Chapter 47 - This cruel and unscrupulous lot, none of them reliable! (4)

While the Su family was going home, the Liu family started quarreling over Su Yu's medical expenses and the cost of nutritional supplements. Although Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law was the one that vocally agreed to it, the others at the hospital had agreed to it too. Moreover, it was for Old Lady Liu's sake.

Thus, Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law wanted this to be paid by the parties responsible. Liu Mei's second sister-in-law felt the same way.

As soon as Old Lady Liu heard that so much money and food tickets were spent, she beated her chest. "No, we won't give it -"

Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law said, "We negotiated this in front of the public security officers. If we don't pay, they'll take you back to the station."

Old Lady Liu was immediately afraid. She wasn't scared of going to jail. It was the damage to her reputation that she was scared of. She said with tears, "The old man and I just have a little bit of money saved. It's earmarked for our coffin. We don't have the money to compensate her."

Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law inwardly laughed. Old Lady Liu wanted her sons and daughter-in-law to pay.

She looked at Liu Mei. "How much money do you have?"

Liu Mei's second sister-in-law chimed in, "Yeah, this matter was all for little Mei's sake. Little Mei must have money, right? I heard that all of Dazhi's money is in your hands. You're one person. How can you spend the wages of two people?"

Liu Mei's expression turned dark. She was holding Su Dazhi's money, but that money was for the future. She hadn't had money in her hands until she got married. She was scared of being poor, so she wanted to have more money. Now that her sister-in-laws wanted her to take money out, it was like asking for her life. "Mom…"

"Mom, think about it carefully. The money we take out is the Liu family's money." Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law raised her eyebrow.

Old Lady Liu: "... Little Mei, you should pay. Anyways, you and Dazhi have jobs. You don't have children to raise right now. You'll be able to save back this money soon. We did this all for you."

Old Lady Liu was out of ideas. After all, she had caused trouble for her daughter's sake. She couldn't ask her sons and daughter-in-laws to pay for it. If it was between her daughter and her son, she naturally cared more about her sons.

Liu Mei squeezed her pocket. She swept her gaze over her family. Seeing that they were looking at her with cold expressions, she tightly pursed her lips. Her eyes reddened.

"Okay, I'll pay."


Later that night, Liu Mei's sister-in-laws had their husbands go out with them so they could discuss in private.

Although Liu Mei was willing to pay the compensation money, it was a problem for her to keep staying here. Since she had come back, things hadn't been going smoothly. No one wanted her to stay for any longer.

Although Liu Mei's sister-in-laws didn't have a good relationship with each other, they saw eye-to-eye on this matter.

Liu Dayong and Liu Daqiang naturally didn't have other thoughts. They had suffered being angry twice, and it was caused by Liu Mei's matter. They don't want to be bothered by it anymore. They had also seen that Su Yu was a difficult opponent. If they don't make peace, who knows what will happen next?

After the four people finished discussing, they went back inside and mentioned to Old Lady Liu that they wanted Liu Mei to go back to the Su family.

Liu Mei was currently upset because of money. She was sitting at the edge of the bed and crying. Hearing their words, she paled. It felt like the sky had fallen.

"The Su family is treating me like this and you guys want me to go back. Are you still my family?"

"A married daughter is like water that's been poured out." Liu Mei's oldest sister-in-law smiled. "Besides, I think Dazhi is an honest and considerate person. Go back and live well with him. Your future days will still be pretty good."

Liu Dayong said, "Do as we say. Go back. You're waiting for him to pick you up. That's never going to happen. They've even sent our mom to the public security station, they don't have a speck of affection left for you."

Old Lady Liu sat on the side and didn't say a word. Old Man Liu cared even less. He took his pipe and went to smoke at the doorway.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mei cried. "Fine, I'll go back. Don't come looking for me if you need help in the future!

This cruel and unscrupulous lot, none of them reliable!