Chapter 28 - Su Dazhi felt as if he had been shot in the knee (1)

Su Yu couldn't be bothered to pay attention to her. She turned to make her bed. This home was too crowded. Once she had gained their loyalty, she would arrange for them to move out. Those that could live in dormitories would live in dormitories. Those that couldn't live in a dormitory would rent a room. She would only leave one person here to do laundry and cook for her.

"Sis, I'll go out to take a look," Su Dazhi suddenly stood up and said.

He was originally going to pick Liu Mei up from work, but he had forgotten about it after talking with Big Sis. Now that he remembered, his heart felt uneasy. It wasn't because he worried that something bad might happen to Liu Mei. After all, public security was good now. He was worried about Liu Mei getting angry.

Su Yu rolled her eyes. "Looking to see if Liu Mei is back? She has money and tickets. She can take the bus home and eat a big meal outside. What are you worried about? Do you think she's the same as you? Walking home with a hungry stomach? Besides, even if you go out now, her reaction will still be the same. If she sees you softening now, she might climb up and crush you to death!"

"Big Bro, you're so useless." Su Xiaozhi sat with his ankle resting on his other knee. Since he had found out that his brother wanted to snatch the room from him, he found him unpleasant to look at.

Su Dazhi angrily said, "Xiaozhi, watch your words!"

"What? Being suppressed by a woman…"

"What do you mean by a woman?" Su Yu wouldn't take that. She angrily asked, "What's wrong with women?"

Su Xiaozhi immediately said, "Sis, I didn't mean you. I'm talking about Sister-in-law. You're not the same."

He couldn't anger his sister. If his sister got angry, he might have to go back to school. In the past few days, Su Xiaozhi gained a deep understanding that he was dependent on his older sister for everything. Big Sis said she wouldn't feed Su Lin, and Su Lin could only go hungry. Big Sis said she would find him a job, and he would be able to get rid of going to that dislikable school.

Seeing Su Xiaozhi's reaction, Su Yu was quite satisfied, but she still showed a stern expression. "Liu Mei is a special case. Other women aren't like her. Liu Mei doesn't care for her husband and treats him like a beast of burden. I won't mention other women. I'm a woman too. Take me as an example. Look at how much thought I've put into caring for you guys. Not only was I so exhausted that I was hospitalized, I went looking for people I know to find you a job. It's so hard to find a job these days."

Su Xiaozhi repeatedly nodded. "Sis, you're different. How can Older Sister-in-law compare to you?

"You think that way, but others don't." Su Yu meaningfully looked at Su Dazhi. "There are people that rather be a beast of burden for others than to open their hearts to us."

Su Dazhi was really moved by these words. His actions before really were no different than being a beast of burden for Liu Mei. He even quarreled with Big Sis to separate the family...

He obediently sat down. "Big Sis, I won't go out to look. Okay?"

Su Yu harrumphed. "Sis will see you as a real man if you can sit still when you hear Liu Mei's name." Towards an incompetent, cowardly person, she couldn't appease him. She had to show her temper.

"That's impossible." Su Xiaozhi laughed.

Su Dazhi: "..." He really wanted to hit someone.

Hearing their lively conversation, Su Lin felt like an outsider. She was muddled-headed from feeling so wronged. She used to be the baby of the family. When did she become an outsider? And, she had to cook for the family too.

While wiping her tears, she kept an eye on the fire. Finally, she finished cooking the cornmeal mush.

Smelling that the food was ready, Su Xiaozhi carried his bowl and spoon over.

Su Yu said, "Wait a second. Let Sis taste if the food is cooked. What will we do if you get a stomachache?" She took the ladle. In these days, having control of the ladle for serving food signified control of the family. He was dreaming if he thought he could take as much food as he wanted!

Su Xiaozhi froze in surprise for a moment. He didn't think too much of it. Sis was worried about his body.

Su Yu pretended to taste the food. She frowned. "Little Lin, Sis doesn't want to scold you, but you really have to practice your cooking skills. Don't learn from your sister-in-law and stop doing housework after getting married. After all, not every man is like your brother, afraid of his wife."

Su Dazhi felt as if he had been shot in the knee.