish it. Today, Chunjing and Jingming, Zhang Changsong and Zhang Baishu went to the mountains to collect medicine. The rest of Xiao Yu’an was bored. The pill was stunned, and suddenly the white screaming screamed and ran from the outside: "Hey!"

Xiao Yuan yawned and replied: "Master has not returned yet."

Zhang Baishu squatted over and threw the half of the pill in Xiao Yu'an's hand and threw it back into the jar. A mysterious look squinted at him: "Xiao Yu'an, my brother, I will show you a good thing!"

Xiao Yu'an lacked interest. I saw Zhang Baishu taking a branch from the medicine pot behind him and stuffing it into his hand. The branch was just folded, the leaves were green and green, the break was still very new, and several branches were hung. The small fruit with big copper money, the color is red and the shape is round.

Zhang Baishu took a small fruit and made a move to Xiao Yu'an mouth.

"Wait, what is this?" Xiao Yuan quickly reached for a block, and the result was not blocked. Zhang Baishu, who was fast-eyed by the eye, forced a small red fruit into his mouth.

"Don't spit! No poison! Brother won't hurt you, this is a good thing!" Zhang Baishu snorted and stunned Xiao Yu'an's mouth to prevent him from spit out the fruit.

Xiao Yuan had no choice but to swallow it. The entrance was nothing strange. It was a sweet mouth, but it was not delicious: "So what is this?"

"I don't know what it is." Zhang Baishu spread his hand and looked innocent.

Xiao Yuan smiled at him amiably, then quickly picked up the small fruit on the branch, and opened the mouth of Zhang Baizhu and threw it in.

Zhang Baishu was almost killed and coughed for a long time.

"Poisonous to die together." Xiao Yuan is righteous.

"I have not been poisoned to death by you!" Zhang Baishu yelled. "All said that they were not poisonous. I accidentally saw it on the mountain. I came back to the ancient books and found no such thing. Then I I picked a few pheasants and saw that the pheasants were fine. I tasted one myself and then..."

"And then?" During the speech, Xiao Yuan had already felt wrong. His throat was tickle and itchy, and he coughed a few times before he stopped itching. As a result, he was scared by himself.

"Is it amazing?!" Zhang Baishu shouted excitedly.

The voice of both of them turned into a woman's voice.

Xiao Yu'an licked his throat and said two words to himself. The horror was overwhelming.

"Reassured, one hour will be restored, and when I come back, I must ask him what he is!" Zhang Baishu was a treasure, holding the little fruit into the back hall.

Xiao Yu'an tried to sing a sentence that was the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. As a result, the broken voice broke into the extent that Han Hong teacher wanted to beat people. He had to sit back and continue to pill. After a while, a familiar woman’s voice came from outside: “Someone? Is there anyone? Here someone is hurt, come and help out!” It was Lin’s voice.