Chapter 172: I am a man of Ma Yuan.

Chen Ge released Xiao Yu'an and blinked his eyes. "Small doctor, it is really not easy to see you. You know if you want to meet with you, you must first start the emperor?!"

Xiao Yu'an: ", don't know, wait, you are already a general, then today, you are, are you?"

Chen Ge Meng poured a sip of cool water on the table, a touch of mouth, not waiting for Xiao Yu'an to ask, and said incessantly: "Yes! This pilgrimage is really a thing overwhelming. One of them is that the emperor has always respected Xue Lao. General, I don’t know why, this time, I’m still respecting, but I’m not seen, and there’s even a sense of incompatibility between the two!”

Xiao Yu'an's surface is not shocked, and his heart has already set off a stormy wave. He slightly curled his fingers and forced himself to calm down and asked: "The second one?" Chen Ge said: "The second is that today, almost the full-fledged civil and military officials are all One thing five squats and slammed the first rule to persuade the emperor, but it caused the emperor to turn cold and cold, leaving them to stay in the same place, Xiao Dafu, you know, what is it?"

Xiao Yuan smiled and said: "What else can I do, my business."

"Xiao Dafu." Chen Song converges with a smile, full of seriousness, "I am among those people today."

Xiao Yu'an wind and light clouds whispered.

I didn't expect Xiao Yu'an to care so much. Chen Ge first was a glimpse. Then he smiled when he touched his head. He sighed and said: "Xiao Dafu, I really hope that you can be with the emperor, but I don't want the waste of the North." The emperor and the emperor are together. Because of your business, now the people are shaking and shaking, all of them are questioning the emperor. This is the country that is most afraid of the people, and the road after the emperor is too difficult to leave. ”

The smile on Xiao Yu'an's face has no meaning of convergence. He said: "Chen Ge, you are too embarrassed to say that I want to leave. Is Xue General teaching you?"

Chen Song scratched his head and whispered: "Yes, yes, because the emperor's obstruction, General Xue can't see you, so let me try, Xiao Dafu, don't blame me, General Xue is my savior, I really I admire him very much, and..." Chen Song paused and continued for a long time. "And, I think Xue General

If you say it, the sentence is reasonable. ”

Xiao Yuan snorted again and had no words.

Chen Ge knew that this was also the case. He stood up and took a letter from his arms and put it on the table: "This letter was sent to you by General Xue. I don't think it is a good thing, Xiao. Doctor, you are willing to look at it, don’t want to burn it."

After that, Chen Song got up and took the box and left. He took two steps and heard the person behind him suddenly shouted: "Chen Song."

Chen Song stepped forward and heard Xiao Yuan continue: "Thank you for calling me Xiao Xiaofu."

Chen Ge squatted for a few seconds and said, "If you are not a foreign emperor, how good it is." After that, he strode away.

"If you don't wear him, you can't protect your brother..." Xiao Yuan snorted and reached for the letter on the table. He hesitated for a second and reached out to open it.

On the thin letterhead, there is only one short sentence: I wonder if the North King can still remember the oath that was promised?

Ok? What vows did he make at the beginning?


Lying in the trough! ! !

Xiao Yuan squatted his hands and held his head.

When he left, he seemed to have made a poisonous oath, saying that if he stepped into the city again, he would not die!

Xiao Yuan now wants to wear it back and take a slap in the face.

When he left, he really didn't expect to come back! After all, he misunderstood Luohe to hate him at that time, and he did not believe that he would run back!

Life is full of surprises and excitement of face and face.

Xiao Yuan silently burned the letter of Xue Yan, and then recited the principle of dialectical relationship between matter and consciousness.

Chen Ge walked out of the palace gate and saw a man standing in front of him waiting for him. The man was wearing a military gown armor, and the white snow fell on his shoulder, as if there were thousands of weights.

Chen Ge stepped forward and stepped on his knees: "General Xue."

Xue Yan raised him with one hand and asked: "How?"

Chen Ge said: "General Xue said, I have all told me, but... it seems to have no effect."

Xue Yanqi raised his eyebrows and shouted a white mist in the cold snowy night: "It’s hard to say that this Northland emperor is willing to bear the humiliation of breaking the country. I am unbelievable, afraid of any attempt, The emperor is an infatuated person. He is in it and can’t see the clue. I have to send someone to look at the emperor of the North."

During Xue Yan’s speech, Chen Song opened his mouth several times and seemed to want to defend, but he did not say it at all. He only finally asked: "But General Xue, he was so well protected by the emperor, how are you..... ."

Xue Yan said: "I won't move him. I can't move him. I can't move him, but I'm sending people around to wait for an opportunity to observe. I can still do this. For Chen Ge, recently because of the Northern Emperor's Everything is not said, but I am afraid that my heart is suspicion of the emperor. I guess there will be people who will use this matter to confuse the party feathers. We must help the emperor to pay attention to this matter."

Chen Ge nodded: "The general's painstaking efforts, I hope the emperor can understand."

Xue Yan stared at the Zhuhong City Wall in the South Yanguo Palace City not far away, and the cheeks fell cold snow.

Hard work? Maybe it is.

He was strict, and he was worthy of the Nanyan State emperor who had been squatting on the wall that year. He was innocent in the South Yan State before the jump. He was worthy of the South Yanguo and even innocent. He knew that if the river was clear, it would be able to change. Come to a prosperous world.

Therefore, if there are thorns in front, as long as he has not fallen, he can swing his sword! He is willing to sweep the South Yan State to all obstacles on the road to strengthening the country at all costs. Even if some things will make him cherish his loyalty to him, he is strict and innocent.