Chapter 146: Spoiled treason to understand

Outside the military account, Chen, the deputy who has been basically innocent, is swinging his waist and swinging his body. When he sees Xiao, he can’t help but ask: "How come you come back to Xiao Dafu? Are you not looking for the emperor?"

Xiao Yuan shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: "He is busy, he doesn't see anyone."

"How can I be busy late and not busy, but this time is busy!" Chen Ge said.

Xiao Yuan laughed out loudly: "I don't worry about what you are anxious! Nothing, the guardian brother in front of the brothers' army account said that when the brothers and the generals discussed the end, they would inform me of his visit."

Chen Song wants to stop, a small soldier ran out of the military account, saw Xiao Yuan grab him: "You are here at Xiao Dafu! You can find you, a wounder seems to be more serious, you Go check it out."

Xiao Yuan did not dare to neglect, and quickly walked into the curtain. It was originally that the soldier’s ability to heal was extremely poor, the weather was hot, and the wound was not crusted but turned into a pus. Fortunately, it was not very serious. Xiao Yu’an shouted to bring the spirits to the The wounds of the soldiers were cleaned up. After several tossing, the injured soldiers were fine. Xiao Yuan made himself dirty.

Xiao Yuan himself disliked himself, took clean clothes and tubs, and planned to go to the small river outside the military camp to clean himself. The officers below the rank of deputy could not leave the military camp without authorization. Xiao Yuan took the handcuffs of Luohe Qing and made a military camp for the desire. .

Busy for a day, and the blink of an eye is the star of the moon, Xiao Yuan untied the clothes to take off the mask, picked up a hand to wash the cheeks, and slammed the river to the body, slowly adapting to the slightly cooler water temperature.

The cold and cool is cool, and the white moonlight falls. The river is sparkling. Xiao Yu’an squats in a circle, and the water screams. Xiao Yu’an has not noticed the strange sound of the grass behind him.

Huang Yue’s deputy rushed back to the military camp. A group of generals discussed from the day to the evening, and finally had a result. The deputy leaned over and said a few words to Huang Yue’s ear.

Huang Yue’s big eyes led him to the unmanned place and asked, “You can see clearly, is it really the Northern Emperor?”

The deputy nodded in no doubt: "General Huang, you said, do you want to take him..."

"No, the emperor will never allow it, and tomorrow the emperor must personally chase the deserters, and can't make a scorpion at this time." Huang Yue frowned, touched his chin, whispered, "still waiting for this time to break the Dongwu country And discuss this with General Xue."

The deputy will somehow see his eyes suddenly brighten. He quickly bowed his head and pressed his mind. He cautiously asked: "General Huang, will the emperor go to chase the soldiers tomorrow?"

"Yes, the emperor intends to lead a fine soldier and sneak a sneak attack on the past. Even if there is a swindle, he can beat the other party by surprise. I think the emperor is still too cautious. The enemy is already a defeated soldier. Why bother?" The more you say.

The deputy will hold the fist: "The general will be brilliant, brilliant, and brilliant."

He even said three high-mindedness. Every time he said it, his head was one point lower, his tone was one point higher, and his tail was a long one.

"Well, let's go to rest first. The matter of the emperor of the North, or wait until the end of the campaign." Huang Yue waved his hand and turned away.

The deputy will bend over and hold the fist, and after sending away Huang Yue, the night is full of no one, and he gets up again in the direction of the old tree outside the military camp.

A piece of debris was buried under the old tree. The deputy saw a large withdrawal from the moonlight.

The pale moonlight fell, and the deputy smiled happily, biting his finger and writing: Don't worry, there is a scapegoat.