Chapter 166: Surprise is not a surprise, accident is not unexpected

Luhe Qingyi did not feel the same at first, but the two of them were very close, no matter who they were, they could detect it with a little movement, so Luhe Qing quickly moved his eyes to Xiao Yu’an.

Xiao Yu'an blushes through a transparent, hands against the chest of the river: "Hey, hey, my brother, me, me, I will solve it."

It was said that Xiao Yu'an was about to get up, and he was turned over by the river and pressed down on the bed. Hehe Qing said softly: "I help you..."

Xiao Yu'an and so on have not yet said the □, the belt has been picked up by the river, he has only a thin coat, the clothes are scattered half-naked appearance, revealing the light as the white jade chest.

The clothes on the body were gradually being shackled, but Xiao Yu’an felt that the body was hot, as if he was in a hot stove, Xiao Yu’an confessed to the beginning, and he was pinched back by the river.

Luohe Qing looked at the pair of alums, bowed his head and kissed lightly. Xiao Yuan was kissed and closed his eyes. Suddenly, the palm of the river was covered on his chest, and the strength was not light or heavy, and it felt crisp and numb. Only Xiao Yu, who was uncomfortable under his body, was teased and the whole person curled up.

"Don't..." Xiao Yu'an subconsciously pressed his hands against Muhe Qing, and was grasped by Xiaohe Qingyi, and then his teeth were printed with reddish teeth.

Xiao Yu'an has some pain, and smiles: "Hey, you think that other places will be blocked by clothes and can't be seen, just squatting here?"

Luhe Qing did not answer, bowed his head and kissed Xiao Yu'an's arm all the way up, and finally sucked in the neck of Xiao Yu'an, and the blaming hand repeatedly circulated around the hips of Xiao Yu'an's waist, which was the heart of the heart.

Xiao Yu'an was so uncomfortable that he couldn't help but squint, and then he heard Xiaohe Qing laughed in his ear.

President Xiao lived for two lifetimes, and for the first time understood what it meant to be angry and angry.

But he had not had time to get angry, and the desire fell into the hands of the bad ones, and it was followed by an irresistible pleasure. The happiness was rampant in Xiao Yu’an’s body, smashing his reason and finally Bring up the strings of greedy joy and play the sound of screaming.

"Hey brother..." Xiao Yuan gasped, clutching the shoulders of Luhe Qing with both hands and pressing him to himself.

Luhe Qing knew that he was going to die, bowed his head and kissed him, and smashed the smashed throat back into Xiao Yu'an mouth, speeding up his hand.

Xiao Yu'an lost his god, his vision became blurred, and the whole person suddenly bowed and then softened down. Although there was no way to think about it, the hand holding Huanhe Qing was not loose.

Luohe Qing kissed him, got up and burned hot water and took a clean cloth to clean the person. Xiao Yuan pulled the river back to the bed, half-shouldered and half-pressed, and slept with satisfaction.

Xiao Yu'an raised his wounds in Taoyuan Village for half a month. Zhang Changsong finally reluctantly promised to let him get out of bed. On the morning of the same day, Xiao Yuan walked around the small yard with crutches, and saw Yang Liuan and Xiao Fengyue walk in from outside the house. The two smiled at each other, about what was interesting. Yang Liuan waved his arms and exaggeratedly. Xiaofeng month smiled and smiled happily. The autumn wind was slight, and the willows in the courtyard fell and fell in Xiaofeng. At the tip, Yang Liuan stretched out his hand for Xiaofeng, and raised his smile.

The two returned to see Xiao Yu'an and said hello: "Little Lord? How are you in the hospital, why not go to rest?"

Xiao Yuan waved his hand: "It's okay, it's tiring for a long time, where are you going?"

Hurricane Moon replied: "Back to the little master, a group of monks came down from the foot of the mountain, repaired a temple, and we went to visit."

Xiao Yuan snorted and turned his eyes thoughtfully.

Yang Liu went up one step and said, "Small Lord, can I help you back?"

Xiao Yuan waved his hand: "Nothing, don't be nervous, I should move, and Master said that I walked more and better for recovery."

During the speech, Luhe Qing stepped forward. Recently, Yang Liu’an and Xiaofengyue saw Luo Heqing’s sincerity towards Xiao Yu’an, so he no longer showed hostility towards him. After they had turned over each other, the two men retired from time to time. Let Luhe Qing and Xiao Yuan be alone.

"Does the leg hurt?" The river sees Xiao Yuan standing on a cane, his eyes falling on his knees.

Xiao Yuan smiled and waved his hand: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it's that it's walking, it's not fast."

Luohe Qing replaced Xiao Zhian with a cane and helped him to sit on the stone mill. The days of Xiao Yu'an's illness were also ruined. I heard that there was a temple at the foot of the mountain, and I had thoughts in my heart, so I smiled and said to Luhe Qing: Brother, when I was in my life, there was another important thing to do before the husband and wife were born. What do you guess?"

Luhe Qing said: "Getting a kiss."

Xiao Yuan shook his head, blinked, and said with a smile: "No, it is love."

The river’s clear eyes flashed a bit of doubt: “Talk... what to talk about?”

Xiao Yuan smiled and stood up. Without a cane in his hand, he was swaying and swaying. Hehe Qing quickly reached out and held him, letting him lean on himself. Xiao Yuan slammed the weight of the whole person on the river and then handed it. A wave, said: "Walk away, we will date."