Chapter 17 - A wife wasn't as reliable as Big Sis (3)

In the room, Su Yu was eating melon seeds when she saw that Su Dazhi had returned. She paused for a moment, then she peeled the melon seeds she had cracked open and put the rest of the melon seeds into the box on the side.

"Da Zhi, you're here. I'm peeling melon seeds for Xiao Zhi. He's so sensible. As soon as he knew I was sick, he rushed to see me and said he would take care of me. He even bought me meat buns and melon seeds."

Su Dazhi felt a stab in his heart.

"Sit down. What are you doing here so late? You have to go to work tomorrow. I have Xiaozhi to take care of me. You don't have to worry about me."

Su Dazhi felt that he had been stabbed again. He knew that he was not here to take care of Big Sis. He came here to ask Big Sis for something to eat.

Originally, he wanted to ask Big Sis about the locking of the cupboard, but now, he couldn't say a single word about it. With him like this, how could he have the face to ask Big Sis for food.

Suddenly, there was a growling sound from Su Dazhi's stomach. He instantly blushed and covered his stomach.

Su Yu raised an eyebrow and threw the peeled melon seed into her mouth. Well, well, he hadn't eaten yet.

Under normal circumstances, he should have already eaten by now. For him to have not eaten by now, she guessed there was an issue at home. Luckily, she had found a lock and locked the food cabinet before going out this morning.

She was happy, but she showed a worried look. "Dazhi ah, what's wrong with your stomach? Is your stomach not feeling well? Do you want to see a doctor? Don't eat the wrong thing."

Su Dazhi suddenly wanted to cry. He hadn't eaten the wrong thing. He hadn't eaten anything at all.

Su Yu said, "What did you and Liu Mei eat for dinner to give you a stomachache? It's not that I want to speak badly of her, but she's been quarreling about separating the family and as soon as I'm not home, she doesn't do a good job taking care of you. If we really separate, what will you do if you have a stomachache every day? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have locked the cupboard. That way, you can still cook something for yourself at home to eat. Ai, I did all this for Liu Mei to see, so that she won't want to split up. That way, Big Sis can always take care of you. But seeing you like this, I can't stop worrying."

Su Dazhi gulped. He felt so depressed. Big Sis is right. How can they seperate the family? Big Sis was only gone for one day and he's hungry. If the family is separated, he'll starve to death. Liu Mei only cared for herself.

At this time, Su Dazhi suddenly felt that the happy life after marriage described by Liu Mei wasn't realistic at all. His life wasn't even good now. How can he have hope for the future?

"Sis, I… I…" Su Dazhi was so wronged that he couldn't say a word. Hungry, he was so hungry, but he didn't have the face to ask his older sister for food.

What would he do if Big Sis found out that he hadn't eaten yet? It would be too humiliating. He was the one that quarreled to separate the family, but the result was an empty stomach and coming here to ask Big Sis for food. He felt ashamed of himself just thinking about it.

"Big Bro, why are you still here? What do you want to say to Big Sis?" Su Xiaozhi walked back with empty bowls. He looked at Su Dazhi like a tiger watching its prey.

Su Yu smiled and said, "Xiaozhi ah, your brother is not feeling well. He ate something bad. Take your older brother to see the doctor."

"See the doctor? If he can get a stomachache from eating something bad, that means he has food. Why didn't he think of sending some of that food to you," Su Xiaozhi said angrily. He doesn't even have any money left!

In front of Su Xiaozhi, Su Dazhi had even less face to ask Su Yu for food. He stood up and said, "Big Sis, I… I'll come to see you tomorrow." Then he hurriedly ran out.

Su Yu sighed and stuffed another peeled melon seed into her mouth. She intended to stay in the hospital for two more days and then be discharged. Consider it a vacation for herself.

Back home, Su Lin had drunk a lot of water. Hungry and dizzy, she fell asleep.

Liu Mei, on the contrary, had not slept and waited for Su Dazhi to come home. When she saw Su Dazhi enter the house, she said, "Why are you only back now? Did you get the key? Big Sis is too much. How could she lock the food cabinet?"

"Isn't it because you want to split the family?" Su Dazhi sullenly retorted. If it wasn't for Liu Mei fussing to separate the family, Big Sis wouldn't have locked the cabinet.

Liu Mei heard her man's words and was stunned, "What did you say?"

"Nothing!" Su Dazhi laid down in anger on the bed. His head was now in a mess. He felt that he had lived his past days too muddle-headedly. And now, he can't even eat a meal anymore. Thinking of this, he suddenly sat up, startling Liu Mei.

"What are you doing?"

Su Dazhi reached out his hand and said, "Give me food stamps and money."

Liu Mei's eyes practically bulged out. "What do you want the money and food stamps for? It's not like there's no food at home. You don't have any need for money ah." How can a man keep money? Men don't know how to take their family into consideration. They'll spend money indiscriminately. How would they be able to live their lives in the future?

Su Dazhi was so angry that his heart itched. He has no need for money? He didn't even have the money to take the bus today and he was still hungry!

"Give me money and food stamps!" Su Dazhi firmly said.