Chapter 19 - One would end up with spoiled rotten kids who didn't know good from bad (2)

"Big Sis…"

Su Yu had just packed up her stuff and was about to tell Su Xiaozhi to carry her stuff when she saw Su Lin walk into the hospital room with a pout. She hadn't seen Su Lin in the past two days. The teenager looked lethargic and as if she had lost a lot of weight.

"Little Four, what's wrong?" Su Xiaozhi had also seen his sluggish younger sister. She was the sibling he had spent the most time with because they were only a few years apart. She was the one he was closest with. Seeing Su Lin's state, he felt worried.

Su Lin looked at Su Yu aggrievedly and sniffled, "I'm hungry… I only had half a bowl of congee today. I'm so hungry… Big Sis, I'm so hungry…"

She had been hungry all day yesterday. This morning, she pestered her older brother and sister-in-law to go eat at a state-owned restaurant, but her sister-in-law was so stingy. She only gave her half a bowl of congee. She still felt hungry after eating and almost couldn't stand up straight.

Seeing Su Lin like this, Su Yu didn't find her pitiful. She clearly knew the answer but still asked, "Your older brother didn't give you food?"

"Older sister-in-law wouldn't let… I only got half a bowl of congee…" Su Lin weakly said.

"Big Bro is too much!"  Su Xiaozhi angrily said.

Su Yu said, "Don't blame your older brother. Your older sister-in-law holds the money. In her  eyes, we're all outsiders. Even your older brother has to look at her face to live his life. Outsiders are outsiders. How can you expect an outsider to wholeheartedly treat you guys that way I do?"

Su Xiaozhi promptly nodded.

Su Lin pouted. "Sis, do you have something to eat? I'm so hungry."

"Let's go home to eat. Sis spent all of her money on your brother's marriage. Where would I have the money to buy food for you? I even had to rely on Xiaozhi the past two days. Our Xiaozhi has grown up."

Su Yu patted Su Xiaozhi's head. He immediately had a proud look.

Hearing that she could eat when they went home, Su Lin quickly nodded. "Sis, let's go back."

"En." Su Yu smiled. The original owner coaxed her to eat, and she was unwilling to do so. But now, she was obedient. Children needed to be taught lessons.

After they got home, Su Yu didn't have to do anything after opening the cupboard. Su Lin started cooking of her own initiative.

The original owner had been the only one to cook in the past years. Su Lin didn't help out at all.  She wasn't even familiar with starting a fire. After failing a few times, she was anxious enough to cry. It was Su Xiaozhi that couldn't see her like this and helped her light the fire.

"So useless!" Su Xiaozhi rolled his eyes. He frequently caught sparrows to eat when he was outside and would always roast them himself.

Su Yu wiped her face while educating, "Little Lin, I think you should cook the meals at home in the future to practice. I don't want you to starve yourself again if I'm sick someday. It won't hurt you to learn more skills."

After experiencing the feeling of acute hunger, Su Lin no longer had any other thoughts. She just wanted to eat and hastily nodded.

It was just cooking cornmeal mush, so it didn't take long for it to be ready to eat . They each had a bowl of it. Su Lin even scraped the bottom of the pot clean.

Su Yu once again locked the food cabinet.

Now that Su Lin was full, she remembered wanting the dress.  She bit her lip. She didn't dare to torment herself. She didn't want to feel hungry anymore. She could only say with tears in her eyes, "Sis, Song Xiao can wear her new dress every day. I want that too. How come other people have it, but I don't? I know, I don't have parents, and they have parents who love them. I deserve to suffer."

Their parents' passing was the original owner's eternal heartache. It was why she loved her younger siblings without a bottom line over the years. If the original owner heard these words, then she would find a way to buy her sister a dress no matter what.

Su Yu's lips twitched. "It's good that you understand. We're all children without parents. All of our lives are bitter and hard. How can we compare with people that have both of their parents?"

Su Lin: "..."