Chapter 121: It must be that the way you eavesdrop is wrong.

The star fights, the muscles are cold, and the night is deep. In the wing, the river slowly wakes up from the coma. When the consciousness is completely restored, he turns around and looks around.

This is a simple room with an empty room. The river is clear and the eyebrows are holding up on the chest. The wounds on his body are all bandaged, even the bruises on the back. I got a plaster, but I still can't get it.

He remembered that he was planted in a bosom when he was in a coma. Although he was unbelievable, the man was indeed Xiao Yu'an.

When the door slammed, Sanchao took the medicine and walked in. When he saw the sitting Qihe Qing first, he shouted: "Oh, this son, you can finally wake up, just take this medicine." Hey," said Sancha, handing the medicine in his hand to Luhe Qing.

After picking up the medicinal soup, he said, "Why are you?..."

"Ah, you can call me three, I am the old mother here." Three shouts.

Suddenly like what I thought, Luhe Qing looked up and asked: "Excuse me, the master of the place, is it really married?" His words were faint

Wings, like the little sparks in the ashes, are all unwilling.

Sancha thought that he asked Yang Liuan and Xiao Fengyue and replied: "Why did you just wake up and ask this? The two of them have no formal words, but they are indeed two couples, but they love it!"

The dawn of Luhe Qing was completely stunned. He was like a dead, dead wood without a chance.

"The son is going to take medicine." Three reminders.

The Luohe numb land once again sighed, and after the medicine was drunk, the medicine bowl was returned, and then what was smashed, and it was not clear when the river was cleared.

When Luhe Qing waited until the night was quiet, he slowly propped up his body and then walked outside the door.

He has to go, he must go.

Luhe Qing knows that he can't stay, he is afraid, he is afraid that Xiao Yuan will smile at himself, he will rather hurt Xiao Yu'an and bind him to his side.

The night wind was cool, and the blue silk of the Weihe River was gently picked up. The small courtyard of the house was quietly quiet. The moonlight fell from the sky and broke down. The river went two steps and suddenly heard someone talking.

At this time, Xiao Yuan turned over and over on the bed, and could not sleep.

Xiao Yu'an, who can't sleep peacefully without breathing, hasn't cured yet. He usually goes home with Xie, so he doesn't worry that this problem will affect sleep.

Now Xie Wei is going to cure the disease in Xiqiao, and Xiao Yuan can't sleep alone. It happens to be in the heart of the river. This is not even a small one, and he is thinking about how to be good in the future.

After thinking for a long time, on the moon, Liu Yutou, Xiao Yuan turned up and sat up, dressed in clothes, decided to go out and walk.

At night, the locusts screamed in the ear, and Xiao Yuan sat down beside the stone mill. He pulled the grass into his mouth and crossed his head with his hands. He knew that he had just stabilized and heard the sound coming from outside the courtyard. Extremely familiar, I know that it is Zhang Baishu.

Xiao Yuan thought about the big night's Zhang Baishu not sleeping, why should I run this? I got up and walked in the direction of the sound.

"Really? Are you really willing to marry me? I will let the matchmakers in the west of the city come to the media tomorrow!!" Zhang Baishu’s voice could not hide the excitement.

Xiao Yu'an was confused, and his heart screamed about what it was like, and the voice of another person sounded.

It turned out to be Lin Shenyu!

Lin Shenxi whispered: "Atractylodes, is it still a matter of raising a kiss? Or is it slow?"

Zhang Baishu does not understand: "Why?"

Lin Shenxi said: "I am now a shackle in the government. I am a low-ranking person. How can I afford to raise a relative?"

Zhang Baishu said with anger: "How do you practice yourself again??"

Lin Shenji gently appeased: "How is it practiced? This is the truth. If Xiao Gongzi bought me, I will now fall into the fireworks. I will say that I am a beggar, or my blessing."

Zhang Baishu also said: "Xiao Yuan, he certainly does not think so!"

Lin Shenqi smiled and did not decrease: "Xiao Gongzi doesn't think so, but I want to be grateful in my heart. I owe him a life. Shouldn't he be asked to give him a horse to answer?"

Xiao Yu'an couldn't listen, and shouted with a scorpion: "Don't take me any more! Give you two nine-nine, you can quickly get a license!"