Chapter 35 - Just like that, his imposing manner was knocked away (2)

When the three siblings came back, the people in the compound stared at them for a while. Su Xiaozhi, who followed Su Yu like a lackey, was especially conspicuous.

Yo, the Su siblings had really changed. The oldest one looked to be in good spirits. The second one didn't look as unconscionable. The third one, that brat, had also become sensible. He would always make a racket when he saw his big sis, but now, he was so close with her.

They turned to look at Su Lin, who was squatting at the entrance of the Su family's home where smoke would come out, and clicked their tongues. Had the Su family straightened themselves out?

Su Yu greeted everyone she passed by.

"Grandpa Gao, eating, huh?"

"Yeah, an empty stomach makes it hard to work well," Grandpa Gao shouted. People in the compound liked liveliness.

"Sister-in-law Li, what are you eating today? It smells delicious."

Sister-in-law Li wiped her hands on her paron. Smiling, she answered, "I baked sweet potatoes."

"Mrs. Shen, come over to my home when you have time. A letter came about that matter you asked me for help with."

Mrs. Shen immediately beamed with delight.

"Mrs. Liu, you didn't go see your relatives, huh? The next time you go visit Liu Mei's family, please tell them that a married woman shouldn't go back to her maiden family so often. The Su family can't afford the embarrassment of her going back to eat her parents' food."

Mrs. Liu, who was steaming sweet potato rice, almost couldn't resist coming over with her spatula to beat Su Yu. She was a bit dissatisfied with Liu Mei for not being able to handle the Su family. Su Yu was throwing sh*t at the Liu family.

"Sis, you're back."

When they arrived at the door of their home, Su Lin stood up. She felt the faces of her siblings looked a bit more lovable compared to a few days ago.

Su Yu faintly smiled at her. "You're pretty prompt with cooking today. I thought we would go hungry when we came back."

Hearing the praise, Su Lin couldn't help but feel a bit happy. She had been given the cold shoulder and oppressed the past few days, now that Big Sis suddenly praised her, that was enough to satisfy her.

"Sis, I knew you guys must be tired, so I started cooking as soon as I got back."

"En, your performance isn't bad. Keep it up," Su Yu indifferently said, then she took her basin and went to get water to wash her face. She didn't forget to call Su Dazhi and Su Xiaozhi to go with her. "Dazhi, Xiaozhi, go wash your face. You guys worked hard."

At once, they obediently followed her. Big Sis was so meticulous in her care for them.

As soon as they passed through the center of the compound on their way to the shared bathroom on the side of the yard, they heard shouting. It sounded like the voices were approaching them.

They turned to look. Several people had entered through the compound's gate. They looked aggressive. It looked like these people had come here to start a fight.

Su Dazhi's legs immediately felt weak. Cr*p, weren't these his two older brother-in-laws and their wives?

Su Yu's lips twitched when she saw Su Dazhi's appearance. Why did she have a younger brother like him?

Then, she looked at Su Xiaozhi. There was a bit of nervousness on his face. He was obviously frightened by the other group's fighting aura.

The Liu family looked around when they entered the compound and saw the three members of the Su family standing in the center of the compound.

The people that had come here today were Liu Mei's brothers and their wives as well as Liu Mei's older sister. As for Liu Mei, she had remained in the Liu family's home and was waiting for the Su family to come over and coax her back.

Seeing Su Dazhi, Liu Dayong raised his eyebrows. "Su Dazhi, you punk! You dare to bully my sister. I'm going to beat you to death!"

He rushed over at Su Dazhi.

Su Dazhi's face turned pale with fright. His legs were too weak to support him, and he fell to the ground in a sitting position.

Su Yu threw her basin at Liu Dayong's feet. The loud sound of the basin hitting the ground startled Liu Dayong, and he halted. He wanted to take a step back. Just like that, his imposing manner was knocked away.