(Eve’s POV)

I also felt it when I read the original novel, this man was a very cold and arrogant person.

If a man of this status is gentle and kind, then I think that would be weirder.

“Thank you for saying that. After all, the reason I’m dying is because i was your fiance.”

(T/N: Right back at yah, lmao)

“You talk as if you know who the culprit is.”

“Because I do.”

I looked straight at him and said clearly.

“It was his Majesty the Emperor.”

“Why would the Emperor kill the Princess?”

“I’m not lying. His Majesty planned to kill me on our wedding day. He would have me killed and accuse the Grand Duke for the murder.”

When the word ‘murder’ came out, the Grand Duke, who had been showing nonchalant look as if he was listening to a joke, hardened his complexion in an instant.

At a glance, I could already see that wrinkles formed on his well-shaped forehead.

“How did you find out about this?”

This was the most important part.

I answered with no hesitation and frankness.

“I saw the future through my divine power.”


There was a moment of silence in the dark chapel.

Even though all the windows were closed, I could feel a cool breeze passing between the two of us.

The Grand Duke blinked a few times, as if he could not believe what he had just heard.

It was a look that said, ‘What the hell is this now?’

“I’m sorry, but please say that again. I don’t know if there’s a problem with my hearing…… But what you just said right now sounded completely strange.”

He asked if I could repeat it once more, it was so polite enough to be cheeky.

“You didn’t hear it wrong. I saw it from my foresight. You know that I was born with a divine power, right? The ability that I have is to see what will happen in the future.”

The Grand Duke refuted my words with a skeptical look.

“I heard that you lost your powers when you were still young.”

Please do not repost our translation. Read only at Pink Muffin Translations.

“Yeah, I thought so as well. But fortunately I didn’t.”

I calmly prepared myself, and told the story that I devised.

I thought that I lost my ability because I had never seen or used my foresight since I was 10 years old.

However, immediately after the engagement, the ability of foresight suddenly returned.

And that I didn’t believe it at first, but after checking it a few times, I was able to confirm it.

Indeed, my ability was revived.

It was good until then, but one day, I saw another foresight.

The future of being assassinated by an assassin sent by the Emperor himself on the morning of our wedding day.

It was the story that I was able to come up with over the past few days.

I can’t tell this man that I’m not the real Eve and that we were inside a novel.

Fortunately, there was a way to explain based on the original plot, without divulging it.

Because Eve really had the power of foresight.

However, as I continued to explain, the Grand Duke’s expression became more absurd.

At the end of my made-up story, his handsomeness shows an expression of being ridiculed.

The Grand Duke murmured calmly, without raising or lowering his voice.

“Until a while ago, I thought that the Princess was making fun of me by making up a story in regards to His Majesty’s order, but now…… It’s so absurd that it’s hard not to think of it as a conspiracy.”

“I’m not trying to deceive you, Your Grace.”

The Grand Duke asked again with a look as if saying that he couldn’t comprehend my words.

Please do not repost our translation. Read only at Pink Muffin Translations.

“If that’s the case, according to your foresight, Her Highness will be murdered on the day of our wedding, and that it was His Majesty’s plan to accuse me of the crime?”

“Yes. That’s definitely it. From what I have seen, the assassination has certainly succeeded.”

The Grand Duke did not take his eyes off my face.

His eyes were full of distrust.

As if he was looking at a crazy person.

Well, if I hear something like this all of a sudden, I would be suspicious as well, then I asked him again anxiously.

“Did you understand what I’m saying?”

“I already knew that my fiancee was violent and ruthless, but it’s hard to understand with certainty that it could be possible that you’re mentally ill as well.”

“I’m not crazy. This is not a delusion.”

Of course, it was only natural that my story could not be considered as the only proof to prove my point.

But that’s okay. Since I had evidence to prove my foresight.

“Please believe in me. I will be able to prove myself in the coming days. A solar eclipse will occur in the morning, exactly five days from now.”

Five days from now, 35 days before Eve’s wedding, an unexpected solar eclipse occurs.

Originally, it was customary to observe astronomy and predict solar and lunar eclipses at the Great Hall or at the Academy.

But the eclipse was something no one had predicted.

In the original story, everyone was confused about the sudden change in the astronomical orbit.

‘Actually, it happened because Sorel, the female lead, accidentally woke up a sealed divine beast after she was left behind in the battlefield.’

Anyway, the circumstances are not revealed until the second half of the story.

So I can use a little bit of it.

“Did you also see that from your foresight?”

“Yes, I did.”

The Grand Duke still looked in disbelief.

