Chapter 41 - She made the situation worse! (2)

Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law said, "Mom, isn't that so? We just wanted a chance to talk reason with them, but they didn't give it to us. Anyways, they said Little Mei isn't good. We can't fight them and we can't outtalk them. The Su family's oldest daughter isn't a simple person. I think she was just pretending to be an honest person before."

"That's right. Her heart is the darkest in that family!" Liu Mei was so angry that her neck was flushed.

Old Lady Liu wasn't scared. She stood up and said, "I'm so old. I don't believe she dares to call the public security to arrest me. Our family isn't so easily bullied!" She headed out, ready to have an all-out fight with Su Yu.

"Mom, don't go." The two sister-in-laws quickly stopped Old Lady Liu. "I think she really will go through with it. What if you're taken away by public security?"

If their mother-in-law entered jail, they wouldn't have any face as her daughter-in-laws.

Moreover, the five of them couldn't win against Su Yu. Old Lady Liu's tricks would be even more futile.

"Then what do you guys want to do? Let Little Mei just suffer this anger?"

The two sister-in-laws looked at each other. Based on what the Su family said, Liu Mei hadn't suffered at all. She kept the money and food tickets, ate the Su family's food, lived in their home, and she still quarreled with them to separate the family. No one would be happy with her. Still, neither of them would be stupid enough to explain. It would be bad if they offended their mother-in-law and younger sister-in-law.

After being stopped, Old Lady Liu wasn't as stirred up as before. She sat down next to the table and slapped the table. "Anyways, we can't let this matter go."

No one else spoke. The five people went to get tableware to eat. They had been delayed from eating lunch for so long and were hungry.

While eating, the two sister-in-laws looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they knew each other's thoughts. If Liu Mei didn't go back to the Su family, would she continue living here? That wouldn't work. They couldn't have another person taking up a sleeping spot, much less the increase in food expenses if Liu Mei stayed.


Over at the Su family, Su Dazhi and Su Xiaozhi obediently followed Su Yu to work.

Su Yu was conducting ideology education on Su Dazhi along the way. "You saw it yourself today. The Liu family had no confidence as soon as I mentioned divorce. So now, you hold the cards. The choice to stay together is in your hands, not Liu Mei's. Dazhi, you can't waver. Otherwise, what happened today will definitely happen again. Next time, Sis will stay out of it."

Stay out of it? Su Dazhi trembled and hastily said, "Sis, I'll listen to you. I'll listen to you about everything!"

Su Yu smiled.

When they arrived at the factory, Su Yu took Su Xiaozhi to the logistics department. Su Xiaozhi signed a document, and Su Yu was given permission to collect his wages from now on.

The logistics department's Executive Secretary Xiao, who was responsible for paying out wages, said in surprise, "Ah? Comrade Su Yu collects the wages of everyone in your family."

Su Xiaozhi proudly said, "Yup, we all listen to Sis." Big Bro let Sis manage his wages, and he could do it too.

Seeing Su Xiaozhi's unexpected and sudden pride, Executive Secretary Xiao twitched her lips. Why was he proud of someone else taking his wages?

After Su Xiaozhi left, Executive Secretary Xiao pulled Su Yu to the side to consult, "Little Comrade Su, how do you educate your brothers? This is my first time seeing such sensible brothers."

Su Yu said with a gratified expression, "I didn't do anything special. Its their choice. They're so sensible."

"Your hard time is over. The good time is just beginning," Executive Secretary Xiao said with an understanding look. There was nothing she could learn from Su Yu then. She couldn't do what Su Yu had done. Su Yu had truly given it all for her siblings, and they were repaying her hard work.