Chapter 158: Recalling the monarch

"General Yang hasn't got anything yet? How long has it been? How long will it take to fight?"

"On the temper of General Yang, you still ask? This person, you must die!"

"Hey, General Yang has been squatting at the man's lower abdomen. It is estimated that he will vomit blood."

"You didn't see what it was like when General Yang came back. He just walked over the man's leg directly! Even if this person can live, this leg, how can it be scrapped? The next half will definitely be disabled. It is."

"After all, let the Nanyan emperor slip away from under the eyes, and General Yang’s own temperament...not to mention...hey."

"Hey, Xiao Bao? I just didn't see him."

Under the stars in the wilderness, the morning light in the sky was awkward, and Yang Liye, who was venting his anger, finally got tired. He stood on the side and took a rest for a while, then kneeled in front of Xiao Yu’an and grabbed his chin and said, "What do you say? Is it worth it? Don't lie to me, don't you have this end?"

Xiao Yu'an couldn't hear what he was talking about. His ears were full of lingering rumors. His hands were nailed to the ground with his daggers. The bare places on his body were like black and purple bruises. Assault, his internal organs were almost completely displaced, and the spit blood was stained on his chin and chest. Except for a pair of eyes, he could barely see the surrounding area. His whole person was already numb, and he felt that there was no one in his limbs. control.

Yang Liye naturally couldn't answer. He estimated that he was full of gas. He was tired. He stood up with his hands on his hips and sighed. Then he reached out and pulled out the dagger of Xiao Yu'an's left hand palm.

A whimper spilled out of Xiao Yu'an mouth. Compared to deliberate suppression, this sob is more like a screaming effort.

"Let me think about it." Yang Liye grabbed his sleeve with one hand and wiped the blood on the dagger. "It’s too cheap to end your life with a knife. Do you like bloodletting, or do you like meat? Do you want meat? It hurts, can you still feel pain? Um?"

He said that Yang Liye turned Xiao Yu'an with his foot and kicked his knee: "Well? Ask your words, answer."

Before Xiao Yu'an's knee was trampled by Ma Jian, he had already cracked his bones. He was kicked at this time. He was so painful that he subconsciously shrank his body. As a result, his right hand was nailed to the ground, so he shrank his strength and the dagger could not help but cut his palm. a bit.

Yang Liye looked at Xiao Yu'an's eyes on the ground like a dead man. He played the dagger in his hand for a while, made a decision, slowly squatted down, slashed in Xiao Yu'an, and finally moved to Xiao Yu'an's eyes.

"Report! General Yang!"

Suddenly, the soldiers came to report, squatting in front of Yang Liye, yelling and shouting: "The rear is calling the general to go back and discuss things!"

In front of the soldiers, Yang Liye ignored him and continued to squat. He stood up and patted the dust on his body. He listened to the soldier saying, "General, it is not too late, we have to hurry!"

"Also, the blind eye method has also been used. It is time to reorganize the troops and take back the towns that have been taken away before." Yang Liye muttered and waved at his deputy, pointing to Xiao Yu'an and said: "You find a few people and put him. Buried alive, remember to be buried alive, can you hear?"

The deputy nodded and bowed his head.

Yang Liye was satisfied, and squatted down to shoot Xiao Yu'an's face: "Little brother, go well, I will not send it. Hey, I still have a feeling of affection, at least not let you expose the dead wilderness, is it a wild dog bite? ”

Xiao Yu'an still couldn't hear anything, and he turned around. He tried to look up and look up. It was going to be dawn, and the sky was so bright that there was no moon in the sky. Only one star in the East, Xiao Yuan swallowed a blood, feeling the temperature and consciousness. A little bit was pulled away from the body, Xiao Yuan tried to raise his hand and stretched out to the star, but he could only move his fingers. He exhausted all his strength and snorted: "Hey brother..."

Then, everything is caught in chaos and darkness.