“You don’t say that it was it was thanks to your divine power that you managed to find out about the location of the relic.”

Please do not repost our translation. Read only at Pink Muffin Translations.

“Yes, I was able to see the relics in one of my visions of the future.”

I lied naturally.

“His Majesty the Emperor is trying to kill me and entrap the Grand Duke. This is not a lie, I can assure you that.”

The Grand Duke did not seem to believe it at all.

He asked me once again, as he examined my face.

“Have you overheard His Majesty’s secret conversation?”

He wanted to check if I accidentally overheard the Emperor’s plans, and due to fear, I lied about my ability and asked for the Grand Duke’s help.

Then, I came up with the story that I regained my ability of foresight and learned about the Emperor’s plan.

Considering Eve’s personality, it was definitely a possibility.

“No, I did not.”

I shattered his guess with a calm tone.

“You may be wondering if I overheard this, but that is impossible. I haven’t seen His Majesty very often, except for recent official occasions. So I would never have had a chance to overhear His Majesty’s secret meetings.”

The Emperor was always busy with his work to manage the state affairs, and these days, he was currently fighting in war, so he was never seen inside the Imperial Palace.

Even if I had been in the Imperial Palace, he would have been busy with government affairs, so he wouldn’t be able to meet his stupid daughter often, who was always involved in trouble.

And there’s no way that the Emperor would talk about such a conspiracy where anyone could hear it.

Specifically, in a place where it’s possible for Eve to hear it.

“If I could have lied that I had overheard His Majesty’s plans rather than seeing through my foresight, I would have said so from the beginning.”

In fact, I was planning to use that excuse at first.

Overhearing the Emperor’s plans.

But I soon realized that such a lie was meaningless.

No matter how hard I tried, there was no way for Eve in the original story to know about the Emperor’s secret plan.

To add, a lot of spies were planted by the Grand Duke.

If I say that, ‘In this place, at this specific date and time that I heard, His Majesty the Emperor was talking to someone.’ The Grand Duke would definitely call his spies and find out the truth.

Even if they cannot confirm the content of the conversation itself, they would be able to find out the person whom His Majesty spoke with at that time, or If I was really nearby at that specific moment.

Please do not repost our translation. Read only at Pink Muffin Translations.

Thinking like that, I had to direct another reason, something believable and factual.

“I never had a chance to hear of such a plan. If I lied….. Your Grace must have figured it out right away. Doesn’t this prove that I’m actually telling the truth?”


Complex emotions lingered in the Grand Duke’ deep purple eyes.

It was understandable that to some extent, he was still skeptical.

Then he asked again.

“If that’s the truth, why didn’t you tell people that your powers were back?”

“Wouldn’t it be advantageous if people didn’t know about my ability? If no one knows, no one will keep watch on me, less danger to my life.”

“And you think that it’s okay to tell me?”

I looked up at his terribly handsome face and said.

“If I can’t prove that I’m worthwhile, His Grace, won’t help me.”

One truth that I’ve come to realize based on my previous life;  no one will help me If I cannot prove my worth.

“If I never told you about my foresight and just stated the assassination on our wedding day, you would rather wait and see if I would really be killed than help me in advance. Am I right?”

If I didn’t tell him that I have revived my ability, this Grand Duke would neither help nor protect me.

At first, I thought I would ask for help by just divulging my plans for the wedding day.

‘That I could just hide my foresight and ask for help as I found out about the Emperor’s plan?’

And if he asked me in detail where I heard it, I wouldn’t have much to say. The moment the investigation begins, the fact that my claim was correct would prove I wasn’t lying

I synthesized that he would be careful about this matter and look into it regardless of the fact that it was Eve who revealed such information.

He could take a closer look and if someone shows any suspicious movement, he can take action. By then, he’ll realize I’m actually telling the truth.

Then wouldn’t it be possible to avoid the ending of being murdered on the day of the wedding?

I thought it was that simple.

But then I realized that it was useless.

The Grand Duke didn’t need to help me nor keep me alive to simply to avoid being framed for murder.

Rather, it would be more effective to investigate the Emperor’s plan in advance, secure the evidence, then bring in the evidence after I was murdered to reveal his innocence.

In this way, the Emperor’s vicious scheme to frame the Grand Duke by killing his own daughter can be exposed to the world.

And to add, he can naturally get rid of his annoying fiancee.

And the Grand Duke will be able to gain the sympathy of the people for losing his fiancée and nearly being framed for murder.

That was probably the best course of action.

After I finished explaining, I looked up at him with my arms crossed and asked again.

“If we had only talked about the wedding without revealing my foresight, would you actually help me from simply just that?”