Chapter 119: Wrongly call the public to understand

The rivers and rivers are bright and bright, and they look at themselves for a moment, and the darkness of the ink-colored scorpion clearly reflects their own figure, which is a little blind!

Lying in the trough! ! ! How your eyes are healed and healed! Can you give a buffer!

Xiao Yu'an suddenly stepped back half a step, and there was an impulse to turn around and run. He knew that Qihe Qing was moving faster than him, and he stepped tightly to grab his wrist.

doing what! What do you want to do! Lin Geng is still there! Don't expose your blackened temperament! You hold a little!

Xiao Yu'an knows that Luohe Qing wants to marry himself! ! But he can't always do it here!

Xiao Yuan’s breathing stopped quickly. I haven’t forgotten Linshen’s sputum. After being gripped by the river, he immediately turned his head and made a lip to Linshen: you shouted him!

Sister, you are shouting! In the original book, Luhe Qing is the pet tyrant, you shouted, and his anger will definitely be half! I can sneak away when he is distracted! !

"What... what?" Lin Shen did not understand.

Xiao Yuan made a few mouthfuls of shouting.

Lin Shen reacted to the ground, and there was a hint of confusion and hesitation in the bottom of his eyes. But before he thought that Xiao Yuan saved himself, his hands were twisted together, and he took courage and took a deep breath.

Then shouted to Xiao Yuan: "People!"

Xiao Yu'an: "..."

Luohe Qing: "..."

Looking at Luohe Qing because of the horror of his eyes, and seeing him slow down the astonished and frosty face, Xiao Yuan felt that he was knocked off on the spot, it is really possible.

What is the most inactive in a Ma Wen novel? !

The life of a man?


The male's golden finger?


Men and women's relatives and friends?


It is the harem of the man! His wife! Any woman who looks at the man! Whether you want to chase or want to abuse or think of something else, in short, wash your neck and wait for it to die! ! !

Xiao Yu'an was screamed by Lin Shenqi and slammed back a half step. He stepped on a small stone and his body swayed. Hehe Qing quickly and slightly supported Xiao Yu'an. At the same time, Lin Shen slammed and slammed forward. Xiao Yu'an's other side: "Xiao... Xiang Gong, what's wrong with you?"

I didn’t think that Lin Shenqi shouted again, and Xiao Yu’an almost didn’t mention it.

He and the Luohe Qing had a book of former hatred and old resentment, but now there is one more: pretend to be a woman to deceive him.

Moreover, he not only deceived Luhe Qing, but he also let the river clear the feelings, which is clearly a man!

In the original book, the most hateful thing about Luohe Qing is that others play him! Now in this situation, Xiao Yu'an feels that he is afraid that he will not be tempted by him for a hundred and ten times.

I thought that the Qihe Qinghui was furious. Who knows that the next reaction of Luhe Qing made Xiao Yuan somewhat unpredictable.

The Qinghe image of Luohe was taken care of by a person. For a long time, he did not speak. He held Xiao Yu’an’s hand and trembled. The scorpion was dumb for a long time, and he said, “ have been married with her. Already?"

A question, with a lot of care, like an easy answer, can push him into the abyss, and never recover.

"I..." Xiao Yuan suddenly did not know how to answer.

The focus of this sentence of Luohe Qing must be her, but why should Qihe Qing ask this question instead of immediately?

At this time, the early morning of the Weihe River was not the prisoner who was humiliated and ruthless in the North Palace. He did not need to converge on the front and did not need to disguise himself. He could not change his hand or even torture any ever. The person who hurts him.

But now the Weihe River makes Xiao Yu'an feel strange, I don't know if it is still with pain, his face is pale, and the light is smashing, like a fragile paper basket, can't stand the wind and rain.

Is it because the Weihe Qing consciousness is very emotional about Lin Shenqi? Now that she knows that she is married, she can't bear to hurt her family, so she is so demeanor? Also intend to let go of yourself?

The silence of Xiao Yu'an for a time is like the default in Luohe Qing. After all, even if this kind of thing, Xiao Yuan lie, this woman will ignore the innocence and call others to be fair?

It is clearly a day of sorrow, but the three are still terrible, as if the needle is audible.

For a long time, Luhe Qing loosened Xiao Yu'an, and he took back his hand. The scorpion was sore and dumb, and his voice was dry and awkward. He seemed to have a big passage to tell, but at the end there was only one word left: "Good. ....."

For a long time, Luhe Qing whispered again, and the words were inaudible. It was still the word: "Good..."

After saying that Luhe Qing turned and went outside the town, Xiao Yuan did not retain, he did not know what to do in the same place, and watched Weihe Qing leave.