Chapter 185: It must be that the way I wake up is wrong.

Luohe slammed up and stepped back, half a step back, eyes and voice with undisguised anger: ‘‘Why are you here? ! ”

Xiao Yuan was asked about it.

Where can he not go here?

"Ah? I... I..." Xiao Yuan didn't know how to answer Luhe Qing.

Luhe Qing began to notice that his body was not right, and a hot heat filled his limbs, making him dry and dizzy, and he looked down at it.

Xiao Yuan followed the eyes of Luohe Qing to look at his place, carefully swallowed it, and then smashed the past: "I... I help you..."

When I heard that the voice had just fallen, Xiao Yu’an’s clothes were suddenly smashed by the river, and he was almost breathless. The sound of the river was very cold, and the anger of the eyes seemed to be burning, and Xiao Yu’an could be in the next second. He swallowed up, he was almost squatting: "You lick me to take medicine?"

Put medicine? !

How could he clear the medicine to Luohe?

Is it too fast to die in bed? !

On the Weihe Qingyuan, the night of the ten royal women, the great achievements, but also his mother needs to take medicine! ?

The collar was tightened, and Xiao Yu'an felt that his breathing was not smooth, and he was terribly uncomfortable. He reached out and tried to stop the movement of the river and argued: "I didn't give it..."

However, one sentence has not been finished, and the next second, he was thrown down by Huhe Qing.

Xiao Yu'an's clothes were still scattered, and the bare skin was rubbing against the ground. The red red was broken. He rolled on the ground for several times without stopping his body shape. His head slammed into the corner of the table and pulled out a **** hole and blood. Sliding down the wound, dyed his eyes in front of the red, Xiao Yu An Qingsi scattered, wolf-stricken, he grabbed his forehead, painful eyes and flowers, almost fainted.

But the river is clear, but even a look of his eyes is too lazy to give him, the tone is cold and cold: "Roll!"

Xiao Yu'an was completely stupid in the same place. Rao was slow again. At this time, he also knew that something was wrong. Xiao Yuan didn't know what was wrong. He had to ask for help: "Hey?"

This title finally completely angered the river, and the rivers and rivers were full of sorrow and disgust. He walked out of the bed and pressed Xiao Yu’an’s head to the ground. The voice made people feel more fearful because of the suppression of anger. He said: “You Try to call me again?"

Then Xiao Yuan was thrown out of the palace.

The outside was still snowing, Xiao Yuan was half naked, so he was thrown into the snow, frozen in the cold, and there were maids from time to time, and there was pity and ridicule in his eyes.

Xiao Yuan maintained the action of being thrown out. He looked at the front of his eyes, but he was very close to the door of his palace. He had scars on his body, and the blood on his forehead had not stopped. Snow, as if it hurts three points, there is a maid around, I can't stand it anymore. I lifted up and lifted up the clothes for him. "Chou Xiaowang, come back."

Xiao Yuan looked up at her and shouted: "What about Xiao?"

The maid was scared and said weakly: "The king of the king..."

Xiao Yuan suddenly stood up and looked around while pulling his clothes. He didn't wear boots, his feet stepped on the snow, and he was frozen and numb in a short time. Finally, there was a shallow pool in front of him, and Xiao Yuan rushed forward. , squatting by the pool.

The pool was thick with ice, and it was dazzling under the warm light of the morning. Xiao Yuan looked at his own appearance in the pool and did not speak for a long time.

In the original book, Xiao Pingyang was invaded by the war for the sake of the Xisong Kingdom. Before agreeing to the marriage contract of the Weihe River, he also lived in the North for a period of time. At that time, Xiao Pingyang was called Princess of Xiao County.

At this moment, the icy lake reflected not the soft and beautiful face of the Northern King, but a clear and handsome face, like a porcelain, with a moon, the eyebrows are gentle, but the lips are laughing but With coziness, it is the unfetteredness of the world.

This face is exactly the same as Xiao Yu'an.