Chapter 127: Confirmed the eyes, the person who is skinned

Xiao Yu'an was awkward and almost fell in the same place: "Ma Auntie! This meal can be eaten indiscriminately. If you can't talk nonsense!!"

Ma Auntie didn't pick up her hand and took it directly. She took the giant spirit and covered Xiao Yu'an. "You still have a big attire? Ah? Also pretend? Before I said that I want to give others a medium, you like to pick up! Why I just want to give This handsome son said the media, you will stop fast? This vinegar tastes sour to three streets, and I am loaded with the aunt, and the dead ghost, you are still very embarrassed to ask me girl, your hurt you, taste Don't say it in your heart, are you going to be a strong skin?"

"I, I, I..." Xiao Yuan was beaten to hide around, even if he retorted, he didn't know how to say it. He had to ask for help to see Qihe Qing.

Luohe Qingzhan stopped Ma Dayang and used his arm to slap for Xiao Yu.

"Hey." Ma Da Niang missed the wrong person and quickly retracted her hand. Then she looked at Luohe Qingmei and smiled. "Oh, yeah, is this distressed? Auntie knows, don't fight, don't fight, rest assured, Auntie has no heavy hand."

Luohe nodded and did not deny it.

Ma Auntie was very happy with the halal of the Luohe River. She took her finger to poke Xiao Yu'an's forehead: "I saw no, I was angry, I was so embarrassed, I didn't want to go back and estimated that you were affected."

Ma Da Niang chanted and said, and bid farewell to the poem of Xiao Yu'an.

Xiao Yu'an: "..."

Auntie, you are awake, this is a steel straight man! ! ! The kind that opened the harem! ! ! It’s the male villain who said that he’s right, the female villain said that the pressure is the kind of straight man! ! !

Xiao Yu'an now really wants to have a copy of the History of the Four Kingdoms, and then give Ma Auntie a good talk about the different genders of the villains, how the Luohe Qing is double-standard treatment.

Say goodbye to Ma Auntie, Xiao Yuan uncomfortably coughed two clear scorpions, and looked at Luohe Qing: "The neighbors in the village, temperament, you don't mind..."

Luohe looked at him lightly and said, "What do I mind?"

Xiao Yu’an sighed, and immediately felt in his heart: It’s not a man, he’s not afraid!

Two people walked into the medical hall, Zhang Changsong gave the patient a medical treatment in the front hall, and they didn't have time to greet the two people, let Xiao Yuan go to take medicine himself. Xiao Yuan took the small scale pole on the counter and grabbed the medicine with a light road. Hehe Qing looked at him. Q: "Have you studied medicine in your previous life?"

"Ah? No." Xiao Yu settled down and said, "This is what I learned when I came to Taoyuan Village. I can't see the intractable disease now. It's fine with little pain and little heat."

"Yeah." Luohe Qing should have a voice, added: ‘‘very good. ”

Xiao Yu'an took a good medicine and took a string of hemp ropes. He looked at the front hall and saw that Zhang Changsong didn't pay attention to it. He smiled and pulled out the original dried yam and mulberry from the medicine cabinet. He grabbed a handful of 晏河清. Seeing that he couldn’t solve his mouth, he smiled and smiled more than a sly gesture. He glared at him with his left eye and licked two into his mouth.

Seeing that the river is still squatting, Xiao Yu’an gestured a bite, and the river nodded and nodded, putting the small dried fruit in the mouth.

Sour and sweet are in the mouth, no bitterness or bitterness, Xiao Yuan asks Qihe Qing with a mouth type: "Is it delicious?"

Luohe nodded and saw Xiao Yuan laughing at him.

"Xiao Yu'an!! That is the medicine, not the honey!! You steal it?!" The medical book accompanied by Zhang Changsong's roar and screaming, Xiao Yuan firmly caught the medical book on the cabinet, picked up the medicine and pulled the river to clear the sound. Laughing and ran outside the hospital.