Chapter 61 - If she didn't eat that money back, she would always feel a loss (1)

Her classes started on Monday, and there was a class meeting this weekend so that the students could get to know each other and the teacher. After getting off work, Su Yu told Su Dazhi and Su Xiaozhi that she would be going to school today.

"Sis, let me go with you," Su Xiaozhi said. He hadn't forgotten that she said whoever escorted her to school would get to eat out.

Su Yu appreciated Xiaozhi's proactive attitude and nodded. "Okay." Then, she said to Su Dazhi, "Go back home to have a good rest. Work is tiring. By the way, if Liu Mei bullies you, tell me when I come back."

Su Dazhi repeatedly nodded. He wasn't that scared of Liu Mei anymore. In front of his sister, Liu Mei was nothing. If Liu Mei didn't change how she treated him, he would just divorce her.

After Su Dazhi left, Su Xiaozhi grinned.

"Sis, what are we going to eat?"

"What else could it be? We're going to the cafeteria!" The food in the cafeteria was still pretty good. More importantly, it was too expensive to eat at state-run restaurants. There was still another week before they got paid. She had already earmarked this money for other things and couldn't spend indiscriminately.

Su Xiaozhi was initially a bit disappointed, but after thinking he could finally eat something different, he felt a bit better.

"Su Yu!"

Just as the siblings were about to go to the cafeteria to eat, they heard a voice from the factory gate.

Su Yu turned her head back to look. There was a man wearing a khaki work uniform at the entrance gate and looking over here. Seeing that Su Yu was looking at him, he deliberately put his hand in his pants pocket.

"Sis, it's Older Brother Guozhi," Su Xiaozhi said.

Su Yu touched the back of her head. She had almost forgotten about this guy. And now, he had suddenly appeared in front of her. How very…

"Let's go. Our dinner is taken care of. " Su Yu waved her hand and walked towards the gate.

(T/N: The original owner's boyfriend was first mentioned in chapter part 25.)

Su Xiaozhi unhappily asked, "Are you going to treat Older Brother Guozhi to dinner?"

Su Yu: "..." So even Su Xiaozhi knew about that. That meant the original owner must have frequently spent money on that dirtbag. If she didn't eat that money back, she would always feel a loss. Although she wasn't the one that had the loss, she felt distressed when she thought about it.

"Comrade Wu Guozhi, why are you here?" Su Yu shyly looked at Wu Guozhi.

Wu Guozhi was also in his late 20's. Life and work had worn him down, and he lost the energy of a young man a long time ago. His hair was parted in the middle, and he had a slim face and figure. His overall look was below average.

How did he have the confidence to still want to raise a spare tire with his conditions? Oh wait, that was wrong. He wanted to be supported by a spare tire.

Seeing Su Yu's expression, Wu Guozhi was relieved. He hadn't come to see Su Yu in over half a month. He was worried that someone else had stolen Su Yu. He was reluctant to marry Su Yu, but she was a safe second choice. If he failed at marrying his first choice, and he couldn't stand the life of a bachelor anymore, he would marry Su Yu.

In any case, she didn't look too bad, and she had a job. As for having younger siblings that relied on her, that was okay too. Once she married into his family, she would definitely hand over her salary to him. Without money, she couldn't make any waves.

"Su Yu, I've been too busy at work lately, so I didn't have time to come see you. I thought about coming to see you today. Oh right, have you eaten yet? Let's go eat together."

"Sure, where do you want to go?" Su Yu meekly asked.

Wu Guozhi said with a smile, "Let's go to this newly opened restaurant over there. I haven't had a good meal in a long time. And I've been working so hard at work…"

Su Yu nodded. "It's time to eat a good meal!"

Then, she turned back to say to Su Xiaozhi, "Xiaozhi, let's go. We're going to eat at a restaurant."

Su Xiaozhi reluctantly nodded. Although he really wanted to eat at a restaurant, Wu Guozhi was also here. It was Sis that was paying. If Wu Guozhi didn't go, he could eat more. Sis treated Wu Guozhi too well.

Wu Guozhi glanced at Su Xiaozhi. "Xiaozhi is going too?"

Su Yu asked in surprise, "Hmm? Is that not okay?"

"... Okay, nothing wrong with that." Wu Guozhi was unhappy. If only he and Su Yu went, he could eat as much as he wanted. If he couldn't finish eating, he could take the food home for his mom and siblings, but if Su Xiaozhi came, there wouldn't be leftovers.