Chapter 197: It’s impossible to show no love.

On the second morning, the East wanted to know. When the Weihe River started early in the morning, Xiao Yuan still slept unconsciously. Hehe Qing knew that he was really tired yesterday, pitifully bowed his dear ones, and had been cold and hail like a hail. It was softened.

Xiao Yu'an was kissed twice, and subconsciously took the quilt to cover his head. The river stretched out and pulled the quilt for him. After a moment, he got up.

Qihe Qinggang took two steps and hurriedly turned back. Seeing Xiao Yuan lying firmly on the bed, he sighed with relief. He knew that he couldn’t do this. He pressed his inner fears and forced himself to go outside the palace. He finally walked out of the entrance to the palace. Suddenly, there was thick snow outside, like the desolate and desperate red and white intertwined on that day. The river was clear and the eyes were panicked. He turned and walked back to the palace, leaning over and pressing Xiao Yu’an to kiss and feel the people in the arms. The warmth, straight kiss, Xiao Yuan shouted with a vague sigh of relief.

"Hey brother? Are you going to go early?" Xiao Yuan slept unconsciously and asked vaguely.

Luhe Qing sighed.

Xiao Yuan said intermittently: "Then I will wait for you to come back."

Luhe Qing dynasty slammed his head and bowed his head in Xiao Yu’an forehead: "Good."

When Xiao Yuan woke up, it was already noon, and the day was hanging high. Xiao Yuan moved his soft limbs and slowly opened his eyes. Standing on the side of Tianxiang, he finally woke up and quickly went forward: "Xiao County, you Finally woke up, the slaves waited for you to change clothes."

Xiao Yuan looked around and asked: "What about the emperor?"

Tian Xiang said: "The emperor went up, don't worry about Xiao Wang, the emperor can't come back for a while, don't be afraid."

Hey... How do you hear this strange?

Xiao Yuan helped the waist to sit up, and the body leaned in half and hurt somewhere. He screamed and lie down on his back.

Waist, his waist, why is he going to pick up a horseman who is a night girl? Retribution is a retribution.

Xiao Xiaoyu’s miserable appearance, Tian Xiang’s eyes suddenly became red, Xiao Yu’an saw, and could not attend to his body, and quickly asked softly: “What happened? Who bullied you?”

Tianxiang shook his head and twitched and said: "The slave is fine, the slave is distressed by Xiaojun Wang, Xiaojun Wang, you are so good, why do you suffer this kind of suffering?"

Hey, what about the scorpion?

Xiao Yu'an looked awkward, and Tian Xiang was still wiping his tears: "I knew that the slave would not see the pattern on the emperor, otherwise you will not be brought back to Nanyan by the emperor, and will not be insulted. It’s all bad slaves.”

Xiao Yu'an: "No...not... Tim Xiang, you misunderstood, I am not... It seems to be... but I am willing, not what you want. That kind."

Tianxiang said: "I know that you are willing to be a king of the West, but the slaves feel that you should not be sinned, too poor! Oh!"

Xiao Yuan singled out the amount, thinking about how this my **** explanation?

Suddenly, footsteps were heard outside the palace. After the early morning, the river rushed back and went to the river. Tianxiang hurriedly wiped his tears and bowed back to the side in horror.

When Luhe Qing saw Xiao Yu, he woke up and sat down on the bed to reach out to his hair: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Although it was going to be awesome last night, but afterwards, there was a cleanup and a slap in the river, and I had to do it well, so Xiao Yuan just felt tired and there was no pain. He shook his head and smiled: "No."

Luhe Qing asked again: "What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Yuan said lazily: "Come and order some porridge clear noodle soup. You said that I am really hungry."

Luhe Qing sighed, got up and went to see him in person, and repeatedly stressed a few more quickly, and then returned to the bed.

Xiao Yuan asked: "Do you have to deal with the political affairs?"

Luohe nodded and said: "Yeah."

"Then go, don't worry about me." Xiao Yuan swayed his hand and suddenly saw that Tianxiang was carefully aiming at it, so he changed his hand and turned it into a smashing river. "Hey, you are close."

Luohe Qing bowed his head and Xiao Yuan kissed him and smiled. "I am really miserable, you?"

The mouth of the river is clear and inaudible: "Well."

Xiao Yuan is dissatisfied: "Which is a few meanings?"

Luohe Qing said: "Me too."

Xiao Yuan was satisfied, and even a few times on his cheek, it made people leave.

After the river was cleared, Xiao Yuan smiled and looked at Tianxiang, only the words were thin, or the action was more convincing.

Tianxiang did not say anything, bowed his head and silently gave Xiao Yu'an a hair change, busy and busy, suddenly wowing and crying.

Xiao Yuan was shocked and screamed and screamed at her. She hadn’t had time to ask why she heard Tianxiang crying: “There are people in the emperor’s mind, and you are deceiving you to hurt you, emotionally. Xiaojun Wang, you must not be emotional, the emotion will be over, it will be used, 呜呜呜!!!,,

Xiao Yu'an said: "I am... this is me... Oh, forget it, just."

At this moment, Huang Yue’s generals were squatting, Huang Yue’s right hand and four fingers kept standing on the table, his brows were tightly squatting, and the aides were screaming next to him: “General Huang, Xiaojun Wang was suddenly stopped by the emperor on his way to Xiqiao. Brought back to the palace, our assassination has not been successful, General Huang, although the subordinates did not show their feet, but I estimate that Xiaojun Wang and Xue Yan can guess what we did."

Huang Yue sneered and said: "Nothing, a general who had been unloaded with armor in the gap between the emperor and the heart, a lonely emperor who had to bow down to the country for the country, what kind of waves can be picked up? Only this Xiaojun king relies on Xue Yan. We are in the army. I wanted to assassinate him and then negotiate with Xiqiao. It seems that this strategy has to be put aside."

The curtain said: "General Huang, in other forces, and Chen Ge, this person should not be underestimated."

Huang Yue said: "Chen Ge, this person, although he is also a general, but the action is convergent, not enough, but I heard that the emperor personally went to intercept Xiao Wang Wang, but the real thing?"

The aides said: "It is a real thing, General Huang, I am afraid that this Xiaojun Wang will give you the opportunity to be drawn up as a party feather before!"

Huang Yue shook his head and said, "No, he should know that I have a lot of evidence that can make him robbed. With these crimes, even if I first put him in jail, I will report the crime to the emperor afterwards, and the emperor will not Blame me."

After all, the words and deeds are meaningful, and they ask: "The general of Huang, we are now..."

Huang Yue’s finger on the table before he finally knocked on the wooden table and said, “We can’t wait for the fact that we can’t move.

Xiao Yuan rested for one day, and the next day, she was relieved of the pain and forgot the pain. In the morning, she pressed the river to clear the kiss.

"Come and come, give a laugh to the grandfather." Xiao Yuzhen was on the body of the river, and hooked the man's chin and laughed.

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Like that day, Yan Dance.