Chapter 72 - In the future, she would treat Yan Xiaofang as a good friend (1)

Publicity Committee Member Hu came to the factory committee and brought up hiring Su Yu.

Administrative Assistant Gao said while holding a teacup, "I thought that comrade had a very high ideological awareness and was good at learning when I met her for the first time. She's done a good job studying the ideology and spirit of the Chairman. I think a comrade like her is much stronger than our younger colleagues. I was the one that gave her the quota to study. Our factory committee's goal is to cultivate talents for our work unit."

The other officers almost rolled their eyes. Yeah right. If that was the case, why did he stay silent when they initially objected to his decision? This was empty boasting done in hindsight.

However, Publicity Committee Member Hu didn't know the full story. She nodded in agreement. "I think that way too. You become more steady as you get older.  To accomplish things you have to be steady."

The HR department's Little Tian helped look for files and commented, "It's not time yet to recruit workers. Isn't it a bit too early to transfer her?"

"Not early at all, that timeline is only for external recruiting, not for our internal workers. The sooner she comes, the sooner she'll adapt to her new job," Publicity Committee Member Hu resolutely said.

Since she had decided to bring Su Yu over to work with her, then she was going to get it done. The factory committee didn't have a right to criticize the trade union's decisions.

Seeing Publicity Committee Member Hu's attitude, Little Tian dropped the topic and found Su Yu's file.

"After October 1st, I'll tell her to come here to do the procedures."

Su Yu heard the news of her transfer before noon.

Yan Xiaofang had gotten the news right away in the trade union and snuck out to share the good news with Su Yu before the end of the work day.

Su Yu was dumbstruck.

"Really? I can go to the trade union?"

"Of course, it's true. Why would I lie to you? Congratulations, you're going to be a member of the trade union, an officer in the trade union," Yan Xiaofang looked very excited. She even looked a bit proud.

In her heart, Su Yu became more outstanding after coming into contact with her. She felt like she had watched Su Yu grow up. She had seen a woman, who had been unable to pick up the pieces after her parents' death, finally turning over. Since then, she was completely different from her past self.

Su Yu cried tears of joy. She grasped Yan Xiaofang's hand. "Officer Yan, I feel like I'm dreaming. I can't believe I have such a day. How could this be possible? I'm just a weaver. I've been working here for so long. I thought I would do this job for the rest of my life… I really couldn't have imagined… Officer Yan, thank you. I'll remember your help for the rest of my life. You're the one that showed me a new path in life."

Yan Xiaofang flushed with excitement. "We'll be proper colleagues from now on. I'm happy from the bottom of my heart that you can come to the trade union."

Su Yu gratefully hugged Yan Xiaofang.

Yan Xiaofang's face turned even redder.

"Thank you," Su Yu sincerely said. She had initially gotten close to Yan Xiaofang with ulterior motives. She wanted to get acquainted with the trade union. Her tactics worked because Yan Xiaofang was a good person that genuinely wanted to help others. In the future, she would treat Yan Xiaofang as a good friend and help her to the best of her ability.

Since the transfer would happen after October 1st, Su Yu didn't share the news with anyone, including her family, just in case something changed before then.

Still, Su Yu started thinking about another issue. What should she do about her work position after transferring to the trade union?

Yan Xiaofang had said this was originally going to be an externally recruited position. This meant this was a separate work position. So then, since she was taking up a position in the trade union, what about her current position in the production department?

Even though she extracted maximum value from the Su family, she still distinguished the difference between her family and everyone else at critical times. She can trick her family into giving her their wages, but it would be a crime to trick outsiders out of their money.

So then, she had to keep this work position until October 1st and not let someone else benefit from her transfer